

Most every religion or creed in the world has something instilled in their belief system which describes something known as Karma, the three fold law or the golden rule.

The basic idea behind this concept has been said as, ‘An it harm none, do as ye will.’

Or, ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This basic rule that stretches across this world, combining us in its simplicity and beauty is related to the idea of Karma. The general idea that what you do to others, will come back to you sometimes three fold.

It is a cosmic rule that guides us to our important life lessons. Karma is often misunderstood because it tends to be considered something that is set up for the purpose of punishing us for our misdeeds. On the contrary, Karma helps the soul evolve.

When we make a wrong decision, the repercussions of that decision should be enough to teach the lesson which will assist us in bettering our life experience. If a person does something that is negative, then it is the cosmic law that says that they will receive something negative in return, hopefully thus teaching the valuable lesson so they do not repeat the same action.

The same thing goes with positive actions. This is a concept that reminds us that as humans we are capable of putting creative thought behind our actions which in turn gives us the responsibility over our lives and what we do in it.

Karma is the moral code that tells us we are walking in the right direction or the wrong one. And if we are walking into brambles, we will learn very quickly how to take another path. This concept makes Karma a tool instead of a punishment.

Karma and Reincarnation

There are two schools of thought regarding Karma and reincarnation. One believes that the transgressions that we inflict upon others or act out in our past lives will come back to us in this life time in the form of devastation or problems that are difficult to understand as a result of dying too soon in the past life and not being able to live those lessons out. Basically turning the lessons of the past life into ‘lesson leftovers.’

 Though there is a significant amount of value that can be found within past life regressions and meditations, one must use caution to not get stuck reliving over and over again a potential circumstance of a past life thus interrupting the work that you have to do here and now in this life.

The second school of thought believes that God would not inflict lessons upon us that we are not able to remember. Doing so would remove the tool-aspect of Karma which would make it more punitive then helpful. In this the schools of thought differ.

Whatever your beliefs, Karma is present in our lives whether or not we believe in reincarnation. If you don’t know yet if you believe in such a thing, try out a couple of experiments. See what happens if you wake up in the morning and decide to give $5.00 to charity.

See if you get something in return, something of equal or better value. Test it out, write down your results, do it again, learn the differences in the way that you feel as you go through the process. Begin to gain awareness over your actions. If you were rude to someone, did your day get better or worse? These are beneficial questions that will move you along the path of understanding the influential nature of Karma. 

By Florance Saul
Nov 7, 2012