Make Up

Makeup Dream Meaning
The meaning of a dream about makeup is focused on hidden feelings.
A dream of makeup signifies the need to conceal yourself from the world. It indicates that one is promoting their best features - in the eyes of others. It indicates that one is trying to hide the real face and appearance, putting forward an artificial look for everybody. During this dream there is a mystical translation of why we put the make up on our faces, which will result in a structured meaning.
In your dream you may have
- Seen yourself putting on makeup.
- Worn too much makeup.
- Trying to cover up your flaws.
- Seen a man putting on makeup.
Positive changes are afoot if
- The dream is a symbol that is trying to tell you it is time to “make up” with someone you have not been in touch with.
- Time has come to forgive and forget.
- Putting on makeup means your honest, sincere, genuine and truthful but you hide from people in life.
- The dream may be symbolizing that you are trying to improve your confidence and boost your assurance and self reliance.
- Putting on makeup may signify that you are trying hard to make an impression on others.
Detailed dream interpretation
Sometimes, we try to improve the impression we give to others. You may feel in your dream that you are trying to make preparations to go out for the evening, are applying makeup or you have seen a makeup artist. This dream indicates that you are going to focus on a project that will increase your wealth.
To wear too much makeup, or see others wearing too much makeup suggests that you need several approaches in order to impress other people.
On the whole dreaming of makeup is associated with hiding your true appearance - or trying to conceal your true self from others. It usually implies that a person is trying to wear a veil to hide away his or her personality. It is an indication that one is putting themselves first.
To dream of used makeup relates to representing yourself, even making an impression to others. It may be reflecting your wish to "make yourself interesting" it could be a dream that is connected to how attractive and appealing you come across. Dreaming of wearing too much makeup is associated with attempts to make a good impression. This indicates that you are not being yourself and trying to fake it! It may also signal that you are trying to hide your flaws and a lack of self-confidence.
One positive aspect of dreaming of makeup is that you are trying to enhance self confidence, self reliance, independence and self belief and you are looking forward for improvements in yourself. It may be symbolizing that your attempts to boost your confidence. To enjoy wearing makeup indicates the hope of increasing acceptance. To dream about wearing makeup like a clown suggests that you are laying much emphasis on your outer appearance - rather than improving yourself from the inside.
To buy makeup
If you dream of buying make-up in a shop it indicates hidden prosperity and then possible problems with money.
Lipstick in a dream
Lipstick signifies that you are not acting in the correct manner, and may not be truthful. On the whole, a dream of applying lipstick is associated with happiness and affluence. To dream that you are wearing lipstick can suggest prosperity and unexpected success. If you are a man and dream of wearing lipstick it can suggest trouble.
Meaning of making up in a dream
When the dream is about “making up” with someone, it means the right moment has come for you to forget the past and to begin a fresh start with somebody by forgiving them. It may be a symbol for you to “make up” with people you are not acquainted with for a long time.
When the dream is about “making up” with someone, it means the right moment has come for you to forget the past and to begin a fresh start with somebody by forgiving them. It may be a symbol for you to “make up” with people you are not acquainted with for a long time.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of makeup
Magnificence, attractiveness, secrecy, concealment, charm, fascination and lure.
By Florance Saul
Mar 17, 2013