
Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
Being jabbed or jabbing in a dream is a warning sign to be on guard. Usually, these dreams indicate a need to protect yourself or that quick action is needed to avoid troubles in your waking life.
Did you fight in your dream? Well, in my view it means spiritually that you will face and overcome troubles. I am Flo. Welcome to my site and for years I have been analyzing your dreams from spiritual and psychological viewpoints. Did you know that when you jab in your dream you are making a swift movement in order to stave off danger, hurt someone, or block a movement of some kind? Yes, your dream can suggest you are trying to "block" something in life. Now, Jabs tend to be reactive motions and reflect a need for quick reflexes to stimuli in your life. When you dream of protectively jabbing with your arm, elbow, or even a weapon you should take this as a sign that you need to be on guard from trouble in your waking life. Jabbing with a weapon or to get away from danger is an even stronger warning than a simple reflective jab. Dream psychology can point to the fact that you have experienced a "conflict" in waking life, either images or in reality, which has caused your dream.
Detailed dream meaning
Any fight in a dream indicates turmoil in your waking life and is a sign that things are unsettled in your life right now. Chaotic energy from your waking life can lend itself to crazy dreams of fear and fighting. When you are being attacked in a dream this can represent pressures from other people overwhelming you and repeated jabs indicate a knock to your self-esteem or others cutting you down to size. Now is a time to fight back and to be aggressive or assertive to get what you want. Understand that people may have expectations of you but at the same time, this doesn’t mean that you need to let them overcome you or have others place their needs before your own.
When you feel attacked and you block a jab in your dream take this as a sign to start to get on the defense. It seems like you are blocking onslaughts from others but you want to make sure that they stop too. Take a step back and consider ways in your waking life where you can create positive situations rather than wasting all of your time just holding back the stress or aggressive behavior. Warding off the actions of others is going to get tired and wear you down very quickly.
Learning how to fight is an important tool and when you are preparing for a fight in a dream this is a good omen for blocking negativity in your life. When you feel the need to prepare you will dream about getting ready for a fight. Sometimes there is not a real fight that you have on your hands but it is always good to be ready in case something comes your way.
In this dream you may have
Jabbed someone which means being worried about life. Been in a fight indicates a conflict in waking life. Jabbed a knife that indicates a new start. Been jabbed suggests a new start. Blocked a jab can indicate new beginnings. Felt protective or a need to protect yourself can suggest problems in life. Street fighting indicates moving forward in life. Boxed or trained for boxing means you will fight to achieve. Carried out martial arts equals a new beginning.
Positive changes are afoot if
You blocked that a jab. You jabbed someone or something to defend yourself.
This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life
Being ready for anything / getting prepared. Protecting yourself – financially or emotionally. Standing up for something that you believe in. Feeling like you are being bullied. Being pushed around.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of a jab
Protected. Concerned. Fighting. Enraged. Rage. Resolve. Punishment. Blocked. Guarding. Protective. Feisty. Angry. Mad. Confrontational. Aggressive.
By Florance Saul
Oct 12, 2012