
Uncover Hidden Boys meanings
This is a common surname with Scottish origin. Some historians claim that this name came to Scotland from France during the time of Willian the Conqueror. It is said that a man called Barid saved Willian the Conqurer from the attack of a lion, thus getting land in Scotland from the King as a gift. It is understood from records that the Barid family had land in Aberdeenshire. These Baird families have migrated to other places, and thus this name is found in Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, US, Canada and UK.
Detailed meaning
- Origin: Celtic
- Quick Meaning: Bard or Minstrel
- Number of letters: 5, Those 5 letters total to 25
- Gender: Boy
- Scottish: Male From Baird
- Irish: Male Bard
- Gaelic: Male Poet
- English: Male Minstrel; a singer-poet
- Celtic: Male Bard
Positive traits
- Love investigation work
- Hard worker
- Understanding
- Careful
- Willing to try new things
- Adapting to different situations
Negative traits
- Enjoys your own company
- Can be self-contained
By Florance Saul
Sep 28, 2012