

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

To dream of an anniversary signifies your expectation of great news. Happy anniversary!

My name is Flo, a psychic and dream interpreter for over twenty years. What does dream meaning of an anniversary mean? Well, quickly, happiness, good luck and celebration of life. The anniversary dream also foretells a new phase of our life. These dreams tend to occur when we are happiest in life and wish to celebrate our successes! From a psychological viewpoint the anniversary dream also foretells a new phase of our life. Maybe a positive change that will transform one’s life? If the dream was “negative” in nature then this can affect our perception in real life. There are many different dream meanings of an “anniversary” this depends on the type of anniversary featured in the dream.

Detailed meaning

Ok, the general meaning of seeing an anniversary in your dream is happiness in a partnership. If you celebrate your wedding anniversary in your dream, it denotes that you yearn for a long-lasting marriage. However, you are afraid of possible future issues and you should not be afraid. If love is real, it can overcome everything.

What does it mean to celebrate an anniversary in your dream?

If you saw a couple celebrating their anniversary in your dream, it could imply that you wish for a fairy tale relationship. However, let’s not forget that life is not a fairy tale and not everything has to be perfect to be beautiful. Appreciate what you have and be happy. If it was your wedding anniversary in your dream, this reveals your suppressed feelings regarding your relationship with your partner. You doubt your feelings and the feelings of your partner. Instead of guessing, why not ask your heart how you feel? If you broke up with your partner on your anniversary in your dream state, relax! It’s not going to happen in reality. You will maintain a healthy and long lasting relationship if you dreamed of an anniversary party.

Seeing your partner being married to someone else on your marriage anniversary reveals your fears of losing your partner. However, if you already lost your partner this is just symbolic. You need to learn how to let things “go” and lose your fear of losing people. The right people will always stick by your side. Forgetting your anniversary in your dream denotes that you are too focused on details that you can’t see the whole picture. Sometimes, love is enough and provides everything you need to maintain your relationship. If your partner forgot your anniversary, it reveals your need of control in reality. However, you will eventually lose your partner if you keep controlling everything. Learn how to let things happen based on your own judgment - “go with the flow” is the key message.

What does it mean to dream of an anniversary of death?

To dream of an anniversary of the death in your dream denotes that you miss someone in life. However, it could also suggest that you need to let go of the things that you can’t fix everything. Try to remember the good memories. It’s been so long since you felt alive and happy. Happiness is a state of mind. Your mind. Learn how to be happy again and do it for the one you’ve loved and lost.

What does a prom anniversary in dreams mean?

To dream of a “prom” anniversary, this indicates your nostalgia for times gone by. Better days are on their way to you. However, why not organize a reunion and meet your old friends in near future? If you felt sad or annoyed, maybe even frustrated regarding your anniversary in your dream it reveals your suppressed feelings. Do you secretly think you’re not appreciated enough by your partner? If so, it’s time you talk about the relationship. Communication is the key to a strong relationship.

What do birthdays in dreams mean?

If you celebrated your birthday in your dream, it denotes that you are ready for a new phase of life. You love changes and they don’t phase you. Good for you! However, if you witnessed others celebrating a birthday in your dream it foretells that you want to teach others how to be more flexible. Keep in mind that not everyone will listen. Focus on yourself. Those who are smart will follow your steps.

Birthday dreams are classic dreams, they tend to be associated with our inner happiness and suggest that you need to accept an aspect of yourself. To see yourself move down and blow out candles and your birthday cake in your dream foretells emerging nostalgia about childhood. However, it could also suggest that you still have a wish that’s waiting for you. You are old enough to know that wishes don’t always come true! You have to make an effort and find a way to get what you want.

What does it mean to celebrate a wedding anniversary in a dream?

To celebrate a golden anniversary in your dream denotes yearning for a happy and long life together with your partner. Golden anniversaries denote an achievement in life as a time where two people can celebrate everlasting love, which in the dream state translates to the same meaning.Silver anniversary in dreams: To celebrate your silver anniversary, it also means that your life goal is to stay side by side with your partner. Don’t let jealousy and trust issues ruin the beautiful life you have.

More anniversary dream meanings

  • You did not want to celebrate the anniversary in your dream: to feel like you do not wish to celebrate suggests emerging worries and anxieties. You will discover a relationship will have inner love and happiness. A dream like this one reveals that love also needs care and devotion. Strain and tension due to overwork can sometimes become a problem.
  • People were celebrating the anniversary at a party: this shows you are filled with energetic resources in life, happiness will be yours. Many of our characteristics are shown in such a dream, if you are happy then this dream shows you can easily relate to others.
  • You could see birds on your anniversary in your dream: Birds are the symbol of hope. The reason this is this dream interpretation is this is an “omen” if seen in such a dream that you will have a long and happy life with your partner.


Many of you have sent me your dreams and over the years this page has grown, so I have covered the following dreams in this section of the website:

  • You celebrated your wedding anniversary in your dream.
  • You saw a couple celebrating their wedding anniversary.
  • It was your wedding anniversary in your dream state.
  • You broke up with your partner on your anniversary in your dream.
  • You saw your partner married to someone else on your marriage anniversary in your dream.
  • You forgot your anniversary in your dream state.
  • Your partner forgot your marriage/wedding anniversary.
  • It was the anniversary of the death to someone close to you in your dream.
  • It was the anniversary of your prom in your dream.
  • You felt sad on your anniversary in your dream.
  • You had a birthday in the dream.
  • Others celebrated a birthday in the dream.
  • You blew out candles on a cake in a dream.
  • You celebrated your gold wedding anniversary.
  • You celebrated your silver wedding anniversary.
  • Is your dream here? On that note, thank you for visiting the website and be sure to check out other sections of the site!

Feelings that occurred during a dream of the anniversary

Happiness. Confusion. Joy. Sorrow. Sadness. Excitement. Scared. Fear. Hope.

By Florance Saul
Sep 17, 2017