
Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
A goat is described, in spirit terms as being capricious.
One may encounter someone who is unstable in character, but has independent behavior. To dream of a goat eating grass indicates a messy person in your life. This is an unpredictable animal that jumps to reach the upper leaves of trees. The goat seen in dreams symbolizes a proud person or an easily irritated individual who is susceptible and moody. The goat as incorrectly defined in many dream dictionaries as the devil. It is important to mention the history behind the devil symbol, the appearance of the goat (wtih the two horns) was finalised through a picture drawn by Alistair Crowley, and was taken by Christianity as the devil. The goat in occult terms represents wisdom and movement into a direction of the divine.
In your dream you may have
- Seen a goat.
- Encountered a jumping goat.
- Seen a black or white goat.
- Eaten goats cheese.
- Seen grazing goats.
- Seen only a few thin goats.
- Seen only the antlers of a goat.
- Ridden on a goat.
- Domesticated goats.
- Seen a fat goat.
- Seen many goats.
- Milked a goat.
- Witnessed a goat on a rock.
- Seen a wild goat.
- Killed a goat.
- Seen a flock of goats.
- Seen goats eating grass.
- Drank goats milk.
- Seen goats on a pasture.
Positive changes are afoot if
- The goat in your dream is eating.
- The goat is a friendly pet.
- The goat does not intimidate you in any way.
Detailed dream interpretation
To dream of a goat suggests that it's time for a change and you should use your creative energies to attempt a change. It also implies that you will have vitality to change a situation and this will bring you satisfaction. The goat may also represent the dark side of your nature. If you ride a goat it shows that you will have an unexpected sexual encounter.
A white goat means luck and happiness coming your way, but a black goat is a sign of illness. In general a black goat is a symbol of bad luck, unpleasantness and problems in your family. Dreaming of a graceful black goat predicts that you will be disappointed by your lover. Many black and white goats together are the sign of a formidable luck coming your way. A goat on a high rock tells that you to enjoy richness and wealth in life. The goat in your dream can foretell a great provocation, but you will get over the obstacles. It could also mean unstable love, but with lots of tenderness. A number of thin goats means poverty; while a fat goat is the sign of luxurious life.
Goat antlers suggest quick progress in your career. Domesticated goats are a sign of profit and wellness, while milking goats predicts a sickness in the family or that your reputation is at stake. Drinking the milk - after milking the goat is a bad sign telling you that you should watch the people close to you. Many goats in your dream foretell luck and wealth but you should be careful how you manage your income and expenses.
Seeing a goat in your dream can also imply that you need to save money, if you do then you will enjoy big successes, but it can also mean you hold a good, positive soul and you are generous. A goat on a mountain can imply richness and a wild goat symbolizes freedom and equality. Killing a goat suggests you will become miserable because of your indifference.
To dream of goats grazing mean you must be careful not to enter a relationship with people that are immoral. Drinking goat’s milk in your dream is a sign of minor troubles. If you are being hit by a goat it is possible that you will lose money while gambling.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of a goat
Happy. Comfortable. Caring. Content. Inadequate. Loving. Curious. Careful. Indifferent. Surprised. Busy. Disgusted.
By Florance Saul
Oct 12, 2012