
Are you seeing Beetles crawling into your thoughts?
Beetles symbolically represent a situation we must persevere with. As we go through life we become stronger and confident. There are almost 350,000 species of beetle in the world. We live in the world of beetles! An infestation of beetles could indicate that you are trying to get rid of a problem and you need to keep trying. When I was a little girl I was told by my great Nana that seeing a black beetle running across my path means it will rain tomorrow, normally it would come true. This is an old superstition from the 1930s.
Over the last few weeks I have seen hundreds of beetles in my flat. They are scurrying across the floor or flying by the windows. Grabbing that can of insecticide I decided to pause for a moment, as I run this website I thought it was a sign to reach out to the world and understand the history around the beetle. I have read ancient history on the beetle – the signs and symbols and why this little critter has become so important in our culture. What does seeing beetles mean spiritually? These are the main signs and symbols of seeing a beetle.
The symbolic meaning of a beetle
- Persistence in times of trouble
- Intelligence
- The strength to carry on through hard times
- Using your own strength to your advantage
- Order out of chaos and teamwork
- Lucky charm
Persistence in times of trouble and patience
The beetle walks the path many times and many ways, the message here is that we can persevere and make a new path to create a better life. Change does not occur by accident and it takes some time for things to improve.
Intelligence – you hold the key
The extraordinary wisdom of the beetle can manifest when we keep seeing them. There is an idea that we live in an intelligent universe and that we manifest wisdom as we walk through life. If you look at the small beetle you can just make out the small head. But, if the beetle is dissected you will not find a brain. The beetle has no brain only a few nerves. Therefore, it is a message to YOU that spiritually you we need to emerge and use our brains. Maybe to study or create a better life for yourself.
The strength to carry on through hard times
I am rather afraid of beetles, but, according to science the reason that we are sometimes worried about beetles is because the brain our brains confuse the feeling of not liking the actual “look” of the beetle with fear. This fear that some people feel is similar to the fear we hold of difficult times.
Using your own strength to your advantage
Understanding the symbolic meaning of a beetle can help us understand what they are trying to communicate. Beetles hold timeless insight into history. Egyptians were taken by the beetles size and dung-rolling scarabs. The repetitive behavior of these beetles indicated invisible forces of inner strength.
Order out of chaos and teamwork
You can tell by the fact that beetles live in colonies and cooperate in order to achieve success. They represent understanding, collaboration, and unity. As a spirit animal, the beetle might teach you how to stay true to your goals and achieve inevitable success. The beetle is intuitive, meaning if it’s your spirit animal, you probably share the same traits. The beetle represents unquestionable intuition and thanks to this, it’s considered as a powerful totem. You’re lucky if it’s yours.The scientists who study beetles are known as coleopterists, and they have gone a great way to understand what the beetle can mean. Most people realize that these small creatures can bring with them insight into how we spiritually connect in groups. For over 230 million years the beetle has been chewing and changing our own landscape.
Symbolic Lucky charms
Beetles play an important role in different cultures and belief systems around the world, throughout history. They inhabit the planet Earth for millennia and in most cultures they were considered lucky. Meaning, they’re ancient and very interesting to us to explore. Back in time, the beetle was worshiped by Ancient Egyptians, Romanians, and Greeks. In modern history, they’re often considered as annoying or we fear them. Today, different cultures hold different opinions on the symbolic meaning of the beetle. Nonetheless, most species bring benefits to human environment and economics.
The beetle has an interesting spiritual meaning and symbolism. They represent hard work, progress, stability, love, persistence, colorfulness, creativity, cooperation, solidarity, instinct, and intuition. They’re often associated with progress, consistency, devotion to goals and of course hard work. The beetle is also linked with success because of their devotion to goals. And we all know that goals are achieved with hard work and persistence. The beetle is often seen (in many cultures) as a lucky charm. Some even use it as an amulet. They’re a symbol of transformation and luck. They’re stable creatures that represent constant progress and full dedication. They symbolize slow but successful development. Beetles are also associated with change, balance, and consistency. They stand for natural changes and creativity because they come in different shapes, colors and size, and are always up to something new. Their colorful wings are absolutely stunning. And they’re the reason why beetles are often associated with imagination, creation, and visualization.
Symbolic color meaning of a beetle
The symbolism of this insect is also very interesting. Each color on the beetle stands for something different. For example, green stands for health and a fresh start, while blue is for calmness, and red for passion, of course, and so on. Therefore, if you see a beetle or see one in meditation, this can inspire you or predict a path regarding your future. The beetle is a good team player.
What does it mean to see a beetle scattering over the floor?
To see a beetle scattering over the floor symbolizes wealth, especially if you saw it inside your own home, on your floor. According to many superstitions, seeing a beetle scattering over the floor represents a symbol of material gains and career progress.
What are the types of beetles?
There are around 800,000 species of insects that exist on earth. However, it might be more than that. But among the ones that are already documented, the beetles are the largest group so far. They’re classified as Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Arthropoda, Class Insecta and Order Coleoptera or the Beetles. “Coleoptera” means ‘sheathed wings’. And this order is subdivided into multiple suborders. The suborders contain several families and there are over 30,000 species discovered in Canada and the USA so far. Beetles inhabit the freshwater and terrestrial environment. They can’t be found in polar regions or the sea. Most of them are predators, others are parasites and some are scavengers. Their diet is consisting of plants, fungi, parasites and other invertebrates. Leaf beetles eat leaves but most of the lady beetle family stand as predators.
The beetle belongs to a large group of insects recognized by distinct anatomy. For example, the beetle has specially designed and accustomed wings. The beetle belongs to the Coleoptera order. The dung beetle and the ladybug are only a few extraordinary members of this order. They help farmers and improve our environment. Other members of the order that is also famous are the potato beetle, coconut hispine beetle, and the mountain pine beetle. Some species are used as food and are usually consumed as larvae.
- The lady beetles are also called ladybugs and belong to the family Coccinellidae. They have a rounded convex or oval body covered in bright colors. There are 5,000 species of this family found all around the world. Some are predators, while others are plant eaters. The common species are most likely orange or red and covered in black spots.
- The rove beetles are a large diverse group that belongs to the family Staphylinidae. There are over 29,000 species. This type of beetle is small and black in color. They have short elytra and exposed abdominal segments. You can find one in areas associated with the ground like stones, in loose soil, under lear. They’re nocturnal predators.
- The ground beetle represents one of the biggest families of beetles. They belong to the family Carabidae, consisted of over 40,000 species. They’re no longer than 1 inch in length and brown/black in color. As you can notice by their name, the ground beetle can be found in places related to soil, especially in damp domains. They’re nocturnal and you can find them under stones, logs, plant debris and other secretive places. During the night, they tend to climb on plants and feed on aphids and caterpillars. Most of them feed on plants and seeds, while others are known to damage agricultural crops.
- Soldier beetles belong to the family Cantharidae. They have long, soft bodies and can be found on flowers. There are over 4,500 species of them all over the world. Some feed on aphids and other insects such as maggots, caterpillars, and grasshopper eggs.
- Fireflies are a part of the family Lampyridae and there are over 2,000 species of them. They’re dark in color and medium in size. And they have soft flexible elytra. You can find them on foliage throughout the day. But they do fly at night. Fireflies usually inhabit damp places and feed mainly on snails and slugs. What’s interesting about these insects, is that adult beetles turn on their flashing light during intercourse. In terms of spiritual meaning of fireflies, they indicate charging up a love interest or that you need to focus on how you can love yourself better.
- Leaf beetles are a part of a large group of over 35,000 species around the world. They have an oval-elongated and oval body that comes in different shapes and sizes. Both larvae and adults feed on plants, mostly on flowers and foliage.
- Click beetles belong to the family Elateridae. Adults are hard-bodied, slender and shiny. They can snap two body parts together, fly up into the air and land on their feet. You can find these beetles on leaves and flowers. However, their larvae are called wire worms and they usually live in the ground, in the decaying vegetation or under the bark. Some species cause damage because they feed on seeds and roots.
- Scarab beetles represent a part of the family Scarabaeidae that contains more than 16,500 species around the world. This family includes dung beetles, chafers, and others. They have a convex, oval or elongated body and usually feed on plants. Chafers can be found in gardens. The larvae eat rots of plants such as crops and lawns, while the adults feed on the foliage of multiple ornamental plants.
What’s the animal totem of the beetle?
We all have an animal totem assigned to us on the earth plane. This totem changes as the years go by. The beetle, if your animal totem indicates communication and change will happen but not overnight. As a spirit animal, the beetle is a good teacher about life. It can help you achieve success and pass through different phases of life without panicking or rushing things. The beetle, spiritually (in meditation) may teach you how to channel your energy right and how to use it to realize your goals and dreams without regretting anything. The beetle can teach you how to stay humble and down-to-earth. It will enter your meditations when you need to listen to your intuition and inner voice and how to act according to your own will and wishes. If a beetle is your totem, you're probably determined and strong-willed. In the many books I have read a beetle is also a symbol of being creative, practical and understanding of other people’s emotions. Are you dedicated to your goals and cooperative? As I have already touched on at the start of this article it can also mean you are a team player but you don’t have problems working on your own.
To have a beetle as your animal totem means you’re taking good care of your intuition. You also allow your intuition to guide your path and polish your actions to perfection. The beetle indicates that you are well aware of your potential and know how to express yourself in the right manner. This symbol in spirit also means you never overreact. In fact, you’re known as the tranquil person in your surroundings. But you’re not calm when you need to express your opinion about a specific matter that concerns you or a situation that you’re involved in.
To keep seeing beetles everywhere indicates you are a very creative person with a vivid imagination. You know how to apply your ideas and come up with a realization. You’re an expert in making strategies and plans. But you’re not a dreamer. Although creative, you may (under certain circumstances) still lack motivation and magic in your life. The beetle as a totem also indicates the following traits:
- A person of many talents.
- The beetle will help you develop your best one and put it to work.
- Beetle will help you come up with new ideas and creations.
- Beetle helps you be tolerant and understanding but at times, you lack the same out of people.
- You don’t expect much out of people in order to avoid disappointment.
- You’re not a sensitive person. Meaning, people can’t hurt or offend you that easily but you are compassionate when it comes to animals.
- You love animals.
- You also like to bring people down when they’re trying to insult you. Not that you’re offended but because you find it entertaining.
- You’re self-reliant, bossy and capable of defending yourself.
What is the biblical meaning of a beetle?
The beetle is often associated with Ancient Egypt and was worshiped in different ways in history. This insect is the best one of the insect world for a reason. Well, the ladybug is a beetle (yes, this is cute!) and is often associated with the mother of Jesus, Mary.
According to examinations, the seven spots a ladybug holds on her back represent the seven sorrows that the Virgin Mary has suffered. So, the ladybug represents a symbol of Christianity and the story of Jesus Christ. Farmers loved these insects too because every time they would pray to the Virgin Mary, ladybugs protect their crops from pests. Meaning, they considered ladybugs as protectors sent by Virgin Mary.
What does it mean to kill a beetle?
If a beetle lands on you, it means good luck will follow you around. But if you crush a beetle, it represents bad luck. According to some superstitions, if you’re ill and a beetle lands on you, it will take away your illness. However, if you crush it, bad things will happen to you in the near future. But you don’t have to wait for a beetle to land on you, so you can experience good luck. You can wear a beetle amulet in order to attract good luck.
What is the 1930s symbolic meaning of seeing a beetle?
I have read some 1930s text on what the beetle means The symbol of a Beetle appearing in your thoughts means that you are being reminded of something important which you have left undone and needs to be completed immediately.
The symbolism of a beetle (1930s) has the following meanings:
- Simple.
- Protective.
- Progressive.
- Methodical.
- Persisting.
- Practical.
- Grounded.
The Beetle is an insect which comes in many forms, sizes and shapes throughout the world. There are more than a million species of Beetles existing in every corner of the world except in the marine world and the regions near the Arctic and Antarctic poles. The food of Beetle may be anything like plant debris, or carrion, or dung or even fruits and flowers. The Beetle may also feed on other insects and act like a pest controller where it eats pests which destroy crops.
The scene of a Beetle moving dung over the ground as food for itself and its family members is a sight to behold. To carry the maximum amount of dung at a single attempt, the Beetle converts the dung into a ball and rolls it along the ground. It pushes the ball from behind with its front legs using its hind legs for applying force. If it finds the ball to be too heavy or the incline too great to move the ball, either it changes course or it positions itself in the front of the ball and starts pulling at it. The Beetle continuously changes its position with respect to the ball to keep it rolling.
This symbolism stands for hard work which you have to do in order to achieve something in life. It also tells you that, just like the Beetle, you have to take advantage of the emotional support to achieve your goals and use you instinct in different ways to go forward. The Beetle has a hard shell on the outside which protects both its body and its wings. This symbolism tells you that you have in-built protective mechanisms for your emotions which can save you from external onslaughts of all kinds.
To cover shorter distances the Beetle moves along the ground on its feet and its body continuously touches the ground as it moves. This symbolizes that the Beetle remains always in touch with reality and hence possess the wisdom and far-sightedness that this grounding provides. The symbolism tells you to keep a constant touch with the real life conditions as you go up the path of life. The Beetle has a fully developed pair of wings which it uses to cover long distances or when threatened and it wants to leave the scene in a hurry. It uses its wings to take off suddenly when it wants to change its perch. The pair of wings is covered by a hard sheath for their protection. This symbolism of the Beetle tells you that you have talents hidden under your exterior self which you can use to acquire a new perspective of the situation around you.
The Beetle has a slow movement over the ground and does not hurry at all as it proceeds very steadily towards its goal. The movement is very persistent and dogged. If it is forced to deviate or stopped in its tracks by an external source, it tries to force ahead or immediately tries to take a detour and comes back to its original path. This symbolism tells you to be practical and determined in trying to achieve your goal in life whatever may be the odds against you.
The symbolism of the beetle can invade your thoughts when
- You feel walled in.
- You are indecisive.
- You feel impractical.
- You feel ignorant.
- You are in a hurry.
You can call upon the symbol for help when
- You are facing some opposition to your way of thinking and you want to forge ahead.
- You are faced with work which is hard and tedious but have to be done.
- You have lost sight of your objectives and want to realign your thoughts with the predicament present.
- You are feeling vulnerable and want your hidden talents to protect your emotions.
- You want to proceed steadily on your journey of life without taking the forces that are hindering into consideration.
By Florance Saul
Mar 27, 2013