Long Eyebrows
People that have long eyebrows are good-natured and extremely amicable in situations at work.
Such a person is likely to be the eldest in the family.
The main weakness for these people is that they are very conservative and tend to delay things in life. People with long eyebrows are not that interested in current affairs.
They do not follow the latest trends or developments in their career. That explains why they are not able to adapt to such changes when they arise. Women with long eyebrows tend to respect other people and always go far in their chosen career field. Long eyebrows normally found on those that have success in life. This person enjoys different types of sport, whether that is playing sport watching sport on television.
Long eyebrow hair is associated with an innovative mind.
This type of person will enjoy any type of DIY or fixing things around the house. People with long eyebrows have a healthy gallbladder. This is because the gallbladder is connected to the eyebrows hair growth. Additionally, eyebrows that are rather long in nature are associated with somebody who feels tension easily. There is an automatic resistance to change.
For the eyebrows to also be thin and long - indicates that this person is much happier in charge of others. They can be seen as a leader.
This person may have problems in romance, however once they find the love of their life they will happily settle down and have children. Complications may arise in the relationship because they do resist being told what to do.
By Florance Saul
Dec 20, 2012