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September Birthday Meaning
1st September
Zodiac message


September 1st is the day of wisdom. Those born on September 1st are tough and able to solve the difficulties that fate reserved them.

They tend to be pragmatic, practical, and charming. They approach life in a direct and accurate manner. Those born on this day often have spectacular fantasies, but show that are gifted with the talent to put them into practice. Their advantage is that they reach financial success from these ideas.

September 1st natives give their work a special importance. They hate the interventions undertaken by others in the attempt to investigate their efforts. They are, however, able to listen to constructive criticism, and are always interested to know how they could do something better. They can be considered somewhat perfectionists and so are open to suggestions for improvement.

Although people born on September 1st are intellectually orientated, their physical side is also highly developed. If the physical side needs are not met through both appreciation and stimulation, they will be unhappy and frustrated. The combatant type of native is always ready to demount their words with deeds. In general, they do not hesitate to join the fight. They must be careful not to affect those too sensitive through their very direct attacks. September 1st natives are so convinced of the need to defend a person that they will encourage their children or loved ones to learn martial arts or other forms of self-defence. In every aspect of their lives, natives of September 1st will seek a union of intellect with the physical side. If, for example, they are planning a party or a picnic, they like to roll up their sleeves and to start themselves cooking or cleaning. If in their professional activity they have an idea or discover a unique system, they will not be happy until they implement it and even maintain it running.

Sexual satisfaction is important to natives of September 1st, but they need partners whose mind is at least as interesting as their body. People born on September 1st must learn to accept that not everyone thinks like them in some ways. There are natives who will find it more comfortable to keep a clear distinction between intellectual and physical activities. This difference can cause misunderstandings with their love partners. In addition, natives of September 1st must learn to be less involved in their careers and enjoy holidays.

Those born on September 1st will have to face many conflicts. They are survivors, but like everyone, have limitations. In some cases, they should not push their luck too far, but rather to settle for what they have, to also accept losses and know to stop in time. Because of their tendency to never quit is strong enough, they will have to learn this lesson in less favourable conditions.


  • Learn to let go and to retire at the right time, or even to stay away from certain things.
  • You may not be as strong as you think.
  • Be reserved when you give advice.
  • Try not to look too serious and sober.
  • Constantly research and learn from others.

Numerology: Ruled by the Sun

You are known to be ruled by day number one, if you are born on the 1st of the month. There are many great political leaders, administrators, as well as artists born on September 1st: Ricardo Chavira, Gloria Estefan, Rocky Marciano, Johann Pachelbel, etc.

The numerology reading means that if you are born on the 1st, you are ruled by the Sun. The traits that you demonstrate include being influential, commanding and controlling. This is all positive as they enhance your character. You are an honest, outspoken and bold person. To be born on the 1st of the months it means you are straight forward, hard working, diligent and normally successful in your field. A number one is born a leader. You are proud and confident, and you love to live life with dignity. You are hard working and never like to follow others. You have the ability to shine in politics, medicine, teaching, astrology and field of fine arts. You normally have sufficient money, though you do not like to work for it. As a number one you dislike being involved in treachery, cheating or deceit.

Your downfall is that sometimes you become proud and arrogant, thus annoying people around you and generating enemies. You overemphasize your achievements, and thus can face failures. The advice for you is to be careful not to earn a negative name. Because if you do this you may lose your position, thus diminishing your confidence and eventually you may end up following others.

Health-wise you may have problems with poor vision, hypertension and heart disease. The advice is that you should listen to others sometimes. To win in life you need to show qualities such as being honest, being sincere and straight forward. The good news is that success comes to you easily, but you may fall in the trap of being boastful. For people born on September 1st, the lucky days are the 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th. Decisions and actions taken on these dates will bring success. They are the perfect days to start a new business, start building a house, relocate to a new job or house, buy a vehicle, property or jewellery, etc. The unlucky days of the month are the 8th, 17th and the 26th. There is more chance of failure on these days. Action may lead to waste of money, efforts, and you may lose your reputation.

Ruby is your most suited gem. You can also wear a yellow sapphire and topaz. These improve your luck, health and will give success. These gems also promote the healthy growth of your young sons and daughters. Normally these are worn on the right hand ring finger.

Being born in September - what this means

The first part of September is ruled by Mercury (1st-22nd). People born in September are ruled by Mercury and the sign of Virgo. Mercury is the king of thieves, of unreliable, volatile people and of those with two characters. They are extremely adaptable, intelligent, intellectual and excellent communicators. These people have indeed a double personality.

Being a child of Mercury it means you are smart, sharp and fast thinker and talker. Being fast thinkers it means your mind is always ahead in a conversation, and while others take longer time to express their mind, you have the capability to express lots more ideas in the same time, and bring up arguments for your ideas. With so many ideas, it is easier for you to choose the right one. You also have the skill to try more of your ideas until you reach the appropriate one for each situation. This is not only a skill, but also a hobby for you. You love using your brain to unlock mysteries and solve problems.

People born in September are critical, picky, very intellectual and workaholics. They have excellent communication skills, and therefore they make good speakers or writers. These people are endowed with excellent intuition and logic, which they use to become successful in life. These qualities, together with their tendency for perfection makes them excellent doctors, teachers, lawyers, but also designers or writers. The main problem of those born in September is sarcasm and their interest in gossip and trivia. Younger natives can have health issues, while others could surrender to drug abuse.

Those born in September are ruled by their intellectually, which in turn could male them prone to head injuries of any sort, including headaches and migraines, eye problems or sinus issues. Staying sway from any kind of drugs is the main advice for these people. The same goes for overeating. Also, those born in September are prone to violent deaths, such as by accident, and therefore it is advisable to not take any chances, mainly when the moon is full.

September is the month of Virgo and Libra. If you are born in the first half of the month, you are governed by Virgo, hence by Mercury.

Virgo is modest, objective, and thoughtful, with a pronounced sense of duty. They can be a good scientists, accountants or critics, because they have great analytical skills. They are rational men, and very attentive to detail. They act with care and correctly, but have a critical attitude. Natives of Virgo love nature and study. They appreciate the simple life and do not like experiments. The Virgo relies on patience and perseverance rather than adventure and speculation. They are long-term business planners, and have pedagogical talent.

If the Sun is badly aspected, the natives of the Virgo can be petty and pettifogging. Indecision can make them miss chances. Natives of Virgo can take everything wrongly, and they can be stingy or moody. Some Virgo natives are hypochondriacs. The Virgo's most sensitive parts of the body are their nerves. Their health is prone to ulcers and other digestive issues, as well as eczema. This occurs mainly if they are not taken into consideration and their opinions are not valued.

September is classified as a fall month, which has nine letters. To be born in September, the ninth month from the numerology perspective it means that your gemstone is the sapphire. Your flowers are the pansies and the asters. Your main qualities are brilliance, joy, commitment, refinement, and being romantic.

Summary of your characteristics


  • Conscientious.
  • Physical.
  • Fearless.


  • Insistently.
  • Unyielding.
  • Determined.