
Ears dream meanings

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

Ears in a dream have a direct link to information that you need, know, or want to know in the waking world. The ears filter this information and therefore can be an important aspect in a dream.

They can represent responsiveness, receptiveness, needing guidance, being stubborn, judgments, or reactions to news and information. Information is processed by our ears and when you notice ears in a dream it is an indication about you directly – what is coming to you, how you will handle new information, and what to expect. Different ear shapes can indicate different kinds of news and reactions too. For example, big ears will indicate rumors or being nosy. If you have big ears in your dream it indicates that you are likely hearing too much or paying attention to things that do not pertain to you.

In this dream, you may have

  • Disproportionate ears – like too big or too small.
  • Notice your ears.
  • Have a problem with your ears or hearing.
  • Someone comments on your ears.
  • Feel like your ears are stuffed.
  • You cleaned out your ears.
  • Had something oozing from your ears.

Detailed dream meaning:

Sometimes having big ears will be a sign that you heard something that you were not meant to hear or simply that you need to butt out and mind your own business. Seeing big ears on someone else is a sign that you need to be careful what you say to this person as they are likely to see too much in what you say. This person (or simply people around you at this time) is seeking to hear what they want to hear and so you need to be very careful with your words. Small ears are a sign of not listening or being too stubborn. A person with small ears in a dream (you or someone else) is like talking to a brick wall.

If you dream that something is wrong with an ear in a dream, such as not being able to hear or feeling like you are underwater and sounds are muffled then this is an indication that you are too distracted to hear what is going on around you. This is a tale that you are not in touch with reality in your own life or are lacking solid footing. Chances are that you are being irresponsible in your own life and on a dangerous path. Not being able to hear at all in a dream is a warning sign that bad news that you don’t want to hear is coming your way.

If you clean out your ears in a dream or have something coming out of your ear indicates too much information in your life. This can be a sign that your world is too busy, that you are taking on too much, or that you can’t sort out all of the information you receive. If a partner has something coming out of their ears in a dream this is a sign of miscommunication and problems in the relationship. Finding a quarter in your ear in a dream, expensive earrings on an ear, or elongated ears (like elves or rabbits) are all good signs of good news coming your way.

This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life:

Discerning information. Rumors. Miscommunication. Good News / Bad News. Receiving information.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of ears:

Curious. Smart. Needy. Intense. Thoughtful. Informed. Sick. Flattered. Kind. Trusting. Sickened. Scared. Worried. Shocked.

By Florance Saul
Oct 12, 2012