Dreams About Not Being Able to Breathe

Dreams About Not Being Able to Breathe

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

Dreams about not being able to breath can be highly charged emotion.

Panic can set in and this dream represents the passions, experiences, and desires of life itself. The human body is quite an amazing organism. Breathing is associated with how we connect with life. Being unable to breathe can indicate that we are reacting through anger or fear. The key message of the dream is our breath is our life force. If we don’t have any breath then there is essentially no life. How we breathe has a massive impact on how we feel in life, therefore not being able to breathe in a dream indicates that you are feeling that there is an ending or transformation in the near future.

How we breathe often has an association how we feel in life. Breathing in dreams represents our physical mental and emotional characteristics. For now, just take a moment to inhale a deep breath, notice how you feel. Better right! We often don’t think about our breath. We take the first breath when we enter this world and then our final breath when we leave. Often we don’t give breathing the single thought until we either have a dream about it or we have a cold. This dream is all about the miracle of life, the importance of your breath and the fact that you need to make a conscious effort to relax and recuperate in life. Being unable to breathe in a dream can be somewhat worrying. could simply mean that you are exhausted and thus, breathing heavily due to the exhaustion. Respiratory problems in life can often result in this dream but that is quite rare.

Not being able to breath dream

If you dream that you are being suffocated by someone or an item such as a bag in the dream can often indicate a transitional phase. It can often mean that you are leaving behind a phase of life, you are moving towards a new set of beliefs or different stages of life itself. Feeling suffocated or confined in a dream illustrates that you may need to repress yourself in some way. If you are unable to breathe and the dream results in your own death it can indicate feelings of negativity in life. Dreaming about somebody else causing you to be unable to breathe illustrates a certain deep unresolved problem or a possible regeneration of the relationship with another person. If you are simply seeing yourself in a dream struggling for breath it can often indicate a fight or conflict in waking life. Many dream psychologists are convinced that being unable to breathe in a dream is connected to feeling restraint in life. This could be a job or relationship which is holding you back. The most important aspect of this dream is to try and resolve in a conflict. Try to contemplate on how you can be more true to yourself. Symbolically not being able to breathe could mean that:

  • You are exhausted.
  • You are unable to cope and thus unable to breathe due to being stressed out.
  • You could be having real life breathing problems due to suffering from asthma, or you encountered a breathing problem before you went to sleep.
  • It could be that you are having too much to do and thus, breathing heavily as a result.
  • You could be that you are feeling uncomfortable while doing something the previous day.
  • You could be handling a difficult task and thus breathing heavily.
  • You could be feeling some discomfort while sleeping and your sleeping position is causing you to experience some difficulty in breathing.
  • You could be under pressure, stressed.

Dream about someone not breathing:

I recall having many dreams of seeing my daughter not being able to breathe. This, of course, freaked me out. Seeing a loved one who is not able to breath can signify that you are worried about this person. Don’t worry it is not a literal meaning.

Why are you having a dream about not breathing?

Remember dreams are about what the unconscious mind to capture during our thinking in the waking life. It represents your key thoughts which bring out problems in waking life. You could be stressed, suffering from a breathing ailment like asthma, overwhelmed with day to day activities or just exhausted as I mentioned above. You could have slept uncomfortably and thus, making it impossible for you to breath properly and this is causing you to have a dream about not being able to breathe well. Spiritually speaking, breathing is about our life. How we deal with problems and the focus we have to progress. If you find yourself underwater in a dream, and you cannot breathe this indicates emotional confusion. In dreams, water indicates how we emotionally connect.

What is the dream interpretation of not breathing?

I believe it is important to understand the underlying reason why you are having the dream before we can decode this dream. Are you feeling that you under pressure? then the dream about not being able to breathe will be a reflection what you actually feel in your real life. You could be feeling uncomfortable due to something that someone did. You will need to think more about this dream. Dreams about not being able to breathe could be an indicator that, you find it hard to face difficulties and problems in your life. After the dream, you will need to face your problems and solve them accordingly. Try and overcome obstacles that are in your way.

Is a dream about not breathing connected to worry?

Worries and problems can make you feel like you are unable to breathe in your dream. If you are worried about something that is making you to lack peace of mind. Thinking about your responsibilities in life. Your problems can impact your dreams.

What does it mean to dream about not catching your breathe?

A dream where you are not able to breathe or you are trying to catch your breath denotes that you are under tension, fear or anxiety which you are feeling in relation to a situation in your life. You will need to revitalize yourself by taking time off from your day to day activities. Take it as a warning that, you may be exhausting yourself. Alternatively, the dream is a sign that you have fear and tension which you are currently experiencing. Using all your energy and resources you will compete with someone or you are going to succeed in some endeavors.

What does it mean to dream about not being able to breathe and struggling for breath?

Not being able to breathe and struggling to breathe in your dream is an indicator that you are engulfed in great fear of something. You could be having this feeling that life is a big struggle and there is a need for you to keep on fighting and struggling in order to survive. Alternatively, the dream could indicate that you are overwhelmed or are suffocated by a relationship or a situation in your life.

What does it mean to dream about not being able to breathe from the smoke?

Not being able to breathe from the smoke that has filled your room (or that you encountered a house fire) is a sign that you are depending on someone. Smoke in dreams can often indicate trying to "hide from the truth" it means that there is a smoke screen that is over you.

What does it mean to dream of someone trying to strangle you and not being able to breathe?

Someone trying to strangle you and not being able to breathe means that, there is someone who is overpowering you because they are powerful.I am sorry you had such a dream.

What does it mean to dream about not being able to breathe, because you are holding your breath?

Not being able to breathe because you are holding your breath is an indicator that, you will need to think about your own comfort in order to solve some problems or difficulties which you are currently encountering in your life. It could mean giving up on something in order to gain something better. This dream can indicate that in time a strong will push you forward. Alternatively, the dream could be warning you that, at times you need to consider the viewpoint of others.

What does it mean to dream about not being able to breathe underwater?

Not being able to breathe underwater in your dream, indicates that you are feeling under pressure due to worries about something. If you are being pushed under the water and you are not able to breathe can imply a fresh start in life.

What does it mean to dream about not being able to breathe for a short while?

Not being able to breathe for a short time in a dream can indicate feeling trapped in life. Maybe you were swimming in the dream and you could not catch your breath. Or that you had panicked, nearly drowned. Being to suddenly not breath in a dream is connected to a message that life should be loved.

In conclusion, not being able to breathe illustrates that you are feeling somewhat imbalanced in life. As I’ve already mentioned in the opening paragraph this dream can be associated with feeling stressed out and also the need to appreciate life more. It could be that you are finding somebody close to you who is putting pressure on you. Often these types of dreams appear when we are worried about how we are portrayed in the world. If you are fighting to praise, or you see yourself breathing underwater, in my view, it illustrates that the need to focus on retreating life. If somebody is predominantly trying to kill you, either by strangling or suffocating you during a dream this implies that you are feeling trapped in life probably due to emotional problems. I hope this has helped you. If I have missed anything in this dream meaning then please get in touch. Blessings, Flo

By Florance Saul
May 15, 2018