Jump Rope

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
Childhood games and toys in a dream usually indicate a simpler time and represent a nostalgic of the past.
A jumping rope specifically appearing in your dream indicates that you need excellent balance and precision to complete a goal in your life at this time.
Sometimes when we dream of the past (or childhood) it leaves us with a disturbing feeling when we wake up because we are feeling wiser, more focused, tired, and such a dream can mean we are simply not young anymore. Dreaming of the past can indicate pleasant changes, but your attitude about "the past" is also important. Dreaming of a jumping rope indicates activity in youth and being active in your waking world. Reacting positively to this can indicate positive changes to health and negatively, well, negative changes. That part is simple.
In this dream you may have
- Saw your younger self jumping rope.
- Remembered jumping rope which brought about memories of old friends or a place you used to play.
- Bought a jump rope.
- Taught someone to jump rope.
- Double-dutched.
- Found an old jump rope.
- Hung yourself with a jump rope.
- Focused on getting in shape by jumping rope.
Positive changes are afoot if
- Jump rope with skill for fitness.
- Are nostalgic about the past and it affects you positively.
Detailed dream meaning
There are often other more complicated issues that arise from dreams of seeing or using a jumping rope. When you jump over the rope in a dream and it brings back times that things were simpler and just having fun then you want to consider simplifying your own life. It can represent the desire to go back to the basics in life. Or maybe to have fun with what you are doing. Often these kinds of dreams will indicate the feelings of pressure and there is a need to remove stress. When a job that you once liked doing is no longer enjoyable and you are feeling dragged down by life and pressure this dream often occurs. Consider if you are really happy with what you are doing.
To see a jumping rope for fitness in a dream indicates that you should take an interest in your own health and is usually a sign of increased energy or healing. Especially when you are not good at jumping rope this shows that right now there are issues you could avoid by getting healthier.
This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life
- Getting healthy.
- Remembering the past and feeling nostalgic.
- Wishing things were different.
- Being childish or immature.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of a jump rope
Skilled. Happy. Wanton. Fun. Nice. Social. Silly. Young. Smiley. Nervous. Embarrassed. Nostalgic. Reminiscent. Old. Young. Free. Fun.
By Florance Saul
Oct 12, 2012