Who know's what is in store for you! Check out your birth date meaning.

October Birthday Meaning
19th October
Zodiac message


October 19th is the day of the planner. Those born on October 19th are independent spirits and sincere people that bring action in everything around them.

However, they are determined and stubborn in dealing with life. Due to their argumentative nature they love to participate in the competition, but unfortunately they also can cause conflicts and standing feud everywhere they go. A constant theme in their lives is revealing the truth. They have a great distaste for hidden motives, subtle emotional manipulation and punishment through silence. They tend to be explosive when angry, but generally, after the storm passed, they do not carry grudges and are open to reconciliation. Possibly because the dominant force behind their challenging nature is desire, they will want to release the truth to light.

Less evolved individuals born on October 19th may terribly fear not to have their own truth revealed. In this sense, they can become very defensive, even paranoid, in their obsession to hide from public research. However they can grow by phasing out the defensive until they reach personal triumph they will fully disclose without fear and without shame. They can be compared to someone who is afraid of heights and finally manages to climb the highest peak. In this sense, the triumph over shyness or introversion would be much greater than for the average person.

Another possibility for natives of October 19th is to stay on the side for a while and then reappear with greater success than before. The only danger here is that, while they stand withdrawn, they may stagnate or be involved in a lifestyle or situation from which they will never have the opportunity to get out.

In general, October 19th natives make good friends and are faithful family members. Because they manifest like free spirits, they can hate attempts to bind to them. Indeed, they may start a rebellion if they are forced to engage in such relationships. They may also become extremely critical of their loved ones and their sometimes harsh words will hurt too much.

Natives of October 19th should make efforts to beat their defensive side, especially regarding their motives and actions. They also should avoid possessiveness of their loved ones. Gladly accepting a position of secondary or supportive role depending on the occasion is an important step in the spiritual development of those born on this day.


  • Learn the value of silence.
  • From time to time, let your actions speak for themselves.
  • Balance your desire to be independent with the need to be accompanied.
  • Do not assume that people will forgive endlessly.

Numerology: Ruled by the Sun

You are known to be ruled by day number nineteen, if you are born on the 19th of the month. There are many great political leaders, administrators, as well as artists born on October 19th: Auguste Lumière, Edmund Beecher Wilson, Robert Beatty, etc.

The numerology reading means that if you are born on the 19th, you are ruled by the Sun. The traits that you demonstrate include being influential, commanding and controlling. This is all positive as they enhance your character. You are an honest, outspoken and bold person. To be born on the 19th of the months it means you are straight forward, hard working, diligent and normally successful in your field. You are proud and confident, and you love to live life with dignity. You are hard working and never like to follow others. You have the ability to shine in politics, medicine, teaching, astrology and field of fine arts. You normally have sufficient money, though you do not like to work for it. You dislike being involved in treachery, cheating or deceit.

Your downfall is that sometimes you become proud and arrogant, thus annoying people around you and generating enemies. You overemphasize your achievements, and thus can face failures. The advice for you is to be careful not to earn a negative name. Because if you do this you may lose your position, thus diminishing your confidence and eventually you may end up following others.

Health-wise you may have problems with poor vision, hypertension and heart disease. The advice is that you should listen to others sometimes. To win in life you need to show qualities such as being honest, being sincere and straight forward. The good news is that success comes to you easily, but you may fall in the trap of being boastful. For people born on October 19th, the lucky days are the 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th. Decisions and actions taken on these dates will bring success. They are the perfect days to start a new business, start building a house, relocate to a new job or house, buy a vehicle, property or jewellery, etc. The unlucky days of the month are the 8th, 17th and the 26th. There is more chance of failure on these days. Action may lead to waste of money, efforts, and you may lose your reputation.

Ruby is your most suited gem. You can also wear a yellow sapphire and topaz. These improve your luck, health and will give success. These gems also promote the healthy growth of your young sons and daughters. Normally these are worn on the right hand ring finger.

Being born in October - what this means

The first part of October is ruled by Venus (1st-22nd). People born in October are ruled by Venus and the sign of Libra. They are always in search for justice, peace and harmony. Their refined character and diplomacy will be the source of their success. Hesitance in decision making is their draw back.

Being a child of Venus it means that you are able to utilize your charm and persuasion skills in order to obtain whatever you want in life. Venus is the brightest planet in the sky and was named after the goddess of love and beauty. This makes you very preoccupied with your looks, you are always looking for a mirror to check on how you look, and you are interested in fashion and style. Your tastes are expensive and you love to be spoiled and appreciated. The main touchstone in your life is relationships and their flourishing. You love and appreciate people a lot.

People born in October are ruled by the sign of Libra, and therefore are always after obtaining balance from all points of view, either spiritual, emotional, financial etc. In search of balance, they like to have a stable home and prefer the company of competitive people interested in business. They are gentle people, and therefore a rough attitude from others hurts them deeply. These people are endowed with excellent psychological aptitudes and therefore they do best in stock market, food industry, interior design, and any type of art. They should try focusing on their primary needs while using their famous intuition and stamina.

The downfall of those born in October is the fact that they are incapable to challenge their lifestyle. They might turn to religion and become fanatics. As for a Libra, they should always look for balance. However, people born in October are also great teachers and philosophers, and sometimes they will travel as far as possible to find the truth. The best advice for these people is to avoid drugs or any such substances at all costs.

October is the month of Libra and Scorpio. If you are born in the first half of the month, you are governed by Libra, hence by Venus.

Libra is charming, sociable, good diplomat, accepts compromises and can be indecisive. Natives of Libra need others to be able to perform. His loving and harmonious character is controlled by reason. The native is hearty, innate diplomat, and masters the art of acting with others. For the native of Libra, maintaining balance and the idea of ​​"live and let others to live" are vital necessities. The native is versatile, has good taste and an artistic talent. A Libra loves colors, paintings, music and dance, and stands out because of his or her pleasant appearance.

If the Sun is badly aspected, the erotic refinement of the Libra native can lead to addiction. Ambition, moods, flattery, lust and vanity can harm the native of Libra, while the desire for luxury may cost him too much. The Libra's most sensitive parts of the body are their kidneys, bladder, urethra, skin and joints. Their health is prone to disease of these organs, such as kidney failure. The Libra native is an innate gourmet. For this reason, at maturity they may have the tendency to gain weight.

October is classified as a fall month, which has seven letters. To be born in October, the tenth month from the numerology perspective it means that your gemstones are the opal and the tourmaline. Your flowers are the marigolds. Your main qualities are excellence, satisfaction, cuteness, luck, grace, joy, comfort, and love.

Summary of your characteristics


  • Insistent.
  • Independent.
  • Active.


  • Commentator.
  • Disturbed.
  • Possessive.