Dreams of an ex-wife

Dreams of an ex wife

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

Dreaming of ex wives is quite a common dream.

Most of the time the ex wife signifies your emotional state. The actual details of the dream are rather important. If you dream that your ex wife is your current lover in your dream then this is the symbolic dream that you need to reconnect with your emotions in waking life.

If your ex wife is pregnant with you in your dream then this is associated with a new start a new beginning. Perhaps you are looking for more creative ways to express yourself in life. To dream that your ex wife is pregnant by somebody else in the dream is associated with your fear in life.

Even though you may not harbor any motions to your ex wife you still had intimate connections in the past so it is normal to have such dreams. If your ex wife is pregnant with someone else's baby then this type of dream indicates that sometimes people are upset with us.

Even though we don't realize dreams can sometimes show in our subconscious mind. In this instance the dream state. To see your ex wife giving birth suggests a new start.

In your dream

  • Your ex wife is having sex with somebody else in your dream.
  • You were having sex with your ex wife in your dream.
  • Your ex wife was fighting with you in your dream.
  • Your ex wife was having your child in your dream.
  • Your ex wife was pregnant in your dream.
  • Your ex wife took you to court in your dream.
  • Your ex wife wanted you back in your dream.
  • Your ex wife was cheating on you in your dream.
  • Your ex wife and yourself for having sex in your dream.

Detailed dream meaning...

As we have already concluded your ex wife signifies your emotional state at the moment. You are looking for ways to move forward in life and your ex wife dream is a suggestion that you are finding it difficult to do. An ex wife dream normally comes about when you are going through emotional difficulties in your current relationships or you are simply missing your ex wife.

It is easy to think that when we wake up the reason why you have such a dream is because you are supposed to be destined to be with your ex wife. Remember, there is a reason why she is your ex wife. If you feel the need to reconnect in waking life due to this dream then do so! Listen to your inner self.

However, the dream could just be symbolic in nature in that you are missing something in a current relationship. You may dream of very strong emotions connected to your ex-wives such as grief in the knowledge that you have split up or anger with yourself for the mistakes you made in this life.

It is important to note that sometimes we forgive somebody in our waking world through our subconscious mind so if your ex wife apologized you all you in the dream state this maybe because she is feeling sorry.

By rekindling the relationship in the dream state you are healing from the injury. It is just a way of your subconscious mind works to deal with the trauma that you have encountered during this relationship.

Dreams involving your ex wife need to be reviewed. Think of how you will approach emotional connections in the future. You need to analyze your emotions and think about how you can deal better with people around you. As we've concluded dreaming of ex-wives is rather common in life.

Another perspective of this dream is that you moved into a different "spiritual" dimension. Sometimes in the dream state, we connect with a different dimension and your ex wife may still be your "wife" elsewhere on another plane.

To dream of of a ex wife, generally does not automatically indicate that you're going to get back together. Frequently we find ourselves revisiting the love affair, the marriage and lust of a particular person. In the dream state we sometimes have feelings that are linked to ones ex. If you're dreaming about the past and you are married in your dream it can indicate a joyful memory of that time. You will experience possible feelings of that time! Often, it is clearly a time that you remember and does not have any great meaning. During a difficult time with a current lover the ex wife dream may come into your subconscious mind. Our ex wife can rightly appear in a dream when we are simply recalling and projecting a past relationship.

Your ex wife is having sex with somebody else in your dream

To see your ex wife having sex with someone in your dream indicates that you need to move away from a relationship and properly think about what you want out of life. Are things stable? If not then you need to focus on yourself and this dream suggests this ex wife may have power over your thoughts. It maybe that you are lacking “feelings” in your existing relationship. At times, this can frequently appear in ones dream. One may dream of having sex with the ex wife to fulfill this emptiness. You might or might not have feelings for your ex, but generally, people dream about the actual sexual act and fulfillment (sexual wise) rather than it be the actual ex themselves.

You were having sex with your ex wife in your dream

To have sex with your ex wife in the dream means you will face a complex decision. You may know more about how to overcome certain problems. You will join the wave of conversion in a work situation if you happily made love to your ex wife in the dream then this maybe just looking at the past. You can also ensure that you will be successful if you have such a dream. you're comparing yourself to the ex." Since most dreams often draw on issues and problems that can preoccupy us while awake, such a dream can indicate that you are sexually frustrated. Are you trying to come to terms with your emotions about your ex wife and the breakup? To have wonderful, satisfying sex with your ex wife could be a metaphor. It maybe that you have finally let go of the past and you are prepared to dedicate to a new relationship.

Your ex wife was fighting with you in your dream

To fight in a dream indicates conflict within you. Things will be free and easy in life, the increase in conflict may come from family members and not necessarily your ex wife.

Your ex-wife was having your child in your dream

For your ex wife to have your child in a dream suggests that you will encounter issues and problems but overall things will work out for the better. It can also suggest your material instinct. There is a focus on seeing things for what they really are.

Your ex wife was pregnant in your dream

There is some risk and jarring moments in real life. The fact that your ex lover is pregnant is associated with trying to move forward in life. This suggests that you are also encountering someone on your waking life (normally a mature adult who is like your ex wife) In such a dream we often have similar feelings or a connection with your ex. If your ex wife gives birth this suggests you will create something going forward.

Your ex-wife took you to court in your dream

Have you been worried about court action recently? This could be triggered by a significant shift in your existing situation in life and how far you've come from a previous relationships. You have moved on and the “court” part of this dream is associated with difficulties.

Your ex-wife wanted you back in your dream

When we go through difficult times in life we sometimes have a dream of our old ex wife or ex lover who wants us back. It is normally when you are going through a difficult situation in a relationship. Also, when we are not satisfied sexually this dream can appear.

Your ex-wife was cheating on you in your dream

If your ex wife cheats on your it can actually mean you are missing something in life. A former wife can indicate that you are not giving too much away in life and you need to focus on healing yourself. Your ex wife can also indicate neglect if she is cheating on you and you are still married in the dream.

Your ex wife has good sex in your dream

To see yourself and your ex wife in bed in your dream suggests possible unresolved problems in life.

Feelings encountered during the dream of an ex wife...

An ex partner dream can take on many different types of meanings depending upon the context of the dream. As we already concluded you may feel different dimensions during the dream state. These emotions could be: worry, understanding, emotional, sex, connections, difficulties, what, new beginnings and starting again.

By Florance Saul
May 21, 2017