
coins dream meanings

Coin Dream Meanings

If you are in the middle of a deep snooze then suddenly see coins then this is a super "positive" dream. At times, these sorts of dreams actually means something and they can be strange, wierd and the coin can appear in many ways. Coins are naturally rich with symbolism, they can represent money in the real world or a person or object that we value.

Let me explain this to you, the interpretation of the dream may be different depending on the type of coin, the amount of the coin and the position of the coin as illustrated above. Coins can also be represented in your dream negatively to mean some irrational thoughts or behaviors that may lead to you having some loss either financially, economically or even emotionally. The interpretation of the dream may be differ depending on the the amount of coins represented in the dream.

Coins in a dream are usually known to have a connection to health and wealth of the person having the dream. If the material of the coin is not the traditional (silver, gold or copper) and made of different materials or various methods then this dream is in connection with trying to make it in life. Each coin has its own interpretation which can be slightly different from one another.

The coin in a dream may also be a suggestion for one to change their habits. This person is thinking about having a good time in life. Money is likely to bring joy in their lives. It can suggest that you should change your way of life, remove the bad habits so as to have a good, prosperous and happy life.

1930s Dream Meanings of Coins

  • Gold coins: an immense success at your work place is predicted which may provide one with much money this means wealth!
  • Increase in salary in the dream: a promotion in real life, hence more earnings.
  • Silver coins: symbolizes spiritual enhancement in your life. You may grow spiritually and get to a level that is high in the spirit world compared to your current level.
  • Copper coins: this means that you will get physical and mental healing. Maybe you have been struggling with a disease or this has caused you stress or mental problems that require healing. If you have a dream of copper coins then you are receiving healing from the spirit world.
  • To see an old coin in a dream indicates an "old goal" that needs to be achieved.
  • To see many coins of various types in a big pile can mean that you may gain power in form of a position or just physical power. The group of coins symbolizes authority.
  • Coin tossed into a river or a wishing well can be interpreted as making decisions and mistakes in life. It can also symbolize contemplation over a given crucial description.
  • A fake coin symbolizes that one may suffer from a particular infection.
  • Finding coins: a focus on wealth and "getting" money from someone in real life.
  • Swallowing coins: don't let material things guide you too much.

What does it mean to dream of coins?

Despite coins being small, they hold great importance in dreams due to the fact they represent wealth, value, and good fortune. Interestingly, the two sides of a coin can even reveal dual aspects of life. Don't overlook the profound messages that coins may hold in your dreams!

In my view, dreams are about how we process information, they are also about what is happening in life and it is important to pinpoint the fact that seeing coins in the dream world is representing emotion, in that there are two sides of one coin can mean from my experience the idea that opposites are complementary and interconnected in some way. Let me explain deeper: pain and joy, light and darkness, or chaos and order may all be two sides of this same coin, so this dream is about opposites, and the fact that maybe you are avoiding something and you need to “flip” the coin to understand the meaning. Because coins represent a positive change in finances many cultures around the world believe dreaming of coins to be an expression of abundance and prosperity in the waking world. Coins can also signify a reminder to take risks, make decisions, or even mess about and try something new.

The history of coins date back to the 6th or 5th century BCE? Some early coins were often irregular in shape and size, and they were marked with different weight and value indicators. As time passed, civilisations across the ancient world developed their own unique styles and designs for coins. Although bank notes were invented in the 17th century, coins are still commonly used today for small transactions and as collectibles. In fact, the art and design of coins have become a crucial aspect of numismatics, I also want to mention that coins are associated with a business and possible control over a situation. From ancient times to now, coins have played a fascinating role in the way people buy and trade goods, and therefore seeing them in dreams can mean that a new business is on the cards.

As I have already said, coins in a dream can indicate new abundance, prosperity, and blessings, as well as being a sign that you are aspiring for financial stability or success in your life. However, I personally believe that coins stand for the value of hard work, effort, and dedication in fulfilling one's goals. Remember, dreams have a way of communicating with us, and can indicate the afterlife or spiritual transformation. For instance, in Ancient Greece, placing coins inside the mouths of the deceased was a traditional practice, believed to facilitate their passage to the afterworld. Dreaming of coins may also signify a spiritual connection with ancestors or receiving a message from the divine realm.

Did you know that dreams about coins don't always signify financial concerns as I have already stated — these are so much more elements to this dream. While some coin dreams may represent wealth and money, others actually are linked to something deeper. They can reveal important insights into our emotional selves, giving us subconscious warnings about our own existence.

What does it mean when dreaming about seeing coins?

It's not uncommon to dream about seeing coins, with their varied designs, shapes, edges, and meanings. While coins often represent money and prosperity, they can also suggest that something is changing in life and this represents non-material concepts like personal growth or relationships. Perhaps the dream is a subtle reminder to be resourceful and thrifty. It could also indicate good fortune or wealth, but be aware of the negative connotations too.

When one has a dream about coins it can be interpreted as an opportunity that may have been important and crucial to your life. If the dream was "negative" then there is an opportunity has been overlooked also means an immense success that is to happen in one’s life maybe in terms of the success at work by getting a promotion or even a pay rise or success at school or college by obtaining excellent grades that are above the required level.

What does it mean when dreaming of gold coins?

I had a dream of coins a few nights ago,  I wandered down a path in my dream world, the sight of endless golden coins filled me with a ton of joy and abundance, and I knew that this was a message from spirit about making sure that I receive prosperity.

Since ancient times, the colour gold is connected to wealth and recognition. Thus, dreaming of gold coins can suggest a desire for prosperity and recognition in your life, or even the acknowledgement of your own self-worth and value. This positive gold cooler can ultimately mean possible fulfillment and happiness. This dream can indicate representing a major shift in life, and that change could be coming. Your life, as you know it will likely change if you find gold coins in the dream, it is important to be mentally and emotionally prepared for the cool, weird and possibly strange opportunities coming your way.

What does it mean when dreaming of finding coins?

There's nothing quite like the thrill of discovering coins – it's like reuniting with a loved one from your past. However, in dreams this is related to making sure that you know “only you” can put yourself back on track. It is important to stay balanced and centred so that you don't become overwhelmed by your emotions.

If you dream of finding coins on the floor it could mean you're about to receive unexpected gains, and in my old books state expect this as either monetary or through efforts in business. Such a dream may also indicate that you're resourceful and able to uncover hidden treasures or make the most of what's available to you. The act of finding coins in dreams — this could be an expression of self-discovery or a search for your true identity. On some occasions, the dream may simply be a reflection of recent experiences or subconscious memories.

What does it mean when dreaming of being given coins?

When you dream of being given coins it can mean that you may benefit from setting up boundaries, your subconscious mind is telling you that people trust and believe in you, but you may just feel a little “lonely” sometimes and you need to take pride in what you do. The dream of being given coins is also about making sure that you listen to loved ones, who will always be available to assist you. Sometimes you may dream the coins are given as a gift, reward, or appreciation for your contributions. Receiving coins is a good sign. Embrace this and be proud of your efforts.

However, this dream can also serve as a reminder that you may owe someone something in return for the coins. It could also be a reflection of your desire for financial security and stability amidst uncertainty and adversity.

What does it mean to dream about a silver coin?

If you dream about silver coins it means you need to grab the steering wheel in your own life, there is also a sense of being in the middle. Silver is a neutral color, and this dream might represent how you feel about some aspect of your life — in first gear maybe. Specifically, this dream might have to do with your family and emotional connections. You may feel the influence of close friends on your sense of spiritual well-being, so it's important to prioritise your own peace of mind. Don't let negative emotions sway you. On the other hand, this dream could be a symbol of your deeper desires for financial security and the things that come with it. I also want to share with you that this dream is about mapping out  your personal goals and making those manifestation boards.

What does it mean when dreaming of a bag of coins?

Dreaming of a bag full of coins is a super positive dream, it can indicate that you're on the cusp of prosperity and abundance. Try to remember the “bags” cooler and where you found it. The bag of coins can also represent a sense of security and protection, think about the dream like you're holding onto something valuable that provides you with a feeling of safety. Your current financial situation has allot to do with this dream, and it is around financial power and is sending you a message: trust in your ability to attract and manage wealth.

If you've dreamed of holding a bag full of coins, you should be feeling highly optimistic and enthusiastic about life right now. Maybe you see yourself giving coins from a bag to someone. Not only that, but you might be feeling incredibly worried about money — and this is telling you to stop worrying.

What does it mean to dream of lost or stolen coins?

When you dream about coins, you're likely exploring the idea of taking risks and pursuing your desired outcomes in life. Coins as I have already said can be a symbol of investment in your future. I’m not telling you to go open a Crypto account and put a load of coins in Bitcoin, what I am saying that dreaming of loosing money in a dream is about losing something in making life. If you dream about losing a single coin, it could signify that you are missing something in life.

I’m convinced that your dream may also suggest that you're worried about losing something significant, like a job or a relationship, or this dream has suddenly appeared as you are just “regretful” of past financial choices and missed opportunities.

According to my old dusty dream interpretation books someone stealing coins from you is a direct sign of feeling undervalued or unappreciated in day to day life, and most notably at work. Perhaps you feel like your contributions are being overlooked or taken advantage of.


Coins actually have deep symbolic value in your dream world and subconscious mind. They represent your emotional connections with cherished things in your life, revealing what you truly value. Coins also showcase potential prosperity and freedom you may obtain. So don't dismiss your dream about coins as just “money talk.” they are about how secure you are feeling in life.

1930s Dream Meanings of Coins

  • Gold coins: an immense success at your work place is predicted which may provide one with much money.
  • Increase in salary in the dream: a promotion in real life, hence more earnings.
  • Silver coins: symbolizes spiritual enhancement in your life. You may grow spiritually and get to a level that is high in the spirit world compared to your current level.
  • Copper coins: this means that you will get physical and mental healing. Maybe you have been struggling with a disease or this has caused you stress or mental problems that require healing. If you have a dream of copper coins then you are receiving healing from the spirit world.
  • To see an old coin in a dream indicates an "old goal" that needs to be achieved.
  • To see many coins of various types in a big pile can mean that you may gain power in form of a position or just physical power. The group of coins symbolizes authority.
  • Coin tossed into a river or a wishing well can be interpreted as making decisions and mistakes in life. It can also symbolize contemplation over a given crucial description.
  • A fake coin symbolizes that one may suffer from a particular infection.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of Coins

Happiness, anticipation of gain, success, irrational thoughts and fear of loss.

By Florance Saul
Mar 19, 2013