Who know's what is in store for you! Check out your birth date meaning.

1st February
Zodiac message


February 1st is the day of obstinacy and stubbornness. To be born on the first day of February is a positive omen, because those born on this day are quite realistic people.

Unhappy with abstract speculation, they feel the need to impose their ideas in front of others. Stubborn, inflexible and courageous, they know they are right, and are not willing to give up under any circumstances. Because, usually, they have a thorough intellectual training and know how to improvise quite easily, they are able to avoid compromising situations and problems that they would rather not address. Thus, they can become formidable opponents. A person born on February 1st is typically energetic and often restless as a child.

Emotional problems can influence negatively the natives of February 1st, especially in early years. Rebellious, impulsive and uncontrolled, they will create problems repeatedly. Between their mental strength and emotional vulnerability there is a contradiction, so that over time they display themselves as two different individuals. If they do not use their willpower to control their inner impulses, they will have difficulties and live a real mess.

People born on February 1st will integrate more advanced skills in a multilateral polished and practical person, but that takes time. Until they do so their careers can be extremely unstable. Others will perceive them as being confused or concerned, and will be surprised that they failed to achieve more in life, despite their ambition.

In addition to emotional and intellectual manifestations, the sensual side of the natives of February 1st needs to be expressed and encouraged. It may create additional problems if you get out of control. Of the qualities mentioned above, in the hierarchy of their personality, the intellect usually occupies the first place, the sensual the second and the third is the emotional. The fourth area of importance, too often neglected, is that of intuition. It should be cultivated and taken into account as much as possible. It is important that these talented but chaotic individuals strengthen the relationship between these qualities.

The problems arise because the power of reason and logic is so well developed the natives of February 1st that it can eclipse their intuitive side. When reason fails, they tend to sink into emotional and physical areas. For those born on February 1st, self-control is not the most coveted, but rather understanding the self and above all personality integration take priority. They have as main objective the evolution towards a deeply emotional being. Because of their will power, they can reach far.


  • Grow your intuitive powers; they are your natural resources.
  • Try to be more patient and contemplative.
  • Do not be too anxious to satisfy others.
  • Be your own boss.

An opportunity will present itself if your birthday falls on the first day of February. A newly formed friendship that is platonic will bring you much fun. Your emotions may cause you some discomfort. Overall the next year is likely to bring challenges as well as many pleasant occurrences. Your success number is a two. (1+1 = 2)

Numerology: Ruled by the Sun

You are known to be ruled by day number one, if you are born on the 1st of the month. There are many great political leaders, administrators, as well as artists born on February 1st: Brandon Lee, Clark Gable, Lisa Marie Presley, Boris Yeltsin, Princess Stephanie of Monaco, Tom Lantos etc.

The numerology reading means that if you are born on the 1st, you are ruled by the Sun. The traits that you demonstrate include being influential, commanding and controlling. This is all positive as they enhance your character. You are an honest, outspoken and bold person. To be born on the 1st of the months it means you are straight forward, hard working, diligent and normally successful in your field. A number one is born a leader. You are proud and confident, and you love to live life with dignity. You are hard working and never like to follow others. You have the ability to shine in politics, medicine, teaching, astrology and field of fine arts. You normally have sufficient money, though you do not like to work for it. As a number one you dislike being involved in treachery, cheating or deceit.

Your downfall is that sometimes you become proud and arrogant, thus annoying people around you and generating enemies. You overemphasize your achievements, and thus can face failures. The advice for you is to be careful not to earn a negative name. Because if you do this you may lose your position, thus diminishing your confidence and eventually you may end up following others.

Health-wise you may have problems with poor vision, hypertension and heart disease. The advice is that you should listen to others sometimes. To win in life you need to show qualities such as being honest, being sincere and straight forward. The good news is that success comes to you easily, but you may fall in the trap of being boastful. For people born on February 1st, the lucky days are the 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th. Decisions and actions taken on these dates will bring success. They are the perfect days to start a new business, start building a house, relocate to a new job or house, buy a vehicle, property or jewellery, etc. The unlucky days of the month are the 8th, 17th and the 26th. There is more chance of failure on these days. Action may lead to waste of money, efforts, and you may lose your reputation.

Ruby is your most suited gem. You can also wear a yellow sapphire and topaz. These improve your luck, health and will give success. These gems also promote the healthy growth of your young sons and daughters. Normally these are worn on the right hand ring finger.

Being born in February - what this means

You, being born in the month of February, will have the possibility to achieve good fortune and fame in your lifetime and you will do this in very original ways. You are strong and endowed with excellent intuition, cleverness, resourcefulness, will power and a very refined common sense. You will however have to learn to listen to others equally, and allow them to put their head on your shoulders when they need it. You are harmonious, peaceful, calm, and you are looking for the gentle side of life. This kind of warmth and consideration touches other people. Your main characteristics are modesty, faithfulness and purity.

The first half of February is ruled by Uranus (1st-18th). Being a child of Uranus it means that you were born different and do not feel like you belong. You could have experienced disturbances in your early life which led to an asynchronous quality in your personality, probably manifested by restlessness. February is the month of Aquarius and Pisces. If you are born in the first half of the month and you are governed by Aquarius, hence by Uranus, you are a very original and eccentric person. You are curious and interested in the future. This feature makes you prone to embrace the field of technology and science.

If you are born under the auspices of Uranus (1st-18th), you will have to learn to focus on the well-being of others, and make sure you think and plan in advance. Since you are a very idealistic individual, you should focus on promoting universal aspects for the benefit of all humanity. This is where having scientific or technical knowledge can help you.

February is still classified as the winter month, which has eight letters. To be born in February from the numerology perspective means that people with a birthday on your month are focused on effort in order to have accomplishments. There is nothing that will stop you once you set your mind on something. Those born in the month of February will suffer at the start of their life, but this will change. You have to take extra care against mishaps and accidents in your life. You can face lots of obstacles from childhood. You must follow the path of hard work in order to gain success. You must show courage to meet the challenge of failures, disappointments and accidents. You must guard against risks. Do not take responsibilities more than you can take on, as it may increase chances of failure. You have a tendency to make larger efforts in achieving desired goals. Your ruling planet, Uranus, the embodiment of compassion, is the ruling figure of the month of February. Underneath Uranus' influence, you are a very original and eccentric person. You are curious and interested in the future. February is the second month in the Gregorian calendar and it takes its name from the Latin word ‘Februa’ which describes a purification festival in Ancient Rome that took place at that time of the year. If you are born in February, your gemstone is the amethyst, your flower is the iris, and your lucky colors are purple, yellow, and light blue.

Summary of your characteristics


  • Determined.
  • Intelligent.
  • Firm.


  • Stubborn.
  • Overly rational.
  • Unconscious.