Dream about my Daughter

Dream about my Daughter

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

The dream of your daughter is a sign of unpleasant situations turning into being pleasurable and harmonious life events. A dream about your own daughter is generally positive, unless the daughter is not obedient.

If your daughter appears to not listen to you in the dream state, this could foretell worry and grief ahead. Dreaming of your daughter foretells good news in your waking life, especially if something is worrying you. In general, dreaming of your daughter or your daughter-in-law means you will have to assume the responsibility of a person who might take advantage of you.

Your dream

  • You see your own daughter.
  • Your daughter does not listen to you.
  • Your daughter is old.
  • You have a daughter that is not real.
  • Your daughter is crying.
  • Your daughter is laughing.
  • Your daughter is married.
  • Your daughter is not married.
  • Your daughter with her own daughter.
  • You give birth to a daughter.
  • Your daughter is pregnant or gives birth to a daughter.
  • Your daughter is dead.
  • Your daughter-in-law.

Positive changes are afoot if

  • Overall the dream turns out well and enables you to learn an important lesson.
  • The overall dream ends on a positive footing.
  • You do not have a daughter, but you dream of having one and you see her.
  • Your daughter is not hurt or sad in the dream.
  • You experience joy in the dream world.
  • You felt happy to see your daughter.
  • Both you and your daughter are happy or having a good time in the dream.

Detailed dream interpretation:

Dreaming about your daughter is a sign of pleasant events ahead that will bring you happiness and contentment, as well as good news. If your daughter appears to be attractive, this suggests your love life is not peaceful, and also that you will distance yourself from your loved one. To dream your daughter is dead is a symbolic dream about ending relationships with others around you. Visiting your daughters coffin suggests you have a desire for security. Dreaming of death in general can be a reflection on a new start or new beginning. You will only truly know if you choose to accept the bigger picture.

To see your daughter have a daughter in one’s dream denotes that emotionally you have found it hard to balance relationships. Giving birth in a dream is associated with the symbolism of rebirth. There should be a focus on improving oneself to bring “real meaning” to your life. If your daughter is crying, laughing or showing any type of emotion then this suggests that you need to be more creative to solve life’s problems.

A disturbing dream is when your daughter in the dream state is another age if old then this is a precious warning to live life to the full as time goes by too fast. Seeing your daughter as a child again specifically means that distress on past actions may be felt. You should focus on re-building relationships as life is too short. If your daughter has passed away in the waking world - and you do in fact dream of her, then in 6% of cases it is her spirit trying to get through and reach out to you with a message. You should be open to this and think about how you can truly interpret the finest details of the dream.

If in your dream your daughter is angry, this is usually not a good omen, as it can be a reminder of your worries in the real life. If in your dream your daughter is being docile and listening to you is a sign that your dreams in business will be achieved. But if the daughter is naughty and not living up to your expectations, this means insecurity and discontentment for your future. A wounded daughter is, however, a sign of tough problems ahead. If in your dream your daughter is pregnant, this is a sign that you need help.

If you dream your daughter is dead, this is surprisingly a good omen. It means that you may meet your life partner very soon, or a new and important friendship will start. A daughter covered with a veil is a sign that someone is hiding something important from you. Seeing your daughter as a child while you are playing with her is an omen of wellness in your family. But if your daughter is sick in your dream, this foretells arguments with family members.

If in your dream you and your daughter are the same age, this suggests that the door to opportunities could close, and therefore you should hurry not to miss an important opportunity. Dreaming of watching your daughter while she sleeps is a sign of unpleasant surprises in love. If you are kissing your daughter in the dream, this is not a good omen, as it foretells a possible illness ahead. If in your dream your daughter is still a baby, this is a very good sign, as it foresees good luck and fortune in the future.

If you dream of your beautiful daughter-in-law, a happy romantic relationship is coming your way. But if your daughter-in-law appears ugly or you are in conflict in your dream, this means failure in love. A dream of your daughter-in-law usually symbolizes some minor unsettled affairs within your family. If you dream of your own daughter-in-law hurting your son emotionally, it signifies that you are unhappy with yourself. For a daughter or daughter-in-law to kill or try to commit a crime in one’s dream denotes important goals will not be met, while if your dream features a stranger as impersonating your daughter-in-law, this suggests a happy relationship will end in the near future.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of your daughter:

Happy. Grateful. Appreciative. Loving. Caring. Scared. Worried Funny. Proud. Content. Surprised. Amazed. Curious. Enjoying. Soft. Relaxed. Mellow. Kind.

By Florance Saul
Jan 3, 2017