Jesus Christ Mojo bag

 Jesus Christ Mojo bag Spiritual Meaning

The Gris Gris amulet came to be known as “Mojo” bags. It is thought to be derived from the West African word “mojuba” which means a prayer or homage. In the Hoodoo practice the mojo is a flannel bag which carries magical charms for various reasons. Normally the mojo bag is red in color. A mojo bag can contain herbs and roots, minerals, papers with name or petitions.

There are many items that are within the mojo bag for example: coins, metallic charms, crystals, lucky tokens, engraved amulets, rattlesnake skin, dried frogs, swallows’ hearts, and bats’ wings. 

With the influence of Christianity over the African people it was thought that Jesus Christ was the most important saint of all. They thought that Jesus Christ was the biggest “conjure” to walk the earth, as he was the master of miracles. It was believed that Jesus Christ should hold the highest place of honor and should be worshipped. Thus, the Jesus Christ Mojo bag was born.

Similar to other Mojo bags the common contents are as follows: a picture showing Jesus Christ as a shepherd, three coins, a piece High John the Conqueror root, sometimes a magnet, a Master root, a paper with the 23rd Psalm either printed or hand written, some red thread to tie up the articles, Pine resin, Cinnamon sticks or chips, Frankincense resin, Myrrh grains, Pyrite. The mojo bag made of red flannel should be used.

The ritual for creating a Jesus Christ Mojo bag includes the following:

  • On the back of the 23rd Psalm write the desire, e.g. money, peace, health,  job, friendship, or love.
  • Then you need to write your name seven times over the desires because Jesus Christ’s number is seven, there are seven days in a week, and the number seven stands for luck and victory.  
  • The next step is to anoint the paper in the oil.
  • Then wrap the High John the Conqueror root ​around this paper and tie it up with the red thread while reciting the 23rd Psalm.
  • Finally, put all the items in the Jesus Christ Mojo bag, tie it up with red thread, light a candle, place the prayer card beside and recite the 23rd Psalm seven times.

The Jesus Christ Mojo bag is ready to be carried by the person wherever he goes. To charge the mojo bag light a candle over the Jesus Christ Mojo bag daily and recite the 23rd Psalm. Only then will the magic of Jesus Christ help him or her!

By Florance Saul
Dec 24, 2012