Uncover Hidden Boys meanings
This name Archibald was introduced from the Germany and England during the Norman conquest. Archibald was used as a surname for the Old French and also for the German. Later on it was also adopted for the lower Scottish with meaning as “bold, genuine or brave”. Its shortened form “Archie” is also commonly used especially in the social media.
Detailed meaning
- Origin: Teutonic
- Quick Meaning: Sacred Prince
- Number of letters: 9, Those 9 letters total to 40
- Gender: Boy
- Teutonic: Male Holy prince
- Shakespearean: Male' King Henry IV, Part 1' The Earl of Douglas
- Scottish: Male True and bold. Also 'bald'
- German: Male From the Old German Ercanbald meaning true and bold
- English: Male True and bold, valuable
Positive traits
- Love of nature
- Good negotiation skills
- Encouraging
- Good relationship qualities
Negative traits
- Worrying too much
- Temperamental
- Does not enjoy being away from home comforts
By Florance Saul
Oct 1, 2012