
Dreams About Lizards
A lot of your anxiety comes as you are confused. Confused about control. Lizards are about control. A lot of anxiety comes when you are making things about you when it's not about you. I know that you have had this dream because that Lizard is speaking to you. Remember the lizard has no power. For it is cold-blooded. This is about receiving when you are holding too much in the past, and the lizard is about your perception in life.
So what do lizards mean in dreams?
The lizard in dreams is associated with our perception of life. Why? Because of the lizard uses vibration and perception. It can detect sudden movement and senses. Lizards have amazing hearing and can move as quickly as lightning. The tails of lizards are used for balance but surprisingly when a predator holds onto the tail it breaks off. This enables the lizard to escape any situation. My question is what are you trying to escape from? Surprisingly, the lizard later grows a whole new tail. If a lizard is seen in a dream, this is evidence that you will soon be planning new things in your life, and it is important to make sure that you also consider other possibilities. This dream can imply that you have accepted situations without thinking about different ways to approach matters positively. A lizard in a dream is also the omen of treason in the ancient dream dictionaries. I know, sounds a bit worrying! But, ancient dream dictionaries also say that out of a bad situation only good will come.
What do ancient psychic books say on the dream definition of a lizard?
In older dream books, a Lizard is about great strength, you will be able to discover new ways of approaching people with fresh and new ideas. Waves of new opportunities should materialize during this time. If you dream that a lizard is crawling on your body, make sure that you deem all your facts as true, and that you wisely keep ideas to yourself, so that things that are spoken to you remain untold.
The lizard is also, in ancient dictionaries a small warning. The most important takeaway from these books is that you may encounter a period of strangeness, but you must make sure the situations that you find yourself in are stimulating your spiritual being. In the same time, a lizard in a dream represents betrayal. Meeting a red lizard means that you will encounter good people in your endeavors ahead. To dream of a lizard is a sign that you should not do reckless things that could hurt others, and even yourself. An old explanation of this dream claims that the lizard means you will have to deal with nice people, while a newer interpretation suggests that the lizard can mean treason ahead.
For a girl or a woman to dream of a lizard, it may portend a betrayal in the family. Typically, this dream signals you that in the everyday life, you are dealing with good people so far, and you should appreciate them some more. If you dream of a lizard that stands motionless, warming itself in the sun, it symbolizes laziness. If the lizard is very fast, although it has short legs and a long tail, and it quickly enters a hole or it hides under a rock, this dream is the male symbol, and its symbolism is related to that of the serpent. A lizard is on a rock, this is the omen of an attack coming from an enemy. If you see a sleeping lizard, you will meet new people with good intentions.
What does Freud say about dreaming of lizards?
Sigmund Freud, a famous dream psychologist in the 1930s mentioned a dream regarding a lizard in 1862, Freud stated that the lizard encountered in a dream is known as a “hypermnesic dreams” which was also published in a paper by the society for psychical research. Hypermnesic dreams mean that the dreamer will retrieve information that he or she encounters in daily life. Thus, the recollection of a lizard in dreams is dependent on chance.
From a further psychological perspective to turn to the famous dream psychologist from the 1930s. Notably, Carl Jung, he believed that our dreams are a direct result of images in waking life. Therefore, you may have seen the Lizard in some image on television alternatively you could have noticed a lizard symbolism in your conscious mind. Therefore, from a psychological perspective, the dream does not have a meaning but is associated with external stimuli.
What does it mean to turn into a lizard in a dream?
This interpretation we going to turn to Australian aborigines. Many accounts have been documented where aborigines have dreamt of transforming into a lizard. The lizard itself is associated with gaining spiritual knowledge and power in life. Accordingly, there is an aboriginal legend where lizards acquired their “green” color by painting each other. So what does it mean to turn into a lizard in a dream? It is a positive dream that indicates you are going to encounter a spiritual journey in the future. It may also mean that things are hidden, that will come to the surface shortly.
What is the spiritual meaning of lizards in dreams?
Lizards as animal totems suggest a coldness in a relationship. If you see a lizard crawling in your dream this denotes that you will be associated with someone that wants an emotional connection with you. The lizard is connected to facing fear, quickness of thought, going with the flow of life and spirit. Lizards are cold-blooded and denote that you may encounter someone cold. The Egyptians carved monuments of desert lizards as mummies and also carried the lizard as a lucky charm in tiny boxes. The Romans also believe that the Messenger of mercury (Hermes) was pulled by Lizard in a chariot. In Southeast Asia, the Gecko Lizard is a sign of fertility and also good luck and fortune. In South Carolina, there is a legend that in 1988 a 7 foot monster with green scales lunged out of a swamp and it is believed that this huge lizard lives in a local swamp.
Ok, If we look at the dream aspects of lizards we can start to uncover the meaning. Now, many people have seen lizards chasing them in dreams or the lizard falling on top of the hair, even lizards scuttling on the floor or killing a lizard. Every dream is different. The most important aspect of your dream is the detail around how the lizard was portrayed. I will cover many different types of dreams below. It may take a while for you to get your head around as there is a lot of information but make sure you scroll down in order to find your dream.
What does it mean to dream of a single lizard?
If you notice listed in your dream spiritually it denotes that there might be a warning, the lizard is cold-blooded and therefore can represent an attack. In ancient dream dictionaries, the lizard as a spiritual animal is associated with calmness, collective nurse and above all possible attack from enemies. It is important that you try and be more discreet in matters especially in work contacts. The lizard can also be associated with how we communicate with each other. To see a single lizard in your dream signifies your basic instincts, and reactions toward sex, but also and your anxiety to these feelings. Also, the single lizard in a dream represents a person whom you think is cold-blooded, fierce and rude. Positively, one lizard in a dream symbolizes emerging creativity, renewal and revitalization. Also, the dream may suggest that you are grounded.
What does it mean to see a lizard attacking in a dream?
Dreaming about a lizard is the omen of wisdom, as well as loss caused by enemies. If the lizard in your dream is attacking, this means that your enemies are on the watch, and follow all your moves.
What does the color of the lizard in your dream mean?
Ok, firstly, here are some spiritual meanings of seeing different colored lizards. A red lizard in a dream indicates a passion for work, a blue Lizard in a dream illustrates the calmness will enter your life shortly. Seeing a black Lizard in the dream represents a darker side of life. The orange lizard represents that you will overcome obstacles in your way. A multicolored lizard in your dream can suggest a new phase of life. A green lizard in your dream illustrates rounding work is required in real life. So that is what the colors mean! To answer this we need to understand the species. What are the most popular lizards? Did you know there are over 6000 types of different lizards? Even though this dream interpretation is focused on any lizard we will specifically cover the dream meaning of some of the most popular lizards such as: Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius) which has orange and black patterns this lizard means happiness in life.
What do the specific species of lizard mean in a dream?
The bearded dragon also known as Pogona vitticeps originated from Australia and are a popular pet, to dream of the bearded dragon indicates a new start. The green iguana predicts a great love life. The Carolina Anole known as Anolis carolinensis indicates a warning to hide away your feelings. Seeing a yellow lizard foretells good people in your entourage.
What does it mean to kill a lizard in your dream?
In Madagascar, if you kill a lizard or chameleon then it is associated with possible bad luck and injury. To kill a lizard in the dream is connected to our inner self-internal courage and also how we interact with others. Killing a lizard in a spiritual context indicates that there are many different avenues you need to explore. You may encounter a coldhearted, direct and insincere person in the future. There is a focus on somebody who will challenge you. It can also represent that you can feel somewhat oversensitive especially to criticism at this time. In spiritual terms, the Lizard indicates that you will be forced into a corner.
What does it mean to catch a lizard in a dream?
If you catch a lizard in your dream this is directly connected to your love life. The visit itself illustrates your own identity and how you communicate with others if it is captured. This is a lizard crawling along the floor and then to cup your hands catch the Lizard indicates that you will have positive relationships with other people go forward. If you do not currently have a partner catching a lizard from a spiritual context is a positive omen. It denotes happiness and well-being, connection and also possible marriage. If you are unable to catch a lizard injury it suggests that there might be some issues and problems with your love life going forward. The most important thing is to focus on the positive aspects of relationships with others. Additionally, catching visitors can also suggest positive relationships at work. So this is a great dream to have!
What does it mean to see a beautiful lizard?
To be memorized by a lizard in a dream is a positive omen. It can indicate that you will overcome obstacles and challenges in life. As we defined earlier in this dream interpretation a lizard itself can also be connected to enemies, you will be protecting yourself from somebody coldhearted. Therefore, to see wonderful colored lizards that are truly beautiful can suggest but you're going to understand yourself better - including the powers and creativity within. And, projects will flourish in the coming months.
What does a large lizard mean in a dream?
If you think you are a huge lizard, or you see one which is extremely big then in the dream dictionaries I have reviewed this is a danger symbolism. Sorry! Now I know what you're thinking? You are worried, but you should not fear to see the huge lizard, as this omen can suggest that there will be issues around communication and also possible people in life that may knock your confidence. The huge lizard in a dream can also be in connection with work, or in a relationship context. In my view, this dream indicates a challenge you go forward. This can take shape in many different ways. If you feel that you are experiencing some conflict in life, especially in the workplace it can be somewhat devastating and also a worry. This dream often appears when you're feeling challenged and worried. If you notice the huge lizard chasing you in this dream it can be associated with possible challenges that are affecting the family life.
What does it mean for a lizard to chase you in a dream?
To be chased by the lizard in a dream can indicate if you work for someone else then there maybe possible bullying at work. The lizard represents someone cold hearted. Often, bullying at work is not taken seriously. When we think of bullying we often associate this with school life and playground politics. Bullying in any form in waking life can be an unsettling experience. Now, this dream is a representation of how you're feeling in terms of vulnerability. If you kill the huge lizard who is visiting your dream then this can indicate that you will encounter a devastating impact on your life in the future. And, the good news is that you going to handle situations in life very well.
Is seeing a lizard in a dream good or bad?
This is quite a difficult question to answer. Seeing a lizard in a dream is positive in that whatever happens, you will be able to challenge yourself better ensure that other people won't harm you. The lizard itself can also represent a change, a change for the better, a bright tomorrow. Rather much like the tarot card of the star. Additionally, seeing a Lizard crawling in a dream can suggest that there is going to be some form of attack cold-heartedness which is displayed by another person in the near future. Therefore, to conclude is a dream of a lizard good or bad? The answer to this question is that it depends on the details of the dream - but remember, that everything happens for a reason. Therefore, whatever negative experiences do occur it will enable you to grow and become more focused on yourself, family life your happiness going forward. This dream is not to be feared, you may have read lots of dream meanings online telling you that the dream of a lizard is a warning or it is dangerous. This can be somewhat alarming. The actual events and details should be taken into consideration.
What should I learn from dreaming of lizards?
Ok, I feel that after reading all this you may be left confused. So, we have identified that a negative situation is likely to occur after such a dream. Now, in addition, you are able to turn everything around. For every negative situation in life, we learn a lesson. We prevent the same things from happening again, we learn more as humans and what we need to do going forward. Additionally, this may also be a negative/positive in that the negative situation may be so minor you won't even notice.
What does it mean to dream of a lizard on your body?
This is a rather common dream, seeing a lizard dropping on your body or falling on your torso is extremely common. It can often be connected to how you're feeling inside. Are you worried? Are you thinking about changing aspects of your life? The lizard crawling up the body or on any part of your body is associated with the fact that you need to keep calm in life. There may be complex or difficult situations that you're going to encounter going forward. The lizard crawling on you can indicate that there are situations that are somewhat unwanted. Perhaps you do not wish to continue as you are.
What does it mean for a lizard to be on my hair?
The Lizard crawling on your hair indicates that you are going to look at some education and overcome difficulties going forward. For now, in my view, it is very important that you focus on your own internal instincts. Sometimes we are expert at something we don't even know. There are many people out there who pretend to be who they're not. Seeing the lizard call on you means that everything is going to come to the surface. It's as if suddenly there be a realization that you are actually fantastic at something in life. If you seem multiple lizards crawling on your body it can suggest that there will be a spiritual awakening. In my opinion, the lizard in this sense is a positive omen. Before I go, I want to thank you for visiting my website and also hope that you get some closure on what the dream of what these spiny-tailed lizards actually mean. We have for a long time known the lizard is a ectotherm which is another word for cold-blooded - so just remember you may meet a cold-hearted person so be aware!
In your dream you may have
- A lizard crawling on your body: denotes happiness in connection with others. If the lizard is crawling on your back and this indicates a need to watch your back somebody may be dishonest in waking life. To noticed a lizard crawling on your legs indicates that you need to be at a certain point in your life right now.
- A sleeping lizard: Indicates that there is somebody that will require your services in the future. Just be wary of anybody asking you for money. The sleeping lizard indicates that there is a challenging process in the future.
- A motionless lizard: In a dream is associated with not wanting to connect with other people. It could also indicate that you just wish to be on your own for a period of time.
- A lizard moving fast: Across the floor in a dream is associated with the fact that things can move forward in your life quickly. You may encounter some difficult situations with people that are close to you.
- A lizard hiding under a rock: in a dream Indicates that there is something hidden in life.
- Baby lizards:featured in a dream suggests that there is going to be some co-workers or people that report to you that cause difficulties in the future in relation to work. If you do not work and you dream of baby lizards - this can represent possible family conflict. You will, however, overcome anything.
- Lots of lizards: Seen in a dream is a warning of people who are going to take advantage of you. If you see multiple lizards crawling this can indicate a change is coming your way.
- To see a pet lizard: in a dream is connected to your caring side of nature. You do not wish to cause any conflict and all you want is a peaceful lifestyle.
Here is some advice from a dream of a lizard
- Be quieter and do not share all your thoughts.
- Keep ideas to yourself.
- Appreciate the people in your life.
- Be ready for changes ahead.
- Well, that is the end Thank you for reading and check out our other sections, especially animal totems!
Lizard care from A to Z by Richard the Bartlett, London times dream meanings (1876), psychic dreams (1920s) paper from the society of psychic studies, Lizards by Ray Staszko.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of lizard
Amazed. Curious. Worried. Strange. Insecure. Upset. Overwhelmed. Scared. Terrified. Anxious. Furious. Tired. Lazy. Confused. Offended. Insecure. Upset. Angry. Admiring. Surprised.
By Florance Saul
Jun 14, 2012