
carry dream meanings

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

A dream about carrying a person or object or being carried shows an unevenness in your relationship with other people or in your activities like work, school, and caring for a family. If your dream involved carrying people, there is a huge difference between you carrying someone and being carried yourself.

If you were the one doing the carrying in your dream, and the person was a stranger, it shows a willingness to help others and volunteer. Especially if you were not worried or tired in the dream, it shows that you are respectful of others, no matter who they may be. You do not make snap judgments or base your decisions solely on looks.

In your dream you may have

  • Been carried by someone.
  • Been carried by an inanimate thing.
  • Carried a person.
  • Carried an object.
  • Carried something abnormally heavy or awkward.
  • Carried more things than you could handle.
  • Carried a normal load of items.
  • Used something to help you carry people/objects.

Positive changes are afoot if

  • You were carrying a fair amount of things.
  • The things you carried were not harmful.
  • You carried an equal amount of weight in each arm.
  • You carried another person who had injured themselves or who obviously needed help.

Detailed dream interpretation

If you were carrying someone you know, it could be a good sign. It may show your attachment to this person and the fact that you are always there for them. However, it could also be a negative sign. This person may be taking advantage of you with or without you realizing it. If you carry someone in your dream that was injured, it is certainly a positive sign. You put other’s welfare ahead of yours when it is necessary.

If you were carried in your dream, it is not as positive of a sign. Though it is good to lean on other people from time to time, it is not good to have them “carry” you literally or figuratively. You should not be putting all of your weight on this other person. You do not realize that some of your actions severely affect this person. Perhaps you expect to much of him or her. Alternatively, this person is someone you wish could be more involved in your life.

If you are carrying objects in your dream, you may have to look specifically into those objects to determine what the full dream means. However, if you can it may help to look at the ways in which the objects are carried. Dreams about carrying often show a balance. If you are trying to carry several things at one, you are probably having trouble juggling your relationships and your work life.

Try looking at the size or weight of the objects. If one item is bigger than the other, that item is weighing on you more heavily than anything else in your life. You may be devoting too much time to school and work and not enough time to family.

If you used something to help you carry the objects or people in your dream, then you are creative and logical. You know when to ask for help and when you can handle something on your own.

If the objects in your dream are strange or misshapen, then you have lost someone or something huge in your life. This is either something you forgot about or hadn’t thought about lately. Your subconscious is reminding you that this tragedy happened, and is encouraging you to work out a balance of your feelings.

This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life

  • Handling your feelings.
  • Learning, working, and communicating, and finding a healthy balance between those.
  • Personal issues.
  • The way you judge or do not judge other people.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of carrying

Helpful. Assisted. Relaxed. Panicked. Tired. Worn down.

By Florance Saul
Oct 12, 2012