

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

Dreams of avocado's relate to happiness.

An avocado is a large type of fruit defined in the berry category, it has a single seed. An avocado is sweet and nutritious and despite being a native of the South Central Mexico, it is available all over the world and loved as a good source of nutrition. In the dream, an avocado symbolizes happiness and an expression of creative energy. An avocado in terms of its history originated as I said in the opening paragraph is from southern Mexico and if it appears in your dream it is believed to indicate some sense of ability - cold heartened actions and being able to face life and fight. Right at the heart of the avocado is a stone and spiritually this can mean that you find it difficult to communicate with others. if you dream of cutting up avocado fruit and put in this in a fruit salad this can indicate that it is a symbol of yourself having a thick skin. This is due to the fact the avocado has quite a rough texture. Spiritually, as I’ve already outlined the avocado has thick skin and also a stone in heart stop indicate that you may encounter other people who will challenge you in life.

Detailed dream interpretation:

An avocado is often associated with not telling the truth in a dream. It is a symbolism of a lie. This is the ancient dream interpretation from the 1930s. Of course, there are many elements of this dream that need to be reviewed when trying to define a more "modern" interpretation. To peel an avocado skin in one's dream indicates that you will find it difficult to understand people around you. Someone could possibly deceive you. If you notice avocados on a tree it can suggest that growth is coming your way. To dream that the avocado is not ripe inside is an association with decisions that are likely to be erratic.

Try to take some time before making some key decisions. To go to the market and buy an avocado indicates that you will have some successful business transactions. If you are selling an avocado in your dream this points to possible uncomfortable negotiations with somebody. If the avocado is growing from a tree then this suggests that you are going to have a romantic proposal soon. To see a large avocado in your dream is connected to energy that is required to overcome deception. To have a dream of an avocado which is a reoccurring dream indicates that you need to be careful in life.

To cook with an avocado in a dream indicates that you should work towards achieving your own goals in life. You will soon be in a position to work on defining your goals and thus, you will start to work on becoming more prosperous.

To cut an avocado in your dream indicates a blessing. And with this blessing coming your way, you should try to be generous to your friends and relatives. Share your achievements and let them be able to learn how to achieve progress in life, your way. Things might seem so tough in life if the avocado in the dream is bad, this is due to the fact that, you maybe full of negative energy, which at the end of the day, will make it impossible to achieve even the simplest of tasks put before you. Once you start on the wrong footing in the morning, there is no way things will out during the day, you have to be positive from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed. You will be shocked at how things work out for you throughout the day.

Seeing an avocado being held by a familiar person in your dream is an indicator that you should learn the secret behind the success of your friends and relatives because that is what you need in order to succeed in life. Learn from others is the key message. You need to be happy and also somewhat aggressive in order to accomplish your day to day activities and this, you can only achieve this through socializing with positive people who you know in your life. They will be able to impact their positive energy. When a strange person is seen holding an avocado in your dream, it denotes that you will need to travel or relocate. It seems that you are surrounded by unhappiness thus, making it impossible for you to progress in life. This “travel” has to be completed as soon as possible because you will start seeing development in your life which will help you achieve your goals. Maybe take a holiday away?

What does it mean to eat an avocado in a dream?

A dream where you see yourself eating an avocado in a dream suggests that you will experience happiness in waking life and this will in itself give you the creative energy to create positive situations around you. People will benefit from your expertise because you will be able to impact them with positive energy which will result in happy times.

What does it mean to pluck an avocado in a dream?

Plucking or picking an avocado in a dream this implies that you are trying to focus in life and adopt a clear, hard approach in life. If you see a person picking an avocado in a dream it can indicate that you may find your plans are not on track. As I’ve already explored earlier in this dream interpretation the avocado itself is connected to our own hard-skin, being brave and direct.

What is the spiritual meaning of an avocado tree?

The avocado tree is part of the Lauraceae family and the fruit is taken from the Azetc term known as “Ahuacatl” in Spanish the term avocado is known as “aguacate” which in dream lore indicates things will be adequate for a while. This leads me to the question of what does it mean to dream of such a wonderful tree? The avocado tree implies a new beginning, growth and being over sensitive. This is due to the fact that the tree is spiritually connected to a fresh start. In India, the avocado tree can be damaged by temperatures lower than 1.2oc, which means you may encounter someone oversensitive in life. The avocado tree has thin and smooth leaves - association things will run smoothly going forward!

What is the spiritual message of an avocado?

To dream of an avocado signifies sexuality, great potential, creative ideas, excellent health, and lust. It also symbolizes wealth and career success. An avocado in a dream also denotes your inner feelings. Are you feeling responsible for doing something bad? Do you have a guilty conscience? If so, forgive yourself and try to make things right. Once you do, you will notice a positive change in your life. Your inner peace will come back. You’re also embarrassed by something you’ve done. Maybe adultery? Or have you betrayed a friend? You’re jealous by nature. Your attitude is ruining your relationships with waking life. Consider working on yourself and your inner issues. Jealousy is not a sign of love. It reveals your low self-esteem and this can make you unattractive in your lover’s eyes. The negative interpretation of an avocado in a dream is related to enemies, toxic relationships, and abuse. Maybe someone’s trying to lay their problems on you. Don’t let this happen. End each toxic relationship (you know which ones).

What does it mean to dream of a ripe avocado?

To dream of a ripe avocado denotes career progression. You will make important decisions that will prove profitable in the future. You’re seen as visionary and you will prove your abilities. However, to dream of unripe avocados represents your professional life and your obsession with success. Avoid rash decisions. Maximize your profit and success by doing the right thing.

What does it mean to pick an avocado in a dream?

To pick an avocado from a tree in your dream symbolizes a positive experience that will change your romantic life. If you’re already in a relationship, you will take it to the next level and notice progress. If you’re single, you will have a lot of options to choose from. Picking an avocado indicates that you will be like a magnet to people. However, enjoy your solitude for a while until you figure out what you really want from life. To pick an avocado from the ground denotes adultery and betrayal. You will either commit adultery or someone will cheat on you in the future. The picking up from the ground is a symbol of getting satisfied with leftovers. Think twice before you do something you know won’t be good to you.

What does it mean to dream of planting an avocado tree?

To see yourself planting an avocado tree in your dream implies to your need to tell people what to do. You need to work on your obsessive compulsive attitude. Someone will share private things with you, however, you’re not very good at keeping secrets, so be careful. If you tell something to someone, you will lose an honest friend forever. Your dream also reveals your vulnerability and sensitivity. You were always perceived as a strong person with steel nerves.

What does it mean to dream of an avocado as a symbol?

To see an avocado symbol in your dream on a food, bag, or at the market signifies a deception or a lie in waking life. Be more careful who you trust. Your dream also denotes creative thinking. You’re a creative person but you never try to realize your innovative ideas. Give yourself a shot. Maybe your ideas were born to make your life better. What do you have in mind right now? Realize it!

In the dream:

You may be the one with the avocado. A familiar person eats an avocado. A strange person might be the one with an avocado. Peeling an avocado. Eating avocado. Seeing a large avocado. Cooking with an avocado. Selling an avocado. Buying an avocado.

Feelings associated with your dream:

Progressive, happy, aggressive, generous, impacted and blessed.

By Florance Saul
Jun 11, 2017