
Dream meanings Despair

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

Feeling despair in a dream can leave one with a rather negative feeling. The situation of despair is interpreted in dreams as a negative emotion.

Thus, the subconscious mind is connected to the dreamer to try to overcome such a feeling. To be in despair because of the family, house or even work in a dream means that things in waking life must change for the better. If you see other people in despair during your dream then this is a positive sign. Happiness is likely to be yours!

You may have dreamed

  • You are in a bad mood while others are happy.
  • The household is in despair.
  • A child in a despair.

Positive changes are afoot if you dream

  • The despair does not last.
  • You feel happier at the end of the dream.
  • You are in despair because of a death.

Detailed description

This dream signifies sorrow, disillusionment, or betrayal. To be in despair because someone has died in one’s dream implies spiritual aspirations that are internalized but not shared with others.

The dream that you are in a “despair” while others are happy foretells a future occurrence. The happiness of others represent the contentment, you can expect from others in life.

Sometimes we wake up with tears in eyes, as we have experienced sorrowful times in our dreams. This is a rare dream but it gives you a strong message that you can overcome any adversity.

This is also a warning that you must be careful of the any new relationships in the future.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of a despair

Sorrow, shock. Anxiety, , sad feelings about the future. Hatred about happier ones.

By Florance Saul
Mar 22, 2013