Bad dreams

Bad dreams meaning

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

Have you ever had a dream where you are lost in the wood? You are chased by a murderer or your teeth are falling out?

Bad dreams can often wake us at night, maybe you hear some strange sounds. Your heart beat is going and you are worried in the dream. Sometimes bad dreams awake you in the night. So why do we have a scary frightening dream? Research shows that bad dreams are due to traumatic stress disorder in the day. Even that your imagination is over active.

Children often experience a strange sensation when they experience a bad dream. This happens when the toddler (under five) normally wakes up but part of the brain is still asleep. They generally seem awake but are still dreaming. These are often known as “sleep terrors” and are caused by being over-tired during the day. The child may seem wide awake but actually still be asleep.

If you wake up crying from a bad dream this can be rather concerning. Remember that the dream was a dream. If you experience night sweats in the bad dream when you are sleeping this can suggest that your brain has been particularly over-active.

We all have nightmares at some point in our lives and sometimes these are representative of bad situations in our waking life.

If anything goes bad in a dream we can associate this with difficulties due to other people. There could be many incidences of events that go bad in a dream and as we have already concluded it is very much connected to nightmares. You may sit you may see a bad person or alternatively conclude the when you wake up you had a bad dream. In order to understand why this is bad we need to look at the concept of nightmares why is a dream so bad?

What is a bad dream?

A bad dream can be defined as a vivid terrifying dream that can often wake us at night. This creates ill feelings when we wake up and we are left shaken. In fact, if the dream is particularly bad in nature then one will awake. During REM sleep the brain is overactive and research has shown that bad dreams occur at this stage.

Why do you have bad dreams?

We have bad dreams because of our relationship with our waking life. There maybe some difficulties in life and worry. We only remember 5% of our dreams so if we have a bad dream we never really know the total picture of the bad dream and therefore if you have a particularly scary dream your brain may still be recovering when you wake up.

Do bad dreams mean anything?

If we look at research it shows that a bad dream occurs when you are anxious in waking life. This normally results in vivid bad dreams. Being under pressure also results in bad dreams.

How do you stop bad dreams?

Meditation and relaxation techniques should be employed before bed.

Does nicotine cause bad dreams such as nicotine gum or patches?

Yes, a high level or extended level of nicotine in the blood is supposed to cause bad dreams.

So what is an example of bad dreams?

Bad dreams can include many bad events in the dream state. There are some common bad dreams such as the below.

Most common bad dreams

  • Terror attacks:If you have found yourself in a war zone in your dream it can be rather distressing. Since terror attacks are focused on wars this dream suggests that you have some pent up fear in waking life. You could dream that you see a bomb or are blown up. Research has shown that terror attack dreams are caused due to feeling anxious in waking life.
  • Death of a relative:Normally in the dream state, one is shown a person that they know is dead in real life. Thus, in the bad dream, they continue life as if they are dead. This is normally due to a required way of healing. It maybe that this bad dream occurs because they are resisting the acceptance of the death of their loved one. In most dreams, the key message is always about the relationship that they have had with the deceased and what has caused this bad dream. If the person they dream of is actually living then the dream is connected to the relationship that they have with this person in real life.
  • Being Naked in a dream:Have you ever had that dream when you are walking around school or work and you are naked? You don't know where to hide and feel worried. Being naked is associated with our fear of acceptance and is often associated with a bad dream.
  • Teeth falling out:Falling teeth is a common dream, teeth are related to our identity and also communication with others. Broke or missing teeth suggest that you have been worried about communicating with another. It can also suggest lying or dishonesty in life.
  • Late for something:This bad dream is connected to being overwhelmed in life. Maybe you have taken on too many tasks and it is all getting too much. In turn, you will find it difficult to take on any responsibilities.
  • Partner leaving for someone else:Cheating is a bad dream that is connected to how you trust people in waking life. Maybe you are not feeling the "love" that you should. This bad dream can also be connected to your self-esteem.
  • Being chased and attacked or murdered:Research has focused on this type of bad dream. There are two findings. It is sometimes defined as a nightmare or is a positive dream, in that you are facing fears. Some dream dictionaries believe that you are running away from problems. There is a focus on rejection and fear if someone is chasing you to kill you.

In conclusion, bad dreams are a direct result of us feeling worried and stress in life.

By Florance Saul
Jun 13, 2017