Dream About Drawing

Drawing Dream Meaning

Drawing Dream Meaning

Drawing in my view is a lot like life. We draw to accomplish something. When the pen or pencil curves the picture we are building on a dream. It is my belief this dream is about what you are trying to “draw” into your life --- reaching your dreams. 

We can hypothesize why you have had this dream, but, I bet that in your current situation you desire more. My question to you: do you believe that you can have a greater experience of life? Is destiny is to be greatly experienced in what you do? My interpretation of drawing in your dream is that you are creating something for the future. Drawing in dreams also represents creativity and self-expression, according to most dream books that I have read. Drawing dreams may also indicate a desire to express yourself creatively. You may also interpret this dream symbol of focus that you need to map out what you really want in life. Dreaming of drawing could indicate that you are making good progress on a creative project. How do you express yourself? Do you express yourself correctly?

Carl Jung the famous dream psychologist defined drawing as letting go of all conscious criticism and allowing inner emotions to fly. Drawing symbols feature in many ways during a dream, it could include drawing on paper, cardboard, walls, or even canvas, a blackboard or a whiteboard. In my view, it is all about expression in life. The best way to communicate ideas in life is through drawing. You may have sketched yourself, noticed drawings on walls, or encountered freelance drawings or technical drawings.

What is the biblical meaning of drawing in a dream?

I always feel it is important to consider the biblical meaning of dreams this provides us more clues as to the meaning. The scripture can provide more meaning. When looking into the bible it rarely mentions "drawing" per say as a dream symbol. I personally feel it could represent self-declaration, as well as wanting to be more focused. Let me explain. If we look at the book of Genesis, Joseph interprets a dream in which Pharaoh sees himself standing by a river and seven fat cows appear out of the river to represent seven years of plenty, however the cows also represent seven years of famine. The reason why I mention this is that for every good we normally see or have a negative. We have to take the good with the bad, and drawing in dreams is drawing out the good aspects in life.

What does it mean to draw in a dream?

Seeing yourself craft a drawing in a dream in my view indicatse that you are making good progress on a creative project, afterall it is about tone and in a broader sense how you are defining the world. Creating a drawing from a landscape indicates that you need to break things down in your life. It may be trying to tell you something important in your life if you keep having the same dream of drawing.  The type of dawing you see in the dream could vary along with different symbols in the dream such as pencils, pens, paper and pencil cases. I do also feel the drawing is a representation of your own desires in life, especially if the drawing was abstract. If the drawing is realistic then this represents that you wish to “sketch” out your life. If you are drawing bigger paintings or even a famous painting then this could indicate that you need to be patient in life and wait for the right time. When we draw on our dreams, we can create a finished work of art, sketch ideas for new projects, or simply this could be a sign that one needs to engage in a therapeutic process.

What do you need to learn from this dream?

Drawing is one of the oldest forms of human expression, drawing dates back to our earliest ancestors -- I am sure you have walked through many amazing museums and stood in ore at the artwork of the past. Think about this: the use of paintings have been used throughout history for everything from conveying ideas and emotions to documenting events. I feel that you need to learn that dreams of drawing are expressive, just like you were capturing the energy of the subject in the drawing. Drawing as I have already touched on is about communication, your own imagination, and visible and invisible focus in life. If you have experienced drama in your life recently then drawing in dreams can indicate that you want to tell the story that you need to overcome problems.

What does it mean to dream of drawing a picture?

If you had a dream about drawing a picture that could represent the picture you want to paint in life and that you feel you need to release. There are different modes of drawing, for example, a simple picture of someone or an expressive picture of a landscape for example. I urge you to look at the actual details of the picture. As these important. A detailed technical drawing seen in dreams can indicate that you will move forward with power. The more complex picture the more power is likely. I do feel this is a positive dream if the picture gave pleasure when looking at it in the dream. Any type of technical drawings (such as house drawings), CAD drawings or technical architecture drawings is generally rather positive in the dream sense. 

What does it mean to dream of drawing with a pencil?

In dreams, drawing with a pencil is interpreted as a symbol of self-expression and creativity. The dream symbol could represent outrage that you need to release. Dreaming of drawing with a pencil could indicate that you are making good progress and are on the right track if you are currently working on an innovative task. You may need a break in your life if you feel your pencil breaks when you are trying to draw in a dream, I had a dream once when the pencils kept breaking this dream is about communicating with others. Pencils after-all, can give us the tools for some much. They help is glide over the paper to create something that allows us to express themselves. Also think about the lead in the pencil, this could indicate that you feel like lead and need a break. 

What does it mean to dream of drawing with coloring pens?

I love this dream meaning, it is about your color in life. You may need to color your life better if you dream about drawing with coloring pens. According to this dream symbol, color is needed in your life. Dreaming of drawing with coloring pens may indicate that you are making good progress and are on the right track if you are currently working on a creative project. I have detailed the spiritual meaning of color below.

  • Red drawings: Symbolism of passion, vigor, and power. The color red is often associated with blood, rage, and danger. If the red drawing in the dream considers your own passions and maybe the coming of love.
  • White drawings/ chalk: Symbols of purity, youth, and new beginnings. In general, white is associated with angels, heaven, and spirituality.
  • Orange drawings: Imagination, joy, and energy. The color orange is often associated with sunny days, summertime, and happiness.
  • Yellow drawings: Sense of wisdom, expertise, and comprehension. The color yellow is often associated with the sun, light, and happiness. It is also considered a happy color in some cultures, so this could be for you a positive dream meaning.
  • Green drawings: Grounding, growth, and wealth. Drawings in green, I feel,  is often associated with nature, life, and health. 
  • Blue drawings: The truth, emotions (I feel due to water being emotions in dreams), and peace. The color blue is often associated with the sky, water, and calmness. According to some dream dictionaries, blue drawings symbolize calmness.
  • Purple drawings: The crown, magic, and psychic powers. The color purple is often associated with aristocracy, faith, and fantasy. It is also seen as a protective color in some cultures, in your drawing dream, this could mean that protection will be dominant.

What does it mean to dream of drawing a house?

When we were children we all drew a house at some point (well I like to think so) Therefore, dreaming of drawing a house or house may represent the different areas of your life that need attention. If the house drawing was childlike then this could indicate a form of communication going forward. The appearance of the house is equally important. For example, if you dream of a beautiful and well-kept house, it may represent an important time for your home life. Dreaming of drawing your own house could indicate that you are about to embark on a new job or hobby. Drawing of a house in the dream could also symbolize the different aspects of your personality and the different stages of your life.

What does it mean to dream of drawing a person?

A figure of symbolic drawing of a person in a dream can suggest that you are connected to others. I also feel this communicates ideas about others. Also, I feel this dream is about ensuring that you are sensitive to what you really need in life from others. It is possible to interpret dreams of drawing a person about our relationships in life.  When you dream of drawing it is about drawing on the energy that you need in life to protect yourself going forward. I do feel this is also a “warning dream” in that you need to draw the right things in your life, and maybe people are not giving you that energy?
It doesn't matter how old you are or where you are in life, there is always room for creativity. In the dream, whether you're drawing a picture of your best friend, lover, sister or Mother you are being urged to communicate with this person through the drawing realm. There is no telling where it might lead. The person being drawn in a dream can indicate that you need to capture the motions of the relationship you have with this person.
It is possible that dreaming of drawing someone can be a warning about someone or something in your life that is not what it seems. In your dream, you may be warned to be wary of people who pretend to be something they are not. Dreaming of drawing many people could be a sign that you need to start working on some new projects if you've been feeling a bit lost lately and unfocused.

Is the dream of drawing good or bad?

I personally feel this dream is great. Expressive drawing in a dream is about what you have in tangible form. I’d like you to think of the term “drawing in” that you need to unwind and draw in positive vibrations. Seeing people draw in a dream could also mean that you are not seeing a situation clearly and need to step back to gain a better perspective. If you have been feeling creatively blocked lately, having a drawing dream could be a sign that you need to start working on new projects. Summary: Drawing could be a representation of creativity (drawing with the right vibes) and self-focus.

What does it mean to draw in a dream?

I have spoken already at length about this dream, but just to remind you that a dream about drawing could symbolize self-expression and creativity. I also feel this dream symbol could represent repressed pent-up problems as I have said before (drawing on negative thoughts) or aggression that you feel you need to release.  

What does it mean to dream of drawing a paintbrush?

My interpretation of dreaming of drawing with a paintbrush is that it symbolizes the lead of life and something holding you down. Paintbrushes after-all are made of wood. Wood can mean different things depending on the context, but generally speaking, it can represent guidance, direction, or authority. A higher power or force may guide you on your spiritual journey through the wood. This could also mean that you need to assume a leadership role in your life and take charge. Obviously, drawing in any capacity requires one to release, as I've already said. If you are currently working on a project or looking for a job, dreaming of drawing with a paintbrush could be a sign that you are on the right road in life, think of the brush as painting the path in life.

What does it mean to dream of drawing a face?

Spiritually speaking, drawing a face in a dream can represent the inner aspects of oneself that are being revealed. To see yourself drawing someone’s head can indicate you need to outline what is important to you. Repressed emotions or hidden talents and abilities could be involved if you draw someone’s face that you know. If part of the face was missing from the picture in your dream e.g. such as mouth or nose, this could indicate an external influence affecting you right now. Drawing a face in a dream can provide many clues as to the spiritual meaning, I urge you to pay attention to the emotions and energy associated with the face in the dream. To draw your child’s face in a dream could be related to how you express yourself and worry over your child’s milestones.  Making the right moves to curve your life in the right direction in life is symbolized by drawing the face of someone unknown in a dream. To see or draw an oil painting of a face indicates moving forward in life. Learning to draw a face in a dream can indicate that you wish to hide away according to the older dream dictionaries I have on my shelf. 

What does it mean to dream of a sketchbook?

Don’t we all love sketchbooks ---- when we actually have time to sit down and stick all the bits inside? Let’s face it. It's a way for you and I to connect with spirituality and express ourselves in a creative way. A sketchbook in a dream represents the need to relax and connect with your own higher self, which you may find very beneficial. It is my view, the sketchbook featured in the dream is very personal to you - it will hopefully keep you in touch with your own spirituality.

What does it mean to dream of teaching someone to draw?

To dream of teaching someone to draw is interesting ---- it can symbolize your desire to share your creativity with others. The dream of being in a classroom (maybe an art room) may also represent your need to provide guidance or instructions in some area of your life. I also feel you might also dream this if you are ready to take on a new focus in life. Dreams of an art teacher can also signal that you are ready to start working on a new piece of art if you are an artist. This dream probably indicates that you have something important to share with others.

What does it mean to learn to draw in a dream?

Learning is quite interesting in dreams. When we learn in a dream it is normally a message to take heed. Dreaming that you are learning how to draw may symbolize your desire to develop your creativity. This dream may also indicate that you need to gain some knowledge or skills in some area of your life. If you are returning to school or college the dream to draw can indicate that you are ready to focus on your life more. I also feel it may be a sign that you are ready for a new challenge. In addition, the dream may indicate that you are ready to start working on a new piece of art if you are an artist. It is likely that this dream indicates that you need to learn something important in life.

What does it mean to draw someone in a dream?

To dream that you are drawing someone may indicate your longing for a deeper connection with them --- of course, if you know them in real life. If you don't know the person in the dream this could mean trying to convey your feelings to another. In any case, this dream likely indicates that you have something important to share with that person and I feel this is about your relationship with them.

What does it mean to dream of drawing on paper?

To dream of drawing on plain white paper may represent the expression of an idea, or communicating something to others. It may also symbolize creating something new. I do think we need to look at the different types of paper that we dream of. To dream of drawing on colored paper may be a sign that you need to be more expressive and creative. Consider what you are trying to communicate or create in your life. If you dream of drawing a picture of someone, it may represent your feelings or thoughts about that person. I also feel this may be a sign that you need to express yourself more to that person. If you dream of drawing a picture of something, it may mean you will attempt to understand or make sense of that thing.

What does it mean to dream of drawing on a whiteboard or blackboard?

To dream of drawing on a whiteboard or maybe find yourself back at school may represent the need to communicate something clearly or share an idea with others. Consider what you are trying to communicate or create in your life. If you dream of drawing a picture as a child in the dream and you travel back to school or in time represents your feelings or thoughts about that thing. A blackboard in a dream can indicate right and wrong in a dream. These things may seem black and white I am going to go into this deeper below.

What does it mean to dream of drawing on a chalkboard?

To dream of drawing on a chalkboard  (also known as a blackboard) may represent the need to communicate something clearly or share an idea with others. The black-and-white aspect of this dream is associated with lettering go in life and as I said before between black and white - right and wrong. Drawing a picture on a chalkboard could represent your feelings or opinions about your childhood, after all, drawing on blackboards is something we do when we are young. I also feel this dream is a sign that you need to articulate yourself better in life as already mentioned above.

What does it mean to dream of drawing in the sand?

Sand in dreams is an interesting symbol, it is associated with making sure that we can focus on life. If we look at sand each grain spiritually represents the temporary nature of something - think about something dissolving. If you dream of drawing a picture in the sand maybe by the ocean --- it may represent your feelings or thoughts about something that might go away quickly. It is important to focus on what is important to you.

What does it mean to dream of drawing an animal?

Animals indicate our inner focus in life. Depending on how the animal is drawn this dream may represent your unfiltered feelings and drives. These include the fear reaction, anger or need for passion, desire for food, procreative drive, parental instincts, survival drive; focus, love for others, and possible feelings and affection depending on if you like the picture.

What does it mean to dream of throwing away a drawing?

In dreams, we sometimes see many strange symbols that represent areas of life. If you dream of drawing a picture or painting and then throwing this in the bin then in my view, this may suggest highlights in life. I do feel that you may focus on a project in life that may come into place over the next few months.

What does it mean to dream of a street drawer?

If you walk down the street you sometimes see a street drawer making lovely patterns on the floor. A street drawer in a dream may represent someone who wants something from you --- or maybe someone asking for money in waking life. Giving money to the street drawer is a sign that you need to be more expressive and creative. This dream of seeing perhaps someone drawing on walls or pavements in a street is a sign that you need to try to communicate or create something in life. If you are the street drawer in a dream, it may represent your feelings or thoughts about that person, also I feel it is a possibility is that you need to express yourself more.

What does it mean to dream of a drawing of your partner?

I believe that a drawing of your partner (if you have drawn the image or seen a picture of your lover) in a dream may represent your feelings or thoughts about that person. As I have already said before drawing is about creating something important. Therefore, dreaming of drawing your partner or a past lover could represent creating feelings. A symbol of how powerful emotional forces can influence a person's body. Health and success can be brought about if you relate well. A bad relationship can, on the other hand, lead to ruin and illness. Can this immense energy be harnessed and directed? There are times when the collective unconscious is at work such as in this dream.

What does it mean to dream of drawing your boss?

Spiritually, in dreams bosses can represent a number of things. they may represent the authority figure in your life, or they may represent the aspects of yourself that you feel are in charge. Drawing a boss in your dream may also represent challenges that you need to overcome or lessons that you need to learn. A boss does not have any true power over you unless you give it to them. Drawing a boss in a dream can occur when you are struggling with a boss in real life, take a step back and ask yourself what they are trying to teach you. Once you have identified the lesson, of course, you can begin to work on overcoming the challenge.

What does a cartoon drawing in a dream mean?

This is a difficult question to answer as it could mean different things depending on the actual cartoon seen. We all are aware of famous cartoons: Micky mouse, scooby doo, etc For some, cartoons may represent the childlike innocence that they have lost in adulthood. Some dream books outline that pictures of cartoons seen in dreams may represent the humorous side of life that they need to remember. Whatever the meaning is for you, it is important to take the time to figure it out. Only you will know what a cartoon means for you spiritually.

What does it mean to dream of drawing a landscape?

If you are drawing a landscape, it may be a sign that you need to relax. The landscape should reflect your feelings and what it means to you. By doing this, you will be able to figure out what the dream is trying to tell you. It is also important to consider the other symbols and elements in the landscape and interpret them. It may be an indication that you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed in your life if the landscape is mountainous. A landscape full of green and life could represent a new beginning. Trust your intuition to guide you to the meaning of the landscape in your dream.

What does it mean to dream of a still-life drawing?

A still-life drawing dream can have a number of spiritual meanings in the dream world. You may have found yourself sitting and watching people draw others, or even embarked on still life yourself. Think of this dream as a meditative act, creating a still life drawing allows the artist to connect with their subject matter on a deeper level. Creating a still-life drawing in the dream state can also be viewed as our relationships with others. The artist is not only creating a beautiful piece of art, but they are also paying tribute to the thing or things they have chosen to depict. Therefore, what are you trying to complete? Is there a goal you have in mind?

What does it mean to dream of drawing your father?

If you had a dream of drawing a picture, painting, or pencil drawing of your father this is rather interesting. The father drawing may represent authority, protection, or even love. I also feel that the dreamer's sense of self-worth or inner strength may also be connected to your dream.

The figure of the father in drawings spiritually is often associated with authority or protection in the dream world. This is because fathers are typically seen as the head of the household and the primary breadwinner. As such, I feel the symbol is often seen as the protector of their families. If the drawing in your dream was black and white this can mean that you need to be more responsible for providing guidance and wisdom to others. In this way, a father in a dream may represent the need for someone to provide you with direction or support.

Fathers in dreams can also symbolize the dreamer's own sense of self-worth or inner strength, this is especially true if you are the father in the dream. To dream of a hanging painting/picture/drawing of your father on the wall of a house (for example above the fireplace) can suggest that you may need to go to your Father for guidance (in this world or crossed over) I feel could maybe the connection that you hold between yourself and your father.

What does it mean to dream of drawing your mother?

Drawing of a Mother in a dream is quite wide-ranging but similar to what I have outlined above in the father's interpretation, I feel the dream depends on the context in which the picture appears. Sometimes, a Mother can represent the caretaker aspect of your own personality. Mothers in dreams could also represent actual motherhood - either your own mother or the role of motherhood in general. The dream may reflect your current feelings and relationship with your mother if you are dreaming about her drawing. You may also dream about her in a drawing in an attempt to resolve any unresolved issues you have with her subconscious.

If you are not dreaming about your own mother (maybe a grandmother or mother-in-law) the Mother in your dream could represent the nurturing, caring side of your own personality. If you are a mother yourself, and someone (for example your child) draws a picture of you in the dream then the true meaning may simply be reflecting your current feelings and experiences in relation to motherhood. I also feel this dream could also be highlighting any issues or worries that you have about being a mother. If you are not a mother, then the Mother drawing in your dream could still represent the nurturing, caring side of your own personality.

What does it mean to dream of drawing for fun?

Dreams of drawing for fun are a sign of great times to come. The pleasure of drawing can indicate positive times ahead. The feeling of joy and excitement that carries us through the day; dynamic sexual drive; the energy and life processes that "carry us around". Growth and aging are carried by our life processes. Considering that the drawing represents the inevitable happiness processes in old age, it may be viewed as a positive symbol. The drawing for fun represents human instincts that have been socialized and harnessed and great times ahead according to older dream books.

Summary of the dream of drawing

Realizing that each aspect of the drawing, every emotion, every landscape, and environment are, in my view, manifestations of your thoughts and insights, allows you to see how your world is made up of thoughts, feelings, and values. What you believe or feel in your dreams becomes a tangible fact.

The earliest known drawings are cave paintings, which date back around 40,000 years. These early drawings were most likely used for ceremonial or religious purposes, and depict a variety of subject matter including animals, humans, and abstract patterns. As humans began to develop language and writing, drawing became increasingly important as a way to record and communicate ideas. Throughout the centuries, drawing has been used by everyone from scientists and architects to poets and painters. Drawings and art have seen a resurgence in recent years, this is thanks in part to the popularity of digital art and the rise of sketching apps like Procreate. The reason I briefly mention this history is that this can provide you with a clue as to the real meaning of drawing. If you see yourself drawing in a certain period then it can indicate that you need to express yourself more.

The fact drawing has featured throughout history and now in the dream can suggest we often see the physical world as a manifestation of what we fear or desire, and even what we admire. The great work of human existence is finding some level of direction, mastery, or harmony in the world you create, just like the drawing you are creating what you need and want from your life.

By Florance Saul
Oct 11, 2022