Boobs or Breasts

Dreams About Boobs Or Breasts
Breasts are symbolically portrayed in dreams.
Although it may be embarrassing to most people, dreaming of breasts is common. The obvious meaning of dreams featuring breasts is the desire for intimacy but also nurture. The breast as a symbol indicates the “need to nurture or desire.” To encounter problems with your breasts in a dream can mean that you are reacting to change in life. The breast in mythology is symbolic of the earth and can be connected to our own reality.
Dreaming of your own breasts can have many other interpretations. To analyze your dream, consider the context they appear in your dream first. In addition, dreams about breasts take on different meanings depending on whether you are a man or a woman. Since breasts are primarily for feeding babies, they can also represent the need to be nurtured and love - as if you were a child.
What is the dream symbol of breasts?
Breasts are symbols of motherhood and nourishment. They also represent the need to support others or turn to someone for help. If we turn to Welsh folklore the breast itself indicates forever nurture, a breast according to Greek mythology is associated with rebirth. Dreaming of breasts as I have already mentioned represents your own nature, nurture, rebirth, overcoming conflicting and relationship situations and finally transformation. The way the breast is presented in the dream is equally important. As breasts often illustrate a connection between baby and mother this can be a representation of your own personal characteristics. I do feel that breasts occur in our dreams when we are undertaking an important task in life.
What is the general dream interpretation of breasts?
Breast dreams signify the primal need for intimacy. If the dream features bare breasts, you may feel like your private matters are being placed out in the open for all to see. You may have concerns about keeping a secret from someone in your waking life. If you dream of breasts, you may want to improve yourself so you can live life better. It also signifies an understanding that life is much more than just working and you would like to explore other aspects of life.
What does it mean to dream of strange breasts?
If you dream of seeing strange breasts or your own strange breast, you should expect to fail at something or to experience hardships in the not-so-distant future. If you see breasts in your dream, this may also indicate your need to be taken care of or to receive more nourishment. If a woman dreams of strange breasts, she most likely feels worried about the prospect of motherhood or her femininity. If your dream involved seeing your own breasts or someone else’s, then this indicates you are trying to go back to nature.
Dreams of breasts also may mean that you do not want to take on any more responsibility in your life. If you also see nipples in your dream, this may relate to a desire to go back to your childhood. This may also indicate that you are feeling too dependent on someone else in your life.
Size of breasts in dreams
If the breasts are small in your dream, you may experience hard times, such as a financial setback, illness, or the death of a loved one. The size of breasts is important in a dream, if the breast was delicate and fragile and tiny then this can indicate that your true contemned will lie in understanding change. Seeing large breasts represent a desire for a relationship. It could denote you are building a new relationship.
What does it mean to hurt your breasts in a dream?
A dream where you see a cut or scar on your breast or on someone else’s breast means you are anticipating hard times or perhaps you are having some difficulties in your life.
What does it mean to dream of male breasts?
To dream of a male breast show you will have optimal health and earn a fair amount of money at work, however, you may also have feelings of envy towards someone. If your dream includes the male breasts that are hairy, the future holds much joy, many children and you will live a long, healthy life, according to older dream dictionaries.
What does a dream of breast cancer mean?
Breast cancer is a major problem in our society, and this normally happens when there is abnormal cells in the body. In normal life it is hard to avoid thinking of breast cancer as it normally appears in society and we normally do know someone who suffers this. If you dream that you have breast cancer then this is not the reality. Most breast cancer is women who is over fifty years old. There is something I do wish to share. Consciousness does connect in our dreams. This can be as symbols for also vision. The problem we have is that our own mind controls our thoughts. Need to check are dreaming of having breast cancer had very rare occasions health. If you are creating images in your mind or have heard voices speak to you during your dream this could signify your inner self presents some truth or wisdom stop there was a study by a radiologist called Lara's work at Duke University. He studied 18 women who had dreams of breast cancer. Of these women, most of them had visitations from people that have passed on giving them the sign and symbol that they would have breast cancer. This whole study amazed me. I feel it is important to include this because
What does the left breast in a dream mean?
Dreams about the left breast indicate our own life forces and healing. Dreaming of seeing your own or someone else left breast can connect to our own universal archetypes of a symbol of our drive in life. According to Carl Jung breasts in dreams denote healing and also our own relationships with others.
What does the right breast in a dream mean?
Breast dreams is quite an interesting interpretation. I dream of the right breast suggests a mystery, this could possibly be a gift but seeing your right breast indicates your hidden potential within yourself. This could be that there is something that needs to be explored or possibly unwrapped. Alternatively, the breast dream symbolize social events alternatively emotions that you hold. Even away, the dream itself offers you the opportunity to think about what you really want in life.
What does breast milk leaking in a dream mean?
Seeing leaking breasts is connected to how we nurture others. This is not necessarily a negative dream. Breast milk in dreams indicates protective aspects that we hide from others. The dream itself is associated with how we relate to other people and also the relationships we have with others. The best way to assess this dream is that we need to indicate the need to apply a more nurturing aspect of our life. The dream is either positive or negative in nature. Milk leaking from breasts also signifies physical energy and independence. If you are breastfeeding a child in the dream it can be connected to your vitality and optimistic life.
What does it mean to dream of breastfeeding?
If you dream of breastfeeding a baby, you feel as if you need to nurture someone in your life at this time. If you dream of watching a mother nurse her baby, you will have a successful marriage and a peaceful home life.
What does it mean to dream of multiple breasts or a third breast?
Many people have contacted me about dreams of a third breast or multiple breasts. This could suggest your own fear that you were not able to take care of somebody in life. This could be a child partner or alternatively your own vulnerable part of yourself. Seeing abnormality in relation to additional breasts in a dream is associated with the fact that you have the desire to understand certain elements in your life. With time these will come together in a practical and harmonious way.
Summary of dream of breasts
Breasts represent a part of your life and personal transformation. We all undertake self-awareness and the breast is a reminder that a journey that involves nurturing others is an important step in life.
In your dream, you may have
- Seen breasts, bare or covered.
- Viewed your own breasts, bare or covered.
- Breastfed a baby.
- Observed nipples on breasts.
- Witnessed a cut or scar on breasts.
- Watched a mother nurse her infant.
- Seen breasts that are small.
- Viewed a man’s or hairy breasts.
Positive changes are afoot
- If you dream of watching a mother breastfeed her infant.
- When your dream includes the breasts on a man.
- If hairy breasts are featured in your dream.
- When the dream is pleasant overall.
This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life
- Motherhood and femininity.
- A need for more privacy.
- Experiencing hard times, sickness or death.
- A desire to be a child again.
- The need for or to be nurtured.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of breasts
- Embarrassment or shame.
- Envy or over-dependence.
- Joy and peacefulness.
By Florance Saul
Oct 12, 2012