Dreams About Being Pregnant

Dreams About Being Pregnant

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

Pregnancy dreams tell you to be prepared to take on an epic journey. Like wandering into a dark cave. Think of a cave as the psychical womb, even if you wish to remain in the safety and comfort of your ordinary world, the call to transformation and development beckons you. It's a natural hero instinct to experience some anxiety before your reward but you know that something needs to be born in your life. When you journey into the darkness of the cave, it is essential to bring a torch to light your way.

Pregnancy is a biological event and birth of a new baby is a gift, at the heart of this dream is a message that something will be born such as a new approach to matters or a project. Mothers often find themselves dreaming of being pregnant and dreaming of pregnancy and childbirth is extremely common.

A major shift is often predicted when you see yourself pregnant in a dream, and maybe even the fact your body is going through some physical changes. If you did not give birth to the baby in the dream then this can be connected to sudden dramatic changes, so make sure you prepare for a new idea or a sudden movement in life. This is a common dream for women and there is a strong relationship between “what we offer the world” and “being creative” if you see yourself pregnant. After all, the dream is about creating a baby from within. The “baby” could just be a symbol for something else in life. When you encounter a dream about pregnancy, it could be symbolic of your own life – simply, that you are developing and growing. Such a dream could also imply that there is a birth of a new idea, goal, direction or project. If in real life, you are pregnant, then the dream could be an indicator of your anxieties during pregnancy.

Dreams about being pregnant may leave you waking up wondering what it means. If you are pregnant in real life or even if you are not, you may find that when you are sleeping you are expecting a baby. I want to say, this is a positive dream.

Dreaming about pregnancy and babies is very common, here I am going to look behind the symbols of these dreams. Turning to dream symbolism being pregnant in a dream connects with how you are approaching life. If you are quite optimistic in real life then this is a positive dream. Why do dreams of pregnancy always occur when you are actually pregnant? This is because of your hormones that can affect our dream state, it is not uncommon for us to have vivid dreams in our first trimester. This is due to all those gushing hormones. Babies in dreams are positive and represent: new starts, tough objectives or goals, growth and of course nurture.

Does the dream being pregnant mean I will have or want a baby?

In very rare occasions dreaming about being pregnant can often be a message that you are actually pregnant in real life, especially if the dream reoccurs over and over again. Dreaming about pregnancy could be as a result of the desire that you were pregnant. If you are desperately trying to become pregnant, then the dream could be a reflection of your wishes. Our subconscious mind during sleep often mirrors our own wants and desire, our mind is trying to prepare you for the pregnancy or it is sending you a message that you may be pregnant.

What does it mean if I am pregnant in real life?

In the early stages of pregnancy, it is common for women to have dreams of expecting a baby. If the dream made you feel happy, and you hold a desire to become pregnant and begin a new phase in your life as a mother the typically this dream is positive. If you don’t want to become pregnant (but still have this dream) then it is an indicator that you fear you will take on new responsibilities without having to change anything. It could also be symbolic of new projects, new goals or new direction of your life.

Why are you dreaming about being pregnant?

Some developing aspects of your life can also make you dream about pregnancy. Someone else being pregnant could be an announcement of situations in life which are new. It might be a period of preparation to achieve a goal or a project. You could be harboring an idea which is currently growing inside you or a period of transition in your life. If you are a man and you dream of being pregnant, it is symbolic of your desire to have children or you have a fear to have children. It could also be an indicator of your nurturing instinct. You could be about new ideas or projects which you are having at the moment.

What do dreams about being pregnant symbolize?

When you dream about pregnant, it is symbolic of new ideas, growth and development, and failure. A recurring dream about pregnant should be treated seriously and you will need to sit down and think it over. Think about your hidden talents or interests which you are good at and start nurturing them. It could be time to renew your passion which could enrich your life for sure.

  • Objectives and goals: You would need to set some goals, or that a new start is on the horizon and you are not yet ready to express it to the world. This could be the reason behind your pregnancy dream. This dream refers to new projects, new ideas and a new change in life.
  • Growth and development: When you have dreams of pregnancy, then this is symbolic of development and growth. There is probably a particular aspect of your personality which is trying to grow and enter into a new phase.
  • Failure: Failure is also the reason why you could have a dream about pregnancy. It could be that something that is important to you is not going to succeed even after putting in a lot of effort.

What does it mean to dream of your own pregnancy?

Dreaming about your own pregnancy could denote that, there is a certain aspect of you which is trying to grow at the moment. It could also be symbolic of an aspect of you which is undergoing a lot of changes at the moment. It could be a new project which is about to be born.

If you are pregnant in real life, then it means that you are anxious and fears about your condition. I will say, that many people will dream about the gender of your baby. If you have a desire to become pregnant, then it denotes that, your desires have translated into a dream. But if you don’t want to become pregnant, then dreaming about pregnancy could denote that, you are afraid of taking up responsibilities.

What does it mean to dream of having a miscarriage?

A dream where you have a miscarriage can imply that you are not going to succeed with whatever project you are working on even with the effort you have placed in it. I urge you to stay positive and strong, even if you are going to fail then so be it… remember, we all need lessons in life. It could also mean that you are confused and afraid of the many new changes which are going to happen in your life. If you are pregnant in real life and you dream about a miscarriage, it is a reflection of your anxiety and thus, no need to worry.

What does it imply to dream of pregnancy ultrasound?

Seeing yourself going to a hospital to receive an ultrasound in your dream could mean that you are going through a new phase in your life. I am sure you have always had those worries when encountering this procedure that your baby is living and is healthy. To dream of an ultrasound which results in a stillbirth can indicate problems. To see a successful ultrasound in the dream means the possibility that you will be offered a new job or become pregnant for real! Alternatively, if you see yourself giving someone an ultrasound this can indicate a new project which will bring a lot of success in the future.

What does it imply to dream that you are on your way to the hospital to give birth?

A dream about traveling on your way to the hospital (to give birth) is an indicator that, you are trying to avoid responsibilities. You have problems yet you don’t want to tackle them. But if in real life, you are pregnant, then the dream if a reflection of your anxiety about giving birth in the near future.

What does it mean to dream of premature labor?

To dream about premature labor can be a nightmare dream depending on the other symbols. This dream is an indicator that, you are feeling that you are not prepared for new changes coming your way. If you are pregnant and you dream about your premature labor, it is an indicator that, you are having fears about giving birth.

What does it mean to dream of a non-human baby?

A dream where you are carrying a “non-human baby” represents that you are feeling worried. If you dream of giving birth to a monster or an animal is very common in pregnant women. It is a reflection of your concerns about the health of your child.

What does it mean to dream of finding out about being pregnant?

This could be either a nice dream or nightmare but very much depends on how you feel in life. A dream where you find out that you are pregnant could be a sign that, you are going to find a shocking and unexpected event which is going to happen in your life in the coming days. It will be unpleasant, but if the context of your dream was positive, it could be something unexpected but yet pleasant.

What does it denote to dream about finding out about being pregnant (for men)?

When you have a dream about being pregnant but you are a man this means that you are having problems in your romantic relationship or other relationship in your life. Alternatively, it could imply that you are going to experience a problem in the relationship.

What does it mean to dream about being pregnant and the baby passes away?

I am sorry you had such a terrible dream. To dream where you are pregnant and the baby passes away denotes that, whatever project you are working hard to get to a conclusion is not going to be accomplished. Alternatively, you might not be able to bring some important things in your life to a conclusion. It is an indicator that, things are not going to work in the upcoming days. I know this can be quite a distressing dream but overall it can indicate a challenge that you will not take on! If the baby dies while being pregnant in a dream I can assure you this is symbolic meaning a new beginning may suddenly come to an end.

What does it mean to dream about your wife being pregnant?

A dream about your wife being pregnant could imply that an idea which you currently have is going to come to pass. All you need to do is to work hard and your hard work is going to pay off.

What does it denote to dream about your girlfriend is pregnant?

A dream where you see your girlfriend pregnant is symbolic of the secrets which she could be hiding from you. When you find out about these they can lead to a more meaningful relationship.

What does it mean to dream about your mother being pregnant?

When you have a dream where you see your mother being pregnant, then it is a warning that she is going to be in some sort of danger in the near future. She might become sick or even die in the upcoming days.

What does it mean to dream about being pregnant with a male and a female child?

A dream where you are pregnant with a male and female child is an indication of your plans finally coming to a successful conclusion. If you are having plans for future projects, this is the right time to start them as they will definitely succeed. If you are actually pregnant, then it is a reflection of your desire to know the gender of your child.

What does it denote to dream about being pregnant while actually pregnant?

When you dream of being pregnant while actually being pregnant in real life, apart from your hormones this could denote that, you are going to deliver a healthy baby and you will recover very fast afterward. I remember, I kept having dreams of my baby and felt that I was spiritually connecting with my child while I slept.

What does it mean to dream about trying to become pregnant?

When you have a dream where you are trying to become pregnant, it means that you have a desire to develop something. I will say, it could be yearning to acquire something which is very important to you.

What does it imply to dream about being pregnant and ending the pregnancy?

A dream where you are pregnant and you end the pregnancy could denote that, there is some unpleasant in life - which is happening in your subconscious mind. This dream could be an indication that you are disappointed or confused by changes which will be major in your life.

What does it imply to dream about someone else is pregnant?

A dream where you see someone else pregnant could be an indicator that, you want to be close to this person. If you are a man and you dream that your wife or girlfriend is pregnant with someone else, then it is a sign that, the relationship is in a crisis. You no longer have the same goals and there is a possibility of breaking up in the coming days.

What does it mean to dream of a pregnancy test?

Carrying out a pregnancy test in your dream could imply that, you have embarked on a new phase in your life which could be a new job or relationship. The result of the test will show if you are ready for the changes or not. So, if it is positive then positive changes will be yours if negative then there may be problems.

What does it mean to dream of an abortion?

I am sorry you had this dream. Dreaming about an abortion is an indicator that your progress has been blocked. In older dream books (even though abortion was illegal in those days) indicates that your feeling confused and afraid. In a positive light, this dream can imply a new start in your life. If you are a woman who has once done an abortion, then it could be a sign that you are recovering from the trauma. You will need to take care of your health in real life.

To dream of being in a hospital in relation to the abortion can signify indulging in things which are not meant for you. If have a problem then abortion in dreams often occur. It is time you change the approach and you will see things working out better. A dream where you see someone else having an abortion is a sign that, the relationship between you and one other person is not good. If it is your partner who is having an abortion, then it is a sign that your relationship is stagnant. If it is a stranger who is having an abortion, it is a reflection of your own view on abortion.

What does it mean to dream of having a baby?

A dream where you are having a baby signifies new beginnings and innocence. Remember, babies are symbols of helpless life and purity, which is growing inside you. If the baby is smiling, then it is symbolic of a period of happiness and joy in the near future. If you were able to find the baby in your dream, then this indicates hidden potential knowledge. Seeing yourself giving birth implies that you need to express your talents and knowledge for all to see.

A dream where you are changing baby diapers denotes that you need to change your attitude. This dream indicates an approach to certain projects and that you need to change. A dancing or walking baby is a great sign denoting that, you are going to have a successful and peaceful period in the coming days and thus, no need to worry. In case you forget that you are pregnant denotes that, you are trying to hide your fears and weaknesses. Are you afraid for those around you? Try to think about your own vulnerability. Alternatively, dreaming about a baby being forgotten could be a sign that, you will need to come back to your old interests and hobbies.

What does it imply to dream of having a C-Section?

A dream about having a c-section is an indicator that, you need help from others. This dream can mean that you are unable to realize your projects and this is making you feel worried. Ask friends and relatives to assist you in your goals.

What does it mean to dream of an umbilical cord?

Seeing an umbilical cord in your dream could imply that, you are having a problem with your own individuality. You are unable to be on your own and thus, in need of help from someone else. In terms of spiritually, the umbilical cord is about a connection to another. It could mean you are feeling disconnected in life.

What does it denote to dream about some woman being pregnant?

A dream where a woman is pregnant is a symbol of misfortune or difficulties in your coming days – according to old dream books. There might be an unexpected situation and events which are likely going to bring you sorrow and unhappiness in the days to come.

What does it denote to dream about being pregnant and feeling the baby moving?

A dream about being pregnant and feeling the baby moving implies that you are going to encounter some luck and fortune in the coming days.

What does it mean to dream about finding out about being pregnant (for women)?

If you are a woman and you dream that you just found out about being pregnant, it means that you are going to start a wonderful relationship. It could be symbolic of meeting someone new whom you will start a new relationship which you will commit to. It will be much better than the previous one.

What does it imply to dream about looking at a pregnancy test which indicates you are pregnant?

When you dream that you are looking at a pregnancy test which is showing that you are pregnant, it denotes that, the current relationship can be strained. If you were alone, then it means that your personality

What does it mean to dream about being pregnant (for virgins)?

A dream where you are a virgin and you dream that you are pregnant is an indicator that, you are likely going to face some worries in the near future. This dream can indicate that you will encounter unpredictable circumstances which will lead you to behave in an uncouth manner - which you will later regret.

What does it mean to dream about being pregnant and having a complicated pregnancy?

A dream where you are pregnant and encountering having complications could imply that you have a tendency to always thinking negatively. In every situation, you may expect bad results and this makes you to always be under stress. It could be due to something in the past that is worrying you.

What does it denote to dream about being pregnant with twins?

Dreaming about pregnant with twins is an indicator that, you are going to discover something embarrassing and unpleasant in the coming days. Alternatively, the dream could denote that there are new developments which you are working on could lead to conflicts. You could currently be experiencing disagreements and arguments or be expecting someone to oppose a plan after you have finalized on it. In general, it is a great omen to dream of two babies, if the babies are crying then this can be indicative of worries or deprivation. Some cultures feel that crying twins are connected to something missing from your life.

What does it denote to dream about the desire to be pregnant?

A dream where you desire to be pregnant could imply that you are having personal and maturity issues around someone close to you. They have motives that they wish to follow. This dream could be at a stage in your life where you want things to be completed, especially those that matter to you.

What does it mean to dream about suddenly realizing of being pregnant?

< When you have a dream that you are suddenly pregnant and realize that you are pregnant in real life, it is an indicator that a part of you or your personality is “developing.” It could be that you are ready to share your life with others. Alternatively, it could imply that you are having a fear of new responsibilities in your life.

By Florance Saul
Jun 17, 2018