Ball pit

Ball pit dream

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

A ball pit is normally found in children's play areas.

It is quite an uncommon dream to have. The ball pit is associated with advances and situations that are likely to repeat themselves. If we look at a more spiritual context the balls themselves are round and there are generally lots of them. In occult terms, it is associated with events that keep turning round and round. Therefore if you dream of a ball put it indicates that you will find many different situations in life. This may be because you need to learn life's lesson. This is not to say that the situation is adverse in nature only that you just need to be aware that things like going forward.

Your dream

  • You see children playing in a ball pit.
  • You see many balls in a ball pit.
  • Balls in the ball pit are not plastic.
  • The balls you see are golf balls.

A ball pit is all is also connected to our emotions. As a ball pit is predominant in children's play and activities it can suggest that somebody is going to turn to you for advice. The ball pit in this aspect means that you need to provide some sound advice to somebody that needs it. To see a ball pit in a play area soft play environment in your dream indicates that even though events might repeat themselves you will have fun and enjoy your life the ball pit is a symbolic sign of your own childhood youth and happiness. This dream really serves as a reminder that you need to try to enjoy your life as best you can. For the ball pit to be full of golf balls indicates new changes in life. Golf is all about relaxation in dreams.

By Florance Saul
Aug 17, 2017