
What does a dream of an exam mean?
If your dream involves seeing yourself sitting an exam then you feel that your morel beliefs are being tested. This dream is associated with self-criticism and the need to achieve high expectations in your life. If you are sitting an exam in the dream it can indicate that you are experiencing anxiety, especially if things keep going wrong. This is a common dream, and probably one of the most popular.
Maybe you find that you fail, the pen does not work or you run around trying to find the exam room. Going back to college or school when you are an adult is a regular dream theme. It implies a challenge in the waking world. If you are still in education then the dream is normally based on your own fear of failing your exams in real life.
Is the dream of an exam good or bad?
Well, it depends on the outcome of the result. If you have done well at the exam then it demonstrates that you are able to remain strong through a difficult period of time, normally an exam demonstrates that you may have some thoughts or you need to display some actions in regards to a project that others don’t agree with. It is important to make sure that if you are displaying these traits then you need to look inside in order to address the problems within. If you are feeling alone in an exam then this is an indication that anxieties in your life have surfaced. Perhaps relaxation in a quiet place is needed at this time.
What does it mean to dream of struggling with an exam?
If you struggled with the exam in the dream it can mean you feel you are being treated unfairly. I can remember once I had a dream that I was going to take a test in a course that I was taking in high school. However, I could not find the place where the exam was supposed to be taken. One look all around. I am about half an hour late when I arrive and sit down to do the exam. The whole dream was stressful and did not make sense to me. I've had other dreams where my writing was not clear or the language did not make sense to prevent me from taking the exam. The strangeness of the dream was beforehand I was certain I was prepared, but the school had placed my chair in the wrong place. It wasn't my fault and the exam was not legible. It was different from what I was expecting. This dream was a real nightmare, and I felt that in the end I was unfairly tested.
Any factors which are associated with you not being able to achieve the desired results - such as your pen has leaked, or you are rushing towards the end of an exam but you are not able to get into the room, or you are not given the questions to answer -- all point towards the fact that you are feeling inadequate in a work situation.
What does a dream about bad exam results mean?
Are you constantly feeling like someone is testing you? When I dreamed of failing my exams I was constantly being tested beyond my capabilities. It is a dream where you need to feel like you have to keep proving yourself to others. Maybe you are doing well in school or in a job but you have a fear of failing. Often, these dreams mean that you will be transferred to a higher position but you are worried about performing to the right standard. This dream of "failing" should be viewed as a great help!
What does it mean to dream of the exam the night before sitting it?
This dream indicates that you have anxiety but it might not be justified. If in waking life you have already succeeded in similar exams then it could signal worry. Jung and other older psychologists who study dreams believe that anxiety in examination dreams can be related to fear of punishment or failure.
The interpretation of such a dream is focused on the feelings of why the dream occurred. If you find you have a dream of the exam on the night before the test, this is common. It can indicate that you don’t feel adequately prepared. While you could be extremely prepared, it is only natural to be anxious. To some degree, we are perfectionists, while it is human nature to worry about the future. Don't worry and try to enjoy the exam. Show them what you got!
What does it mean to dream of taking an exam?
If your dream involves taking an exam and that you feel that you are unable to achieve the desired results then this dream generally indicates or highlights the feelings of anxiety. If you find yourself staring at a blank piece of paper and you are unable to answer any questions within the exam or alternatively this exam is in a foreign language you do not understand the text then it indicates that you are worried you are not going to be able to continue working as hard as you are in life for a long period of time. If you see a clock in your dream and time has run out then this is an indication of fear of the unexpected.
To specifically dream that you fail the exam or test generally symbolizes that you are going to feel unprepared for a situation in the near future. It is important to recognize that you need to accept what you can do in waking life as there are occasions where you may feel anxiety.
What is a positive exam dream?
The dream is positive if you are able to successfully find answers to the questions that you need to succeed in the exam. To sit an exam by a doctor demonstrates that you need to be aware of your health. Think about aspects that may affect your mental well-being and how this can be improved in the future.
What does it mean to dream of a presentation?
If you are delivering a presentation to an audience who are happy about your delivery then this is a positive dream. If you are the presenter or the teacher within the dream then this symbolizes that you hold the power over others at the moment. It is important to understand that you must conform to society, it is only when we grow up and become an adult we identify ways in which we can approach different problems. If you dream that you are telling your parents a result of an exam then this means that you feel tested by your family.
What does it mean to dream of telling people the results of an exam?
To dream of telling others that you failed at an exam shows that perfectionism and self-preservation are areas where there is still work to be done if you dream of telling others about the exam. This could indicate that you have taken responsibility for procrastination and your inability to deal with the challenges that life throws at her. We all have difficult times but you have the strength from within to overcome anything. Dreaming of telling people you passed indicates that success is around the corner.
Think about the conditions in the dream and consider the possibility of using this dream vision as a clear metaphor to test your life. It could indicate that you are not fully prepared for the exam or that the topic is off-topic. If you had a verbal exam in the dream the interviewer may ask for detailed descriptions of test-takers for example, it can mean you need to focus on your work or career. No matter how well-prepared they are for a test in your life - you will not be able to build confidence if you keep having dreams of bad results.
What does it mean to dream of feeling unprepared for the exam?
To feel unprepared in your dream indicates that you do not feel prepared to take on a major challenge in your life. Another indication is that this dream is related to frustration so try to prepare responses in your waking life - if you encountered any criticism or judgment within your dream. This type of dream is directly related to your fear and guilt of being able to perform in a waking life. To feel any type of nervousness in your dream related to an exam or test is an indication that old attitudes and beliefs on the whole need to be challenged in the future. It is important to not interpret this dream in isolation. Think about the place where you are being tested.
How many questions did you answer in the dream of an exam?
Also, think about the numbers that were associated with your dream did you only answer one question? What would the number eight be related to in a situation where you feel that you can't live up to the mark. A sense of not being able to meet the standards of the exam indicates that things have not gone down in a situation. The reason why you have encountered this dream is that you are starting to feel that one of the areas of your waking life has been challenged.
- A driving test shows that you are being influenced in your career or love life in a certain direction and that you feel that you have little control over the circumstances.
- A school exam is specifically focused on your beliefs being tested by another. An exam which you fail means that you are going to be facing some complex situations over the forthcoming year and that you need to keep your mind focused on what is important to you. If you pass the exam then you are going to be able to control all circumstances and succeed in your endeavors.
What is the older dream interpretation (1935) of exams in dreams?
It is important to recognize that taking any type of exam is this symbolism that you are being put to test in waking life. These types dreams are normally highlight a feeling of being worried and anxious in a situation relating to living up to expectations. Taking on more challenges will enable you to improve your relationships with others. This is a classic dream which is related to overcome an obstacle.
- If you fail the exam then this dream is an indication that your ambitions of beyond your abilities and waking life. It is important to recognize that you are ready to take on new challenges.
- If you pass the exam easily will be presented to a large audience without any major problems then this dream indicates that you are comfortable in any achievements which are likely to happen in the future. Some dream theorists indicate that sitting an examination is related to the fear of failing is a challenge in your waking life. This is generally associated with a stressful experience in your waking life. It is quite straightforward in that if you fail this dream is negative and if you pass this dream is positive.
- If you see your score or college and you are relaxed and prepared in the situation then this indicates that releasing emotions and beliefs in your waking life will enable you to move forward with success.
- If in your dream you do not want to learn then this shows that you are going to have many influential friends.
- If you are studying or learning in your dream then this indicates that you have a great interest in the wiring knowledge.
- If you visit an academy in your dream then this shows that you are likely to regret an opportunity that is going to pass you by.
- If you dream of being in a college taking an exam then this indicates that you are likely to advanced position of power.
- To dream that you are back at high school demonstrates that you are likely to receive praise through a deserved victory.
- If in your dream you are suspended from high school and you have to take an exam then this shows that you are likely to encounter some troubles in your life.
- If you are counting in your dream and are expected to answer a mathematical question in a classroom then this denotes that you are going to have trouble controlling your emotions in the near future.
- If you are counting the time's table then this indicates you are likely to be lucky information to your fortune is going forward.
- If you are answering a mathematical question and you answer in error then this shows that you are going to overcome enemies in a work situation.
- To dream that you are taking a history exam indicates a long unpleasant relationship with the opposite sex.
- If you find yourself back at university and you undertake an exam then unfortunately you are likely to encounter somebody that you cannot trust in the near future.
What do you need to consider when having an exam dream?
- Are you about to take an exam or test that could be interpreted as anxiety?
- Are you ready or not for the actual exam?
- Are you under stress at the moment? Was there a real concern or exaggerated expression in your dream?
- In the dream, were you comfortable or stressed at not being able to do the exam of failure?
- Are you able to speak? Is it a written test?
- Are you unsure why you aren't prepared? Do you have any situations in your life that feel like you are not prepared?
What are the sorts of dreams about exams that you may have?
- Found yourself back it college or school and that you have of finding it difficult to care for an exam.
- Suddenly finding yourself sitting the exam without any preparation and the inability to answer questions on the paper.
- Having very little awareness of the topic of the exam.
- Being asked to say out loud an answer that you do not know of.
- Walking into school will room to teach others to communicate due to a lack of preparation.
- Inability to communicate or answer any questions.
- You have passed the exam and you are celebrating.
- In your dream, you are encouraging another person to pass an exam.
- You are feeling anxiety at the thought of sitting an exam.
- A sense of being at school and unable to live up to expectations.
- Sitting in a room that is silent as everybody owls start to sit in the exam and you are unable to do so.
What are the positive changes you can expect regarding the exam dream?
- You pass the exam.
- Within you your dream you are relaxed and able to take on any challenges that confront you.
- You encounter happiness and contentment at passing the exam.
- Pete if your dream of feel particularly warm towards you.
- Ability to help other people pass an exam - being a teacher
- The exam was around music which has resulted in contentment.
- This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life...
- You are going to find creativity in your life shortly and this dream indicates that it is time to recognize that through interesting approaches to problems you're going to be able to overcome any difficulties that you are faced with.
- That it is important that you realize that a close friend will be able to inspire you in the future. It is important that you come to terms with your own sense of the being.
- Relationships are your work is going to improve in the forthcoming future, you have been subconsciously building up the energy with this situation and it is likely to change for the better going forward.
- It is likely you have encountered somehow issues and this dream indicates that you are likely to become much better in the future.
- You have found it difficult to avoid feelings of negativity in your life recently.
- The feeling of being worried about what is to come in your life.
Feelings that you may have had in this dream about an exam or test
Worried. Scared about the future. Not able to live up to expectations. Vulnerability. Anxiety. A sense of panic in order to complete the exam. Incompetent. Guilt. Shame. Power to deliver and escaping from reality. Unable to proceed. Inability to communicate with others. Happy. Celebration. Contentment. Concerns. Ability to live up to achievements. High standards. Expectation. Discovering new talent.
By Florance Saul
Jun 14, 2012