
Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
Bouncy, bouncy! Before embarking on a detailed meaning of this dream we need to understand what a ball means in your dream. There is a saying that is quite important “ keep your eye on the ball” this comes to mind when we are defining this dream interpretation.
The first thing that comes to mind is a round ball, but does a ball need to be round? No, if we look at the rugby ball it is shaped like a prolate spheroid. I’m sorry to say that in older dream books a ball is seen in a dream generally has a negative meaning. If the ball was round in the dream this is connected to completing something important in life. Spiritually a circle seen in a dream can indicate that you have been feeling that you are going round and round and not finding the correct path or right way in life. Scroll down to find your dream meaning.
What is the meaning of a ball in dream psychology?
In order to answer this question, we need to turn to Carl Jung, the famous dream psychologist from the 1930s. He believed that every dream is connected to archetypes. The ball is essentially an archetype. How the ball appeared in the dream is important and also how you actually felt in the dream. From dream psychology, the ball is part of a game of life. It normally occurs when one is in the process of completing something important in life. Sigmund Freud believed that balls are connected to a woman's ovaries. Most of his dream interpretations were sex-related. It makes you wonder if this is indeed true or that he just dissected symbols to build a ladder of our sexual mind. Freud thought that the ball was associated to our psyche and the ball was feminine in nature. In my view, it is important to try to relate this dream to our “feminine side of life.” What feminine traits are you showing right now? Has this given a reason for the dream?
What is the general meaning of dreaming of a sports ball?
I need to explain what I want to do on this dream topic. The dream in my view is connected to the “actions” and type of ball that you see in the dream. You could have seen the ball used in many different ways. A ball can be flicked, swung, kicked, dribbled, crushed, thrown, tossed and even whacked. The action in the dream is important which I will define a little later on. The ball normally sits center stage in sports events and is connected to how we compete in life. In the dream state, the ball is an omen of how we express our competitive nature. The ball can signify the aspect of your character depending on the action that you see in your dream. You on the other hand, if you have you see yourself playing for then the chances are that this is a rather successful dream.
To dream of a deflated ball means you’re going to experience some hardships or easy victories – depending on how you dreamed of the ball. If you were playing with the ball this dream denotes you’re going to achieve an easy, long wanted success, however, if you were kicked in the face with a ball in your dream, you’re going to encounter some difficulties. These difficulties could be related to your career or personal life. Either way, you will feel hurt and disappointed.
What does it mean if you could see a ball in the dream?
If you could see a ball in your dream, it denotes you’re in a complicated situation. You’re the one that’s making it complicated by being doubtful. It is common to have this dream when you don’t know which solution to take - and which path to choose. It’s simple. Choose the path you want in order to gain your goals. Don’t care about what people will say about your choices - only you know best. I can turn this dream on its head and say just take a shot and hit the ball if you want to achieve a point. Overcome you will overcome your fear of failure and just go with the flow. So, the ball in my view is associated with opportunity, and don’t be surprised by how your instinct can guide you if you let it.
What does a red ball mean in a dream?
A red ball often appears in a dream when we need to understand an aspect of our character. In my opinion, this dream indicates that you need to be more sharing and open with others. From a spiritual context, red symbolizes passion and also hidden opportunities. Perhaps you want to try to freshen up your own image. If you are playing with a red ball during the dream it could indicate that you are going to face some minor conflict in the future.
What does it mean to dream of throwing a ball?
Throwing a ball has many different spiritual meanings. As I have already concluded in the opening statement the ball itself is significant, and if you attempt to throw the ball during a dream it can suggest that you are worried about the conclusion of an event. It can often be connected to our psychological mind in that you are worried about trying to remain in control. If you are the ball thrower in a sport during the dream, such as baseball or cricket this can suggest that you are feeling some insecurities in life. Perhaps you are worried about how you are going to achieve your goals moving forward. As a thrower of balls often makes decisions we can reflect this in your dream. Throwing a ball in a dream can also be associated with taking your time in matters in waking life. If you are holding the ball but you do not wish to throw it in a dream this can symbolize that you some insecurity in life. If you are throwing the ball in the air it can signify an aspect of your character and you need to look beyond surface appearances and try to understand yourself deeper. If you see yourself on the sports pitch then in many ancient dream dictionaries this suggests that you’re going to pitch an idea work, alternatively, you have a new idea of how to approach things in waking life. If you throw a ball in your dream and you miss a target then this indicates that the only way you are going to achieve is to understand other people by opening yourself up to the strengths and powers that you have from within.
What does it mean to dream of a white ball?
A white ball in the dream symbolizes comfort, innocence and also connection with others. In all my readings I believe that seeing a whiteboard indicate your ability to use your imagination so you can see the clearer picture of life. If you are playing with a whiteboard in your dream it indicates you don’t have an opportunity to take action. If you see other people play with a white ball it can often represent that you’re leaving yourself open to criticism. The white ball is very spiritual and it often is a symbolism of our own identity in life. It is interesting that you dreamed of a white ball as it can mean completion but also the only way that you can achieve is to reflect on your own abilities in life.
What does it mean to dream of catching a ball?
Catching a ball in a dream indicates that emotions are taking place. Many dream dictionaries catching a ball has been connected to the missing about our past achievements. If you are catching a ball in a sports activity during the dream state this indicates that you’re going to have an opportunity to remove any negative influence that may harm your creativity in life. This will ultimately lead to a healthier result. If you are trying to catch the ball but Miss then this can signify that there will be a delay in completing an important project in life. The ball itself is in the completion so catching this ball is a positive omen.
What does it mean to dream of a baseball?
To dream of a baseball indicates that you are going to be hard-nosed. As the baseball is rather hard and we often use a bat when playing baseball it can signify the flip side of your character. You may find that there will be a situation where you can immerse yourself in your own emotions. If you are playing baseball in a dream it can often indicate that there is an idea that is not being pitched correctly - especially at work. Baseball has its roots in the British sport of rounders, however, rounders uses a softball. If you saw a ball which has a figure-of-eight red and white design and also stitching then this can indicate that you are valuing your own talents. The stitch is a symbol of your achievements in life. Additionally, the stitches that he used on a baseball, for example, the X shape indicates there is a target that you need to reach in waking life.
What does it mean to dream of a beach ball?
If you dream of a light, round beach ball then this in spiritual terms indicates the need to be more clear-headed in your approaches to situations. If you dream that you are in the sand and you're playing with a beach ball this is quite an interesting dream. The beach ball in dreams often means that we need to review our actions in a situation especially if you see the beach ball near the sea or ocean. The sea is a symbol of our inner emotions.
What does it mean to dream of a soccer ball?
A soccer ball in a dream is associated with how we express ourselves and our own personal boundaries. It can indicate the need to maintain strong relationships with others. If the dream itself involved in playing soccer then this indicates that you will have an opportunity shortly to develop. If you’re watching a soccer game in a dream then it can indicate that there is an aspect of your character that you wish to be more organized.
What does it mean to dream of a golf ball?
Golf balls are around 200 years old. To dream of seeing a golf ball indicates that there is a target you need to reach. Golf balls often appear in dreams when we need to focus and move part of our life forward. The golf ball symbolism is also connected to understanding the patterns in our life stop if you attempt to play golf and you see yourself hitting a golf ball it is a representation of the targets that you need to reach going forward.
What does it mean to dream of a bowling ball?
To see a bowling ball in a dream can indicate your superego according to Freud. The bowling ball has historically come from China, it was made of wood but nowadays the bowling ball is normally made of a material known as Mineralite which is hard rubber. Seeing rubber balls in a dream can suggest that despite anything you’re going to succeed. If you throw the bowling ball and hit pins in your dream then no matter what happens you are going to remove any problems that will come your way. If you dream of seeing yourself in a bowling alley then this indicates that you will have fulfilment it will take a while for you to understand how to move forward in life.
What does it mean to dream of a basketball?
I have already defined what basketball means in the opening paragraph, but let’s look at this dream further. If you were playing basketball in your dream it can suggest that you are going to encounter an interesting time at work. A basketball can also signify that a goal is soon going to be met. If you are playing basketball during your dream it is connected to how we socially interact with others. If you are missing the basket while taking shots in your dream it can be a symbolism of missing an opportunity in life. The basketball is an omen of completion, as we have already outlined. Often the dream occurs when there is a project that requires you to meet certain goals. If you are dribbling a basketball in your dream then this can indicate that changes will occur. If the basketball is orange in your dream then this signifies changes in obstacles you will overcome anything stands in your way.
What does it mean to dream of marbles?
Marbles a rather interesting when it comes to dreams historically marbles were very popular as a made from glass and their quite small each marble can be associated with possible goals in life. Marbles are as we very well know a children’s game. Marbles can come in many different types of colors. If you see yourself playing marbles in a dream it can often indicate that you are thinking about your childhood times in life. Marbles appearing in the circular format in the dream indicates that you are going to complete events and these are gonna turn out well. The marble symbolism can also be connected to what Carl Jung defined as an archetype. The marble itself can be connected to our subconscious efforts to conclude objectives in life.
What does it mean to dream of a netball?
Netball in a dream is very similar to the dream interpretation of baseball, traditionally the actual netball “ball” is a white in color and this is connected to our innocence. Netball, after all, comes from the early versions of basketball. Netball is quite a popular sport in England and is generally played by females. Netball seen in dreams represent our positive goals in life. If you are playing the game of netball during a dream it can indicate that you’re going to communicate much better with those people around you. If you lose a game of netball in the dream this can suggest that there may be an opportunity that will arise in the near future.
What does it mean to dream of paintball?
Paintball in dreams is connected to receiving news from others. If you are playing paintball then this is a positive dream, it indicates that you are in the best of moods at the moment. I’ve actually got specific dream meaning of paintball which you can uncover by clicking here. It is a positive dream to have and indicates that emotionally life you were quite stable. If you dream of shooting somebody with a gun this indicates that you may have some type of conflict. If you are being chased or hunted down while playing paintball it can indicate hidden worries and dangers. If you are having fun and playing paintball during the dream it can suggest that you’re going to have some great times ahead. Don’t forget to check out my other dream interpretation of paintball.
What does it mean to dream of pinball?
If you are playing pinball during your dream you see a pinball machine it can indicate that you going to be call calm and collected in the face of adversity. The good news is that this stream also indicates you’re going to be successful in achieving your goals. Pinball generally is a fortunate dream and whatever difficulties occur you can overcome them.
What does it mean to dream of a rugby ball?
Rugby balls have an ancient history, interestingly rugby balls were developed back in 1870. Rugby is very common in Britain, this ball was originally made from animal bladders. There are many things have changed since then! Originally rugby balls were actually round rather than they are today which is overall. If you dream of rugby balls this can indicate that changes on its way. There is an association with new beginnings and a new start in life. If you are kicking a rugby ball in a dream this can signify happiness and contentment going forward. More importantly, it means that you are going to reach your goals in life. The rugby ball is quite durable but it does get rather heavy in wet weather.Therefore from a spiritual perspective, this dream is associated with goals that we will achieve but it may take some time.
What does it mean to dream of volleyball?
Volleyball seen in a dream is associated with a target that needs to be reached. The volleyball illustrates that you are going to take on some innovation or a new challenge which will excite you. There will be many opportunities for new ideas and approaches in life. You will find that if you shoot or punch a volleyball in your dream it can indicate positivity. The volleyball can also signify the great things are going to happen.
What does it mean to dream of a cricket ball?
Dreaming of a cricket ball is connected to our freedom in life. It can signify that you will have contentment and happiness going forward. You may feel that you have the freedom to manage your own workload and also be proud of the end result. As cricket balls are quite hard it can spiritually signify that there will be some challenges moving forward but the most important aspects of life will be connected to achieving your goals.
What does it mean to bounce a ball in a dream?
Bouncing a ball yourself into a dream could represent that you are trying to figure out how you achieve your goals in life. You may need to make a decision regarding a situation. If you are simply in an audience watching a ball game during your dream this means that you are acting too shy and self-conscious. This may be depriving you of several opportunities that have opened up in life. To see other people bouncing balls in your dream indicates you need to simply take on more initiative.
What does it mean to kick or play a ball game in a dream?
Kicking a ball in your dream predicts that your life will soon become carefree. You are literally kicking your worries away. In some situations, this may also mean that you are attempting to regain control of your life. Dreams that consist of other ball games or sports means you are about to hear some good news. Sometimes, it can indicate that you may need to let loose in life. To see soccer or football in a dream indicates you will start connecting with your inner-child. In Freudian terms to watch soccer means that you have seen a game in the waking world and this is the reason for the dream.
What does it mean if you threw a ball in your dream?
If you threw a ball in your dream state, it can indicate you will take your chance to achieve your old goals. It can signify that are were focused on what others expect from you. The time will come when you’re going to refocus on what you want and expect from life itself. Throwing a ball in your dream also denotes your inner wants and needs. You want to find your inner peace and remove anything that makes you feel trapped and exhausted. To throw a volleyball in a dream indicates you have suppressed anger that needs to be released - this will help you achieve your dreams. Instead of waking around pissed off, use your anger to create the masterpieces you always wanted. My advice is to try to channel your anger into something great!
What does it mean if someone threw you a ball in a dream?
If someone threw you a ball in your dream, it foretells a new opportunity. A person you never expected to help you will give you a help in hand. You will realize that this person is waiting for the chance to prove themselves. This dream often occurs when we are going for promotion or looking for a new job. Try to recognize that you have a chance in life! There are some good people around you, and like Harry Potter says there are people who want to see you succeed and raise up the ashes like a phoenix.
What does it mean if the ball was broken in your dream?
If the ball was broken in the dream, deflated or just would not work it implies a possible broken spirit. You’re feeling disappointed after you survived a failure in life. Are you doing something you always wanted to do? If you are wondering about whether to carry on with your career this dream is a message that you shouldn’t give up now. A lost battle doesn’t necessarily mean a lost war. The advice is to try again, and again, and again. Never give up on yourself or your dreams. I’m going to leave you with a quote! Thomas Edison once said: “I have not failed. I just found 10,000 that won’t work.”
What does it mean to see a ball in different colors?
If you saw a colorful ball in your dream, it foreshadows success in many areas of your life. Your career will progress and your personal life will finally come to order. Lucky you! At the moment you may feel like you wish to give up, in time you will see a light at the end of the tunnel. Yet, don’t let the light blind you. Take it slow and enjoy the comfort and happiness that will soon enter your life.
What does it mean if you bought a ball in the dream state?
If you bought a ball in your dream, it means you will receive news that will help you solve a certain problem that’s been on your mind or bothering you lately. Your dream is also a sign of independence. You want to be more independent and keep your distance from people who bring you down. It’s time you focus on yourself. Once you start enjoying solitude, your life will change for better. Solitude will lead you on the right path. When we are around people, we’re different and act according to their wishes, however, when we’re alone, we are ourselves. To buy a sports ball in a dream indicates a positive change in your life.
What does it mean if you were a child and lost your ball in the dream?
We can all remember losing our important ball as children. The ball in your dream is a symbol of positive, youthful energy, especially if you play with the ball during your dream. However, if you lost a ball in the dream, it means you’re going to feel nostalgic for the past. Sometimes losing a ball can indicate that you remember the past and wish you can go back. The spiritual message of losing a ball is that the best is yet to come.
What does seeing or attending an open-air ball mean in a dream?
An open-air ball (or a ball that is held outside), generally shows you will soon go on a trip or holiday. You will enjoy the experience. A lake or a body of water is usually seen in this type of dream. Simply watching a ball party on the sidelines (or if you are only observing guests), means your shyness is making you miss out on a lot of fun in your waking life.
What does it mean to host a ball (event) in a dream?
When you throw a ball in your dream, it signifies your business will be very prosperous. You will possibly gain a high position by means of ascending the social ladder. To see or push a ball in a dream generally means that most of your goals are within your reach. If you are a man and you are pushing a ball in your dream, the message is that you need to be more gentlemanly. You should start taking consideration of the feelings of others. Especially when they are your inferiors, but as well as your equals. You should respect them and this will raise your conduct in their eyes.
What does it mean to see or attend a ball in your dream?
First, we shall discuss the ball which means party or gala. To dream of attending an old-fashioned ball (medieval times), predicts good times are in your future. Whereas to dream of a fancy modern ball shows that life has a pleasant surprise in store for you. It will only be a matter of weeks before this surprise comes to fruition. A ball dream also shows that you will have something in your life to look forward to. Generally, it is a favorable event. It may be possible that you will be asked to join a new project in your office, or someone may want to include you in their social group.
If the ball is a celebration of your family, then this shows that your lives will a take a turn for the better. It represents encouragement and happiness in your life. Any worries regarding your health may be over and you will remain contentedly happy for the rest of the year. During a dream where you are at a ball, you might feel depressed over the inattention of others. Some of the characters in your dream may ignore you completely. This kind of ball dream may indicate that someone in your family may be harmed.
A ball also shows that people are thinking positively about you. If you have been struggling in your life for the past months, happiness will prevail if you see dancing at a ball. If the ball is a black tie event and a dinner party, this suggests a close friend is not being true to you. You should think about this before trusting anyone with your secrets.
What does it mean to host a ball in a dream?
When you throw a ball in your dream, it signifies your business will be very prosperous. You will possibly gain a high position by means of ascending the social ladder. To see or push a ball in a dream generally means that most of your goals are within your reach. If you are a man and you are pushing a ball in your dream, the message is that you need to be more gentlemanly. You should start taking consideration of the feelings of others. Especially when they are your inferiors, but as well as your equals. You should respect them and this will raise your conduct in their eyes.
You kicked a ball in your dream
It foretells a progress in your career. You will either get promoted or accept a better job offer. You’re on the right path in life. Keep going but don’t forget to rest. You were playing with a ball with an unknown person: It foreshadows a new relationship in your life. You will either meet a new friend or a new partner. You will establish a profound connection with the person like you never did with someone else before. This person will easily earn your trust. Someone stole your ball in your dreams take: It means you’re going to feel betrayed by someone. You should be more careful expressing your feelings and plans in front of people, no matter if you know them for a long time, or they recently walked in your life. Someone might try to steal your happiness away. Remember, not everyone that’s your friend wishes you happiness.
Who I am?
Oh before I forget, my name is Flo. For twenty years I have been reading and studying dreams. This interpretation was rather long, but I have tried to make it easy for you by bolding the key points so you can uncover your dream meaning of a ball. Over the years I have read many books on dreams, you will find sources of this dream interpretation at the end of this article. In my readings half the dream books the meaning was negative and the other books it was positive, denoting that the ball is associated with the future. The great news is that different balls mean different things in a dream so I can provide you with a clear overview. For example, to see a basketball in a dream indicates that you will achieve something great in life. It can also suggest that you will rise above any problems in life! So good news! This certain dream meaning is divided into many meanings I have covered what a ball (that is an event or party)
In your dreams you may have
- Bounced, kicked or played with a ball.
- Threw or caught a ball.
- Pushed a ball.
- Witnessed a ball game.
- Seen a ball game or a ball party.
- Attended a ball party.
- Enjoyed a ball party.
- Been ignored at a ball party.
Positive changes are afoot if
Kicking a ball denotes loss of worries in the future. Lively music and dancing at a ball foretell of good times ahead. A family ball may indicate any familial problems will dissipate soon. A ball held outside may indicate you will soon take an enjoyable holiday. The overall dream was completely positive. Throwing a ball may be an omen that your social status will improve.
Feelings that occurred during a dream of Ball
Joyful. Excited. Challenged. Confused. Anticipation. Playful. Disappointed. Betrayed. Carefree.
The Element Encyclopedia of 20,000 Dreams: The Ultimate A-Z to Interpret the Secrets of Your Dreams, Wake up your dreams (1993) A paper on Freud, London Press (1931), Balls and their spiritual meaning, Russel (1921)
By Florance Saul
Oct 4, 2012