

Abner boys name meaning

The name Abner is connected to the Old Testament. Abner was the cousin of Saul. He was an army commander and had strategic endeavors in wars. The name Abner became fashionable following the reformation. Abner is not talked about in connection with Saul's historical past. There was a terrible fight in Gilboa where Saul's authority was taken away. Abner decided to be the king of Israel at Mahanaim.

Detailed meaning of Abner

  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Quick Meaning: Father of Light
  • Number of letters: 5, Those 5 letters total to 22
  • Gender: Boy
  • Hebrew: Male Father is light, or father of light.
  • Biblical: Male Father of light

What is the spiritual meaning of Abner?

Words and names hold power. The word Abner holds power, and I am going to go over what this means for you. The name starts with “A and B” The first two letters of the alphabet. This means nothing just happens. There is a start here. The start of a road to an amazing life. 

The biblical power rests in the name of Abner. I will explain what Abner means biblically shortly. It’s important to note that Every letter, and every number within your name carries significance. Just as Abner’s strength of mind brings success, so too does the AB in the name signifies potential and perseverance.

What is the numerology of the name Abner?

When you total up the letters and numbers, Abner, numerology is a number twenty-two. This is a call, a sacred push that in this world you will have great responsibilities. In numerology 22 is a master number, a vibration that cannot be ignored. In my research, those born to the name Abner - are equipped to tackle massive projects, to rise above the challenges like Moses did in the bible. The number 22 is not ordinary. It's the master number, that you cannot ignore. Like David stood firm against Goliath, Abners are builders, a creator destined for greatness. If you have this name - you can lead, build - make the ordinary extraordinary. However, there is also a warning found in the scriptures. Misuse this gift and you get life problems. As Solomon said, wisdom and restraint must guide your hand. 

What is the biblical meaning of the name Abner?

Abner is the name of a Biblical father of light. This name is about wisdom and enlightenment. As it has 5 letters it is about trying to to rethink our own roles in the lives of others; Are you bringing clarity to our environment? Numerically, Abner connects strongly with the number 7, which represents intuition, introspection and the search for truth. This makes us look within, question our beliefs, and seek self-discovery - ultimately leading to a greater awareness. By adopting the qualities of Abner, we are reminded of the transformative power of knowledge and reflection to light our paths and those of others with purpose and compassion.

Positive traits

  • Good listener
  • Good arbitrator
  • Encouraging
  • Good leadership qualities

Negative traits

  • Controlling
  • Lack of awareness
  • Insensitive
  • Too optimistic
  • Selfish

By Florance Saul
Oct 1, 2012