Mini Van

Mini Van

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

To dream of a mini van is a rare dream. Mini vans became popular in the 1980's and ever since they have popular for carrying a family of people. Sometimes we may have a dream about a mini van. I know that I had a dream about a minibus many times when I was younger. Why?

Because these vehicles are common for families, in the dream state they have a correlation spiritually to family, children, and growth in this area. When you see yourself in a minivan (or any kind of vehicle) that is not yours, the representation of the dream is that there is a need for a change. Often, when a minivan is featured in a dream, the meaning is aligned with expansion and in these dreams there is growth coming. This is sometimes related to the birth of a child and can indicate pregnancy or fertility.

Detailed dream meaning:

Vans, trucks and other vehicles, are often representations of change in life. They are also associated with sexual feelings. Having sex in the minivan shows that one is desiring closeness but you are unable to get what you want. Having sexual fantasies in association with the minivan indicates a need for more intimacy in life - this needs to be a priority. This would be a good time to focus on improving life - before problems arise.

To dream of a journey is a classic representation of the steps in life and the processed steps that we go through. Dreaming of a journey in a minivan is a representation of the desire of space and room. If the minivan is full of people and the trip is pleasant (whether the trip was with family, friends, or associates) this dream is associated with a good working environment. To dream of a long road ahead indicates a lasting connection with these people. You may not even know the people in the van with you, but it still shows that there is this importance of them in your life. If you are trying for a baby or looking to expand your family, there is a possibility for a new edition if you dream of a minivan. The dream also represents the growth in areas of life and is a representation of fertility. To see a white minivan can be a sign of the expansion of creativity. Either way, it is a positive omen.

Driving a minivan to escape or avoid something in a dream means that someone is trying to give you advice. To drive dangerously in a minivan indicates that you are hiding your true self. You have a decision to make to clear your own consciousness. I hope this has helped.

This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life

  • Feeling guilty.
  • Going on a journey.
  • Sharing events with friends.
  • Growth.
  • Positive expansion and creativity.
  • Pregnancy / Fertility.

In this dream you may have

  • Bought a mini van because of having a baby.
  • Purchased a minivan.
  • Drove in a minivan.
  • Sold a minivan.
  • Took a road trip.
  • Had sex in a minivan.
  • Escaped in a minivan.
  • Moved your home using a minivan.
  • Went on holiday in a minivan.

Positive changes are afoot if

  • Purchase a minivan for the growth of family and are happy about it.
  • Went on an adventure or long road trip (see journey)

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of a minivan

Growing. Foolhardy. Excited. Scared. Afraid. Nervous. Worried. Speedy. Abundant. Adventurous.

By Florance Saul
Dec 23, 2012