
Doctor Dream Meaning
Doctors look after you when you're poorly. And the doctor tries to fix things. They try to fix you. The doctor has a voice. And, our daily world is full of voices which are neither for us nor against us, They just come in our ears the whole day. In the early morning news, voices of stress and discomfort may come to you in the form of the world. There is real, confusion and conflict in life. In dreams, a doctor is an authority figure who suggests you need to appreciate your position in life. I feel, that in dreams, the doctor represents that there is a healer within yourself that is trying to help you to relax your mind.
The wisdom which will come from hearing the "voice" that's for you and never ever against you. Doctors are supposed to care. Doctors help us heal. They fix what's broken. In dreams, they often symbolize change. They may represent a need for help. Do you feel lost? Perhaps your mind seeks guidance. A doctor can guide you through challenges.
What does it mean to dream of a doctor?
Seeing the doctor in your dream is about where you should be, where you can be, and WHO you should be. Then again, when and in case I do inevitably believe I listen to God speaking to me, exactly how will I know it's Him, and who could I talk about this great moment with?
A doctor often suggests health concerns, my question to you is are you worried about your body? This dream mind might be telling you to pay attention to your body - not just physically but also mentally. It is important to listen to your body and treat it with kindness. When doctors appear in dreams I feel they urge for your own care. You need to care. They remind us to check our well-being. The dreams of doctors can also signal change. Are you stuck in a routine? Much like a doctor, it is my view that change heals and renews, this can bring you both growth and new opportunities.
In some traditions, it is said that the dream of a doctor foretells that you are going to be sick. In other traditions, the interpretation of a dream that displays a doctor is exactly the opposite: the doctor in your dream foretells full health and good wealth. If the doctor is a member of your family, you will encounter a pleasant family event, most probably a wedding.
What is the older 1930s dream meaning of a doctor mean?
If in your dream you are in the middle of a medical consultation, the old dream meanings is that you will probably lose money. If you dream of seeing yourself visiting the doctor, you will receive some good news in regard to your business or your career in your waking life. If you dream yourself being a doctor, you will be respected in your waking life. A doctor departing in your dream suggests a possible illness. If the doctor is wearing a white coat, you are respected by your friends.
Going to the doctor in the dream suggests that you could have an accident in your waking life. If in your dream you are spending some time with a doctor during a meeting, this is a sign that your business will prosper, and that you will enjoy lots of good times in the near future.
If you are over fifty years of age, dreaming of a doctor suggests that your professional waking life has been a significant influence of your life’s progression. You have been very successful, so the key to this dream is to understand that this is a message to relax and take it easy.
If in your dream you are undergoing surgery and a doctor is in control of the situation, the dream refers to the need or possibility of sudden and painful change in your waking life, and you need to escape a dangerous situation. It also depends on what surgery you are undergoing in the dream. Surgery on the eyes refers to your mentality. Heart surgery suggests the need for change in regard to others and your way of getting involved in various situations. Head surgery refers to the necessity to change an attitude, a way of thinking, or your ideas about a specific situation.
A plastic surgeon in your dream refers to changes in your self-image, including your physical aspect, but also the way others perceive you and the need to make others see you differently. This dream clearly refers to the rehabilitation of your self-image.
If in your dream a doctor tells you that you need to undergo a transplant, this suggests you need to receive outside help in order to make some personal changes. You obviously do not have the ability to undergo these changes alone. You need encouragement from your close friends in order to make some radical changes in your waking life. If you are talking to a doctor in an operating room, you are probably well-organized in your real life, and you know exactly what you have to do to change. You need patience to make the right changes in time.
What does a doctor giving you advice in your dream mean?
Did a doctor offer advice in your dream? This suggests you need guidance. Are you dealing with a tough decision? Your mind may be seeking wisdom. It’s a call to seek out knowledge. Trust the advice of those who can help.
A surgeon usually suggests that you need to be able to free yourself from a difficult situation in your life, while a general physician means that you need to carefully consider your mental wellness. A doctor in your dream can predict an illness, but also wealth and good health.
What does it mean to dream of a hospital?
A hospital may appear in your dream and if this building comes to you then it can indicate that you are vulnerable. Are you feeling exposed or weak? It’s a reminder to take care of yourself. A hospital may also mean recovery, remember, it is a place of healing and renewal. We all need to heal sometimes in life. This is about you being “powerful and strong”, and you are your very own person. This is also about remaining focused on your goals in life.
Being a patient in a hospital during your dream can also indicate a sense of urgency or concern. Hospitals are symbols in my view all about healing, but they can also signify distress in waking life. This dream may be about not responding to someone, or ignoring someone. Perhaps you are recovering from a recent emotional wound or a significant life change? Hospitals can also indicate that you feel the need to address some inner issues or seek support from others. Being on a ward of a hospital is all about confronting - your real feelings
What does it mean to dream of a surgeon?
Well, a surgeon means precision. Think about how a surgeon mends people. Are you facing a big life decision? Being in surgery in your dream means that something needs to be fixed. It’s time to cut out what doesn’t serve you right now. I feel that this dream is about watching things back and making sure you make the best decisions. This is all about being precise in your choices in life. To dream about ward rounds, maybe you are visited a doctor or the nursing staff are in your dream this is all about sorting out your foundations in life. Surgeons in dreams is also about investigation in real life, especially if you have had an x-ray or scans in the dream. To dream of a surgeon is connected to your mental recovery in life.
What is the spiritual meaning of a doctor in a dream?
Our inner selves speak through symbols. Doctors can represent spiritual guidance. Are you seeking direction in life? Your spirit team maybe speaking to you. The doctor becomes a guide on your spiritual path. In my view, doctors don’t just heal the body. They heal the soul. Dreams of doctors spiritually - can suggest spiritual healing. Maybe you need to mend your spirit? Are you holding onto pain? If so, it’s time to release what holds you back. Move forward with a lighter heart. Life often mirrors dreams. Consider how your dreams relate to reality. If your life is a garden, doctors plant the plants. They prune and nurture the plants. Sometimes weeds need removing. Other times, plants need care to thrive. And, that is the spiritual meaning - that doctors are those people who make sure we are cared for. It indicates spiritually you need care.
In my view the dream of doctors are significant. Doctors highlight our needs and desires, whether health or change, this is a dream about prevention. It is better to prevent something that is going to ruin you okay. It is a call to listen to your inner voice.
In your dream you may have
- Visited a doctor
- Seen a surgeon.
- Gone to the doctor’s office.
- Had a doctor treating you.
- Had a consultation with a doctor.
- Been a doctor.
- Received a doctorate’s degree.
- Seen a departing doctor.
- Seen a doctor in a traditionally white coat.
- Undergone surgery.
- Seen a plastic surgeon.
Positive changes are afoot if
- The doctor helped you overcome an illness.
- You were a doctor in the dream and you helped somebody.
- You were able to follow doctor’s orders.
- The doctor recommended appropriate remedies for your illness.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of a doctor
Sick. Confused. Controlled. Misunderstood. Respected. In control. In pain. Confident.
By Florance Saul
Oct 12, 2012