

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

A dream of seeing a dictionary is all about communication and the need for knowledge. It is important to look at the type of dictionary that you encounter in your dream.

To dream of an English language dictionary can be associated with a lack of power to communicate with a loved one. To dream of a foreign dictionary means that you may travel in life. To write a dictionary means your quest for knowledge will expand. To see a dictionary on a table, or to study with one means that you will gain important knowledge in the future.

In your dream you may have

  • Read a dictionary.
  • Seen dictionary.
  • Looking for a dictionary.
  • Sharing a book (dictionary) with housemates.

Positive changes are afoot if

  • The dictionary helped solve troubles.
  • You shared the dictionary with friends and family.
  • You read the dictionary.

Detailed dream interpretation

A dictionary is suppose to provide meanings. To read a dictionary means you have a quest to fulfill goals in life. To see other people with dictionary’s indicates that people wish to communicate with you. Maybe you are looking for some advice from another. To see a dictionary in a library means that your life needs more understanding. Sometimes we try to find fulfillment. To dream of looking for a meaning in a dictionary means that one must recognize their quest for knowledge. This knowledge may also include trying to know oneself better. Acknowledge your weaknesses and draw plan on how to overcome them.

A lost dictionary is a warning. Do not take things for granted.

Reading a dictionary with others, is a symbol of acknowledging one’s attributes in life. To have or see a brown dictionary is related to status in life. This is connected to possible relationships with other people.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of dictionary

Helpful, friendly, happiness, family man, goal-oriented, family oriented, fear of losing something in life.

By Florance Saul
Mar 22, 2013