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August Birthday Meaning
31st August
Zodiac message


August 31st is the day of the public appearance. People born on August 31st are concerned about being in the public eye or to help others find their role in society.

These natives are the kind of people concerned with the problems of others, without having any direct connection with those issues. They are inevitably drawn into everyday problems and are concerned about supporting others, even if they do it tacitly. Some of the natives find it amusing, even fun to be present when something happens.

The most serious of the natives are concerned about how they can improve the fate of those around them, especially when it comes to children. The funniest guy will do anything to cheer family and friends. The most serious are particularly interested in the way they can educate others. They do this by their own example, actively promoting their principles and skills. Regardless of how they express socially, natives often work in favor of their peers. They will try to improve the general state of things on their own.

Generally, people born on August 31st know how to educate those around them about a particular subject. From a psychological viewpoint, they are able to understand, influence thoughts and moods of others, and perhaps persuade them about something. In this regard they enjoy success, whether as parents, teachers, actors or bosses. However, at some point, those born on this day should ask themselves if they have not become addicted to the attention received. If they have reached this point, they will experience mostly a personality crisis. This crisis will occur around the age of 42 years, when Saturn will be in opposition to Uranus. After this difficult time, those born on this day will become more interested in the evolution of their personalities. They will focus more on themselves and will give up some of their social concerns.

August 31st natives have a very attractive appearance and that is why they are liked by most people. They have a powerful charm which invariably attracts others. Although they perform very well as members of a team, natives tend to become leaders. Such leadership position fits very well with the native’s organizing talent and the easy way of taking decisions. On the other hand, this important position may be stressful for those born on this day. In general, they exhibit aversion to anything that is ostentatious.

When faced with demanding people and hypocrites, people born on August 31st are very critical. Remarks and comments they make are full of irony and even malicious. Surely, their words will reach their target. Those born on this day should learn to have more tact and use a less harsh vocabulary.

Generally, natives of August 31st do not encounter difficulties when it comes to choosing their path in life. Their main attention will be directed both to fulfill public responsibilities and to satisfy their needs and desires. Natives will need a haven to keep mental balance. The refuge can be represented by a more withdrawn place, a hobby or a role that natives will play in secret. Indeed, the struggle to divide between private and public matters may occasion interesting arrangements in the natives’ life.


  • Follow your instinct.
  • Try to spend more time with yourself.
  • Stop looking so much for attention and the approval of others.
  • Try to find a balance between fun and responsibility.
  • Learn to appreciate those around you.

Numerology: Ruled by Raahu

You are known to be ruled by day number thirty-first, if you are born on the 31st of the month. There are many great personalities, leaders, as well as artists born on August 31st: Caligula, Commodus, Richard Gere, Jonathan LaPaglia, Maria Montessori, Sara Ramirez, etc.

If you are born on 31st, your ruling planet is Raahu. You are a knowledgeable person and an avid collector of information of all kind of topics. You are capable of representing a cause. You can change the society in which you live, you are active in the community, and finally in such a situation your opinion will count in making the public opinion.

Strengths include being well informed in social circles. You get involved in everybody’s talks and you are considered an authority. You are an expert orator who can easily influence people. You are even capable of creating a revolution with the power of your speech. You hold a great personality, always busy helping others, or creating social changes by intense interaction with those concerned. You are also considered a reliable source of information on a diverse spectrum.

In your character and approach you represent the element Earth. Usually you are soft spoken, with a pleasant behavior, you have a very sharp intellect and you are well aware of almost everyone. You are very active in social circles. You love to argue with a different point of view and normally you are very efficient in this. But sometimes you cross your own limits, earning the animosity of others. You can easily make friends, but your friendship is normally superficial with most people and serious with only a few. You are a serious researcher of life, literature, philosophy, mythologies, and religion.

You want to become famous. You always want to enjoy life, and you love high quality food and drink. Most fours are full of emotions and have a soft nature. You are very sensitive, but you forgive people easily. In money matters you have to work hard to get your share. But you are frivolous in enjoying money. Sometimes you are a shopaholic. You love to keep good collections of many things, especially the ones that excite your intellect. If young you want to enjoy life as much as possible, while at old age you like to spend time with serious research. You always think well, plan well, and only after proper understanding of a matter and being sure to make a profit, you will enter into something.

For people born on the 31st the number of Raahu, the lucky number is 1. So it is good for you to do anything important on the following days: 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th of the month. Your unlucky days are 8th, 17th, 26th, 7th and 16th. Also on 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st you may face unlucky surprises. For you, a light blue sapphire is your most favorable gem. The next best choice is that of garnet, with a tone of honey.

Being born in August - what this means

The second part of August is ruled by Mercury (23rd-31st). People born in August are also ruled by the powerful Sun and the noble sign of Leo. Children of the Sun are naturally gifted and hence attracted to fields that require special talents, such as arts, medicine, management, research, public life. These fields allow the August people to shine and excel. Being the children of the Sun, they are born to give life and promote everything they touch or come into contact with, and therefore they have a lot to offer to the world. There is only one drawback: children of the Sun must control their ego and their authoritarian nature. Either way, the power of the Sun gives them the chance to easily become famous and powerful.

Being a child of Mercury it means you are smart, sharp and fast thinker and talker. Being fast thinkers it means your mind is always ahead in a conversation, and while others take longer time to express their mind, you have the capability to express lots more ideas in the same time, and bring up arguments for your ideas. With so many ideas, it is easier for you to choose the right one. You also have the skill to try more of your ideas until you reach the appropriate one for each situation. This is not only a skill, but also a hobby for you. You love using your brain to unlock mysteries and solve problems.

Women born in August are usually very beautiful, attractive and intelligent, mainly because of their solar energy. They are however excellent mothers, but having the main Leo characteristic of desiring power and fame, they will be overbearing with their children.

People born in August are highly motivated, especially by your wish to succeed no matter what. They are dominant, powerful, born leaders, willing to always be in charge, organize and lead the others. With this power at hand, they could have the tendency to dominate, so they should learn to channel the strong solar energy, and respect and understand other people. Those born in August tend to be bossy and overbearing, and other people might try to teach them humility and put them in their place. In general, any kind of excessive pride and strong emotionality will stand in the way of their success. This is the main weakness of the Leo. In the same time, they are courageous and daring, and will handle very well any difficulties in life, plus they are noble enough to respect others. They are endowed with great spiritual values as well as nobility of purpose.

Since the Sun is the ruler of life, people born in August encounter a big fear of death. They however can deal with this issue because they are endowed with robust and healthy bodies, as well as balanced and strong minds. August people are animal lovers, and prefer especially horses. While their weakness lies in their back, knees and joint in general, being prone to accidents, they should be careful with running.

August is the month of Leo and Virgo. If you are born in the second half of the month you are governed by Virgo, hence by Mercury.

Virgo is modest, objective, and thoughtful, with a pronounced sense of duty. They can be a good scientists, accountants or critics, because they have great analytical skills. They are rational men, and very attentive to detail. They act with care and correctly, but have a critical attitude. Natives of Virgo love nature and study. They appreciate the simple life and do not like experiments. The Virgo relies on patience and perseverance rather than adventure and speculation. They are long-term business planners, and have pedagogical talent.

If the Sun is badly aspected, the natives of the Virgin can be petty and pettifogging. Indecision can make them miss chances. Natives of Virgo can take everything wrongly, and they can be stingy or moody. Some Virgo natives are hypochondriacs. The Virgo's most sensitive parts of the body are their nerves. Their health is prone to ulcers and other digestive issues, as well as eczema. This occurs mainly if they are not taken into consideration and their opinions are not valued.

August is classified as a summer month, which has six letters. To be born in August, the eighth month from the numerology perspective it means that your gemstone is the olivine. Your flowers are the gladiolus and the poppies. Your main qualities are beauty, strong character, loving, and interested in marriage and having a family.

Summary of your characteristics


  • Dynamic.
  • Influential.
  • Funny.


  • Dependent on society.
  • Caustic.