Gender / Androgyny

Gender / Androgyny

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

This is a dream where you have something in your dream without any gender - that you cannot define if they are male or female.

From the very early times before Christ, there are two ideas in harmony and that the belief is Adam and Eve. The union of these two means that this dream shows some type of balance. The androgen represents life's development. This dream shows the importance of spiritual development or alternatively some type of wholeness or when something is complete. An androgyne is a person that does not have a penis or vagina. To dream of this person can imply that you need to develop in life.

In your dream, you may have

  • Seen a person with no gender.
  • Had a baby without a gender.
  • Not been able to escape the person.
  • During your dream experienced medical or scientific procedures.
  • Had a dream that you had no gender.
  • Given birth to an alien.

Positive changes are afoot if

  • The dream results in a positive outcome.
  • You become the controlling party - you control it!
  • Any trouble in your life was overcome.

In your dream you may have

  • Seen a person without with ambiguous gender.
  • Had a baby without a gender.
  • Not been able to escape the person.
  • Experienced medical or scientific procedures associated with gender identity.
  • Had a dream that you had no gender or were a different gender.
  • Given birth to an alien.
  • Met a person of the opposite gender.

Positive changes are afoot if

  • The dream results in a positive outcome.
  • You become the person or gender you are or want to be.
  • Any trouble in your life was overcome.

Detailed dream meaning

If you have a baby in your dream which does not have a gender (is not male or female) then this implies that you are confused about certain things in life. In a nutshell, this dream means that you are clearly searching for something in your life and you are not sure what is yet.

To dream of meeting a creature in your dream without gender means that in all times you have been prone to believe that your happiness and well-being are to be secured by means of institutions rather than by your own conduct.

I do feel that this dream signifies that it is time to consider education, even an evening course in an area that you have been wanting to study. Schools, academies, and colleges give the meaning of culture. Far more influential is the life-education daily given in our homes, in the streets, behind counters, in the place of work etc.

To dream the creature is talking to you signifies an education not to be learned from books, or acquired by training. For all experience serves to illustrate and enforce the lesson, that a person perfects himself by work more than by reading,—that it is life rather than literature, action rather than study, and character rather than biography, which tend perpetually to renovate us.

Dreaming of gender shows some type of balance and the importance of spiritual development. Dreaming of the opposite gender and meeting a person of the opposite gender in your dream means that you consider yourself unwanted and you lack any kind of important activity.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of gender

Comfort. Loving. Happy. Content. Certain. Uncertain.

By Florance Saul
Jun 14, 2012