
Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
Even more than the baby, the fetus in dreams evokes the beginning of life required to grow in the depths of the dreamer’s soul.
Wow, what a great dream to have! I’m Flo and for two decades I have been studying dreams, from the psychological Jungian perspective through to the spiritual meaning. A few times I have encountered a dream, like yours - of the fetus. Yes, it can be rather puzzling, I can remember waking up wondering what seeing a fetus could mean. So good news, I am here to help you decode this dream as I spent a long time researching I can bring you the perfect dream meaning. Now, this dream interpretation must not omit the fact that an embryo is the result of a couple’s lovemaking, and therefore its appearance in the dream, especially if hurt or mutilated, suggests a difficulty in this area or communication with your partner or a person at work. Now, there is a lot of information here so grab a cuppa and enjoy|! Oh, and the dream can also appear for both female and males.
What is the detailed dream interpretation of a fetus?
Right, in my view, to dream of a fetus is generally an indication that you have become aware of yourself and your greater spiritual power. Dreaming of a fetus symbolizes a new relationship about to develop or an idea that recently has taken off. It is the sign of something creative and your desire to do something else in life. Alternatively, you can express difficulties in certain situations or with some relationships you have in life. The fetus in your dream can work as a metaphor for your new career or your new business project. If the fetus is born prematurely or dies in a dream, this represents a concern about a project or a relationship that will not survive and will soon die.
This dream, according to ancient books also may suggest that you are making yourself aware of a new situation in your life. This dream is your mind linking back to the point where life begins! You need to look at the process of your life so that you can make sure you make some important firm decisions in the center of creation. A fetus in a mother’s womb appearing in your dream suggests new initiatives and activities that you will soon need to bring to an end. An embryo in your dream is a sign that you will focus on a specific activity going forward, but also your desire and frustration have surfaced because you are not yet taken seriously in your line of work. The embryo can also suggest that you are going to return to a past moment that could tell you more about yourself.
What is the dream meaning of seeing a fetus?
To dream of seeing a fetus is generally is an indication that you have become aware of yourself and your greater spiritual power. This dream also indicates that you are making yourself aware of a new situation in your life. Maybe you are linking back to the point where everything begins and you need to look at the process again so that you can make sure that you have a firm decision in the center of creation. Are you contemplating starting again in life?
What does it mean to dream of a dead fetus?
Oh yikes! What a disturbing dream! The good news is that this dream is all about being creative in life. After all, the fetus is bringing new life into the world, to see a dead fetus indicates a part of yourself from a creative perspective has not yet been recognized. Now, from a psychological perspective let’s look at the ancient meaning of the dead fetus and how this is associated with you being more creative or a creative pursuit. The Jungian meaning of this dream indicates that pregnancy is all about a focus on the creative self. This is the type of dream that has many layers, perhaps layers of your “life” have not yet been explored. So yes, a frigging dead fetus in a dream can be quite frightening, but the good news is that it is a symbol of desires, attainments and creative flair so don’t worry too much. The key message or "take away" from this dream is to connect yourself with a passionate activity in life.
What do the dream psychologists and the spiritual context of a fetus seen in a dream?
If we now look at famous dream psychologist as Carl Jung the material in this dream can also give us some insight into a number of questions. Holding a fetus indicates that you are exploring yourself from a dream psychology point of view. Even though I do believe in most dream psychologists it is also important to review the spiritual connections within this dream.There is a process of growth from a spiritual context. Ultimately this is associated with your own conscious mind. It is important to note that this dream includes many different symbolism's but most importantly psychologists agreed that to see a fetus means it as a representation of oneself! From a religious context, the unborn child is often seen as the symbol of wholeness such as the “divine child” in dreams.
What does it mean to dream of holding a fetus?
Well, in my view, this dream is all about ensuring that you do not ignore any goals in life. This dream also focuses on what you want to try to achieve in life and can indicate that “nothing” is going to get in your way. If you are male and see yourself holding a fetus in your dream it can indicate that something amazing is going to appear in life. Now the good news! This dream is extremely common, especially if you dream of losing a child, the imagery and structure of the fetus may differ in the dream. If we now look at famous dream psychologist Carl Jung we can gain deeper insight into a number of questions. Holding a fetus indicates a time that you need to think about how you grow your spiritual side in life. There is a process of growth from a spiritual context. Ultimately this dream is associated with your own conscious mind. It is important to note that this dream includes the symbolism of the self. From a religious context, the child is often seen as the symbol of wholeness such as the “divine child” in dreams.
Holding a fetus in a dream is a warning that you should try not to ignore your goals in life. This dream focuses on what you want to try to achieve! Positively, nothing is going to get in your way. So, by holding a fetus in the dream is positive, indicating that something amazing is going to appear in life. This dream is extremely common, especially if you dream of losing a child the imagery and structure of the fetus may differ in the dream depending on the finer details.
What does it mean to dream of seeing a baby in the amniotic sac?
What a wonderful dream to have. If you notice a small baby in the womb during the dream this is connected to our biological evolution of mankind. This dream often mirrors our own development in life as an individual. From a psychic perspective, it can mean growth in life. This dream is associated with what Jung described as the cosmogenic interpretation of the “human consciousness” so it could just be you noticed images of a baby in the waking world that influenced your dream. My advice is to meditate - this is an essential step that you need to take in connecting with your internal child.
Positive changes are afoot if:
You become more aware of yourself. You pay attention to the spiritual aspect of your life. You let go of any inhibition. You view the fetus on a sonogram. The fetus in the dream is healthy.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of fetus or embryo
Confident. Tired. Decided. Secure. Sure of yourself.
Sources: Carl Jung, the psychology of the child archetype, M. Eliade, images, and symbols: studies in religious symbols, Princeton University press (1991) Paragraph 4: p. 32, Unpublished manuscript by TJ Kent’s, Spiritual Meaning Of Pregnancy (1932) Von Franz psyche and matter.
By Florance Saul
Oct 12, 2012