
Market dream meanings

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

A market is a place to exchange goods, buy goods or simply meet people.

In the dream state the market is a sign of prosperity. You could have found yourself in an outside market, an indoor market or even working in a market. The dream meaning is dependent upon the details. For the market to be well-stocked is associated with abundance and success. If the food or products were of poor quality in the market this implies that you must try something new in life. To buy goods at the market means that you need to learn how to engage with other people.

In your dream you may have

  • Walked through a market.
  • Bought products at a market.
  • Had food at the market.

How this will effect your life

  • Use your inner strength for stimulation.
  • Resist any hasty decisions.

Detailed dream interpretation

If you dream of buying goods or maybe even buying food at a market this dream suggests that you will prefer to reflect on an problem in life you created. If you are struggling to buy an item from a market in your dream, and you cannot find the product in the market is a reminder that you may not be able to afford to relax for long. To dream of a market place which is vacant or empty indicates that you will try to reflect on the good things in life. To dream of buying an item from the market means that you may have overlooked your options.

If you dream of walking through a busy market this suggests that you have a great business idea, it is time to go to market. Maybe you should promote yourself. To dream of being lost in a market suggests that one needs to make modifications to improve life. If you dream of fruit or veg in a market this indicates a new start.

To see an unwelcoming market in your dream signifies depression and also gloominess. There's a void in your own life. When the market is huge or perhaps well-stocked, then it means choices in life.

According to Carl Jung a market in a dream is associated with insight. It indicates how we are affected in life and is associated with our own trust in others. In spiritual terms, to dream of a busy bustling market is a suggestion that you have a strong business idea. The market itself is a reflection of our own material gain and prosperity in life. Carl jung defined this dream as representing the “self” in regards to archetypes: this dream is about being individual.

If you are a seller at the market in your dream this illustrates that it is time to go out there and sell yourself to others. This could perhaps be a new job opportunity alternatively if you’re looking for love a new relationship.

Everything in a market has value, in addition the market can also indicate attending social occasions in waking life. It is interesting to also note that the market is connected to one’s inner self confidence, the way to promote oneself. To see yourself on a market stall and for people to be walking past without stopping. Not being able to sell at the market in your dream indicates that you have an issue with your self-confidence. You need to “believe” in yourself!

To shop a market is a more positive dream that indicates other people will have an influence over your future decisions. The most important aspect of this dream is that you need to understand that there is competition in life. To see food in the market is a good omen, in ancient dictionaries food denotes growth and prosperity.

Vegetables featured at the market in dreams

To see vegetables in the market, carrots, potatoes or mushrooms predicts growth. To buy vegetables at the market is associated with growth. Collecting vegetates indicates that you will work harder in the future. If you see vegetables and eat them from the market stall indicates nourishment in life. The shape of the vegetable and freshness is equally important. To see old, moldy vegetables on the market stall indicates you’re going to find difficulty in life. Rotten vegetables found the market or decayed veg, can signify that you will face some difficult challenges ahead. Buying vegetables at a market is connected to gaining direction and spiritual nourishment in life.

Dream of a marketplace

Generally, the marketplace can predict the “business” ideas that you have in life. It is feminine in nature and many attributes about money, business and trade are demonstrated in such a dream. A quite, empty market in a dream suggests that you may find difficulty at work. If the shops or stores are closed market can suggest that business decision will not go to plan. This is in association with stagnation in life. To see a market full of stalls, people and goods suggests that you need to consider the next steps in life. To be at a market and it is odd, weird or not comforting suggests that you are worried about other people’s approach to problems in life. Dreaming of a marketplace is a indication of wealth. A marketplace with a great deal of variety of products and food available suggests money, wealth and prosperity is coming into your life, which will help you reach success.

Fresh organic vegetables at the market in the dream indicates exceptional quality in life. To cook with vegetables in a dream indicates that someone in life will give you a hand.

Dreaming of selling

If you are selling anything green this indicates the darker side of our nature. The dreamer to sell products, meat, vegetables or clothes suggest that you need to think about patterns of action. This means that before you make any important goals of decisions try to think through better.

Dream meaning of a wet market

A wet market or if it is raining in the dream suggests that someone may take some time to work out. If the market was wet and gloomy this can suggest a possible “depressed” state of mind.

Meat seen in the market in a dream

To see beef, sausages, lamb and pork be sold at the market implies that you need to look beyond “looks” in life. To buy meat products from the market suggests successful social occasions. To see whole chickens for sale at the market suggests you will solve a unique situation.

A market is a place to exchange goods, buy goods or simply meet people.

In the dream state the market is a sign of prosperity. If you found yourself in an outdoor market, an indoor market or even working in a market then read on for the dream interpretation. The dream meaning is dependent on the details. For the market to be well-stocked is associated with abundance and success. If the food or products were of poor quality in the market this implies that you must try something new in life. To buy goods at the market suggests; that you need to learn how to engage with other people.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of a market

Embarrassed. Astonished. Confident. Happy. Worried. Upset. Ashamed. Proud. Surprised.

By Florance Saul
Oct 12, 2012