Dreams of being hunted

Dreams of being hunted

What does it mean to dream of being hunted?

Being hunted in a dream is considered an obstacle dream.

People hunting other people is shocking and also worrying during a dream. In 1924 a novelist called Richard Connell published a story aimed at this very concept. Since this publication we have seen many films such as “the hunger games” and this has in turn bought about the ethics of human hunting. Additionally, in 1932 there was a film known as “the most dangerous game” which basically featured violence and the hunting of people. The reason why I mention these films is that these dreams of being hunted can come from cinematic and television influences. This is exactly Freud's theory. In ancient dream lore, this dream can mean that you will encounter success but only after some obstacles. Lifestyles of humans in the late ice age would often show behaviors of hunting and this has gone far back into our history. I will now answer what hunting means in dreams and how this can help you move forward.

What does it mean to dream about being hunted down?

Dreams of being hunted is an obstacle dream, that you are trying to run away from something in life. This dream is rather common and you may wake up with many questions of why this dream occurred. As I have said before I am here to help you answer what this dream means. The first thing I will say is that this is just fiction. Hunting itself is often presented in many computer games. So, if you played the Xbox last night then it is not surprising that you had this dream. If you are running away from something that is trying to track you down then I believe that this means that things could be out of balance. Hunting for pleasure is quite worrying. If you dream of hunting animals then this indicates that you feel like you are being hunted down by a situation.

Why did you have this dream?

Hunting is a natural occurrence in our day-to-day activities. This means that, when you have a dream where you experience being “hunted,” it could be that, during your waking time, you came across them and that is why your consciousness is replaying what you saw earlier in the day. I am afraid that a hunter can affect our own well-being and the dream can alert some unpalatable emotions. Very often, when one dreams of being hunted it can mean trying to escape from something in life – a job, relationship, or health problem. But it is also important to note that, a dream of hunting could have various meanings depending on how it is represented to you.

Advice from this dream: To use or see hunters in your dream could be indicative that, you need to repair something in your waking life, such as being more expressive in a relationship or a situation that is somewhat out of hand. It is also symbolic of some physical or emotional pain. In some traditions, hunting is considered relative to how humans are supposed to behave. It could mean the feeling of malaise that occurs in real life affects our dream state.

What does it mean to dream about being chased and hunted?

If your hunting dream is connected to situations of conflict, being hunted can sometimes hold a positive meaning. If you saw violence in your dream, it simply means that you should avoid arguments that are baseless, especially with colleagues at work as it will only waste your time and effort.

What does it mean to dream of being in a hunting game?

Man is predatory in our nature and in our culture a provider of food. According to the laws of nature for example “Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” indicates that there is an ultimate extrapolation of feelings and the symbol in dreams means that you may encounter strong feelings. This dream at the most basic level can indicate passion or move to the next level in life. To see yourself in the hunting game, being either the hunter or the hunted can indicate that you may have encountered some harshest thoughts recently.

What does it mean to dream about being hunted by an animal?

A dream where you are being chased by an animal can indicate feeling overwhelmed by life itself. Often, these dreams happen when there is “too much going on.” There are people in your life who are out to control your every move and being hunted by a big hairy monster, lion or snake can indicate that you are worried. For you to continue living in peace - you will need to face your difficulties. The most important element in life is your freedom, and you can handle life the best way you know how.

What does it mean to dream about being hunted by a gang?

A dream where you see yourself being hunted by a group of people is connected to focus. This can occur when our life seems to be without a focus. Think about things you have wished for in life, and start to plan how to reach these goals. This dream does mean that positive changes that are going to happen in your life. A structure is the order of the day. If you don’t know why the gang is hunting you the dream can mean that in time things will get much better.

What does it mean if you dream of being hunted by the police?

If you see somebody being hunted by the police then this indicates a representation of significant relationships which has resulted in you disconnecting your emotions from somebody. I remember not long ago I had a dream where I was being hunted by the police for a road traffic offense during my dream, a very bizarre and vivid experience. A dream such as this can often signal that you have repressed emotions. On a positive note, the dream could mean moving on. If the police were successful in their endeavors and this indicates you need to defend yourself against any predators.

What does it mean to dream about being hunted by a murder?

This can be a disturbing dream, the dream symbol can mean that you are hoping to escape from a situation. This is most notedly around judgment about something that is wrong in life. The element of the murder in the dream can mean that you want a termination. This could be an end of a job or period in life. The key to understanding this dream is to think about the strong feelings involved. There might be a toxic strong feeling that has entered your waking world. There is something that needs to be punished and only you can uncover what this is. Chances are you are worrying in life or tired of a situation.

What does it mean to dream of being hunted by a bear?

Being hunted by a bear is quite a common dream. To dream of being a poacher indicates you need to be more reserved. Being hunted by a bear in a dream indicates that you need to focus on something important in life. A grizzly bear hunting you in a dream can symbolically mean that you are working towards goals and you need more confidence. If you encountered a bear attack while being hunted then this can mean that you will make a leap of faith. Even though the dream could be frightening it is associated with the cycle of rebirth. The bear hunting is a symbol you are on the correct path. To hide from a bear in a dream indicates your own self-confidence and that you need time to come to better decisions. The bear is a symbol of your own self. A bear running after you can indicate that you want to move up in life. To be cornered by the bear indicates that you are feeling somewhat trapped in a difficult situation.

What does it mean if something unknown is hunting you?

Often, in dreams of this nature, it raises uncomfortable questions. The dream means that there are answers that you need to uncover. To be hunted often connects with our own identity. If you are being hunted by a figure or somebody that you do not know what then this can indicate that you are feeling confused about life. We often feel confused when we are feeling depressed and it means that you are trying to understand your life’s purpose. To be hunted by a ghost in your dream indicates that there are shadows of your past that you are trying to work through in your dream state.

If we think about “man” we are quite social, going back to caveman times I am sure you will visualize a picture of a naked man in the wildness. The human being (during these times) had to encounter many types of defense and equip themselves in order to “hunt” for food. Luckily, humans are intelligent and logical. If you are encountering a heartless, calculating being in the dream this can often seem quite absurd. If you look deeper into the meaning it becomes apparent that there are obstacles in your way.

The most interesting theme in this dream is that our moral dictates that hunting is against our own society's rules. If you are hunting for prey in a dream then this is quite interesting as it represents that you are looking for something new, rather like a human looking for food. This eludes me to the conclusion that this dream is about objectives. Your objectives.

By Florance Saul
Sep 13, 2018