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June Birthday Messages
18th June
Zodiac message


June 18th is the day of financial security. Influential people born on June 18th often act through hidden methods, and exert influence behind the scenes.

With great personal effect on others, even defying the limits of time and space, those born today are able to transmit energy from remote powerful thoughts. For this reason, it is better not to make them your enemies. June 18th people are extremely skilled at handling money. Especially women born on this day will always know how to get money and what to do with them.

Interestingly enough, many of the natives of June 18th do not distinguish themselves extraordinarily at the beginning of their career, but later they become super capable and reliable people. In this sense, they are fighters, able to face great disadvantages and childhood traumas. This makes them better understand the frustrations of others, and will be noted as advisers. Along with men born today, women have a high potential as organizers and administrators.

Men born on June 18th use their personal charm and talents that make them cherish by others. They like to be placed on top and require a large dose of adoration from family, friends and the public. So they can have ego problems. The more evolved men born on June 18th require excessive attention and become strong individuals. In general, the cultivation of true modesty and humility is a worthwhile objective for men born on June 18th.

Usually, people born on June 18th are amazing parents. They understand children's needs both for fun and for organization. They often invest time and interest in the duties of parents, and they will make their children understand that they really care about them. They also recognize the benefits of a financially secure home. However, they will spoil their children and be very firm on issues they consider of vital importance. The development of their children’s character is what they value most.

Those born on June 18th are playful and enjoy having fun. At the same time, they can have cantankerous temperaments, and although they may seem mild people, they act tough with those who violate morality. Quite often, their attitude is "live and let others live," but they will not move away when it comes to areas involving honor and trust. The best way to attract them is through fun because it is difficult for them to refuse fun and enjoyment offered by various games of seduction.

June 18th people are usually loyal partners, both to family and friends. They are tempted from time to time by somebody else, but rarely abandon loved ones in favor of someone else. They also are excellent friends, responsible, but at the same time can be manipulative and creepy, two features they should be trying to alleviate. Because they get bored quite easily, they are in a constant search of amusement and change. These qualities are rather immoral in nature and in some cases will lead to ruin.


  • Try to get all your life varieties in one place.
  • Make use of all your strengths in each area.
  • Try to eliminate or at least to understand the weak features.
  • From time to time, withdraw yourself from the bustle of life.

Numerology: Ruled by Mars

You are known to be ruled by day number eighteen, if you are born on the 18th of the month. There are many great personalities, authors, as well as artists born on June 18th: Steve Isaacs, Carol Kane, Paul McCartney, Isabella Rossellini, etc.

If your day falls on number eighteen, your ruling planet is Mars. Mars makes you a rebel, a fighter and a soldier. You shall be great as a technician, doctor, lawyer or chemist.

You shall never be afraid of a life full of dangers, as you can walk on a blood stained road even among snakes, but with the strength of your intelligence you can beat anything. You are a born fighter. You have extraordinary courage and resilience. You have great persistence and are full of courage. You are not afraid of a life full of struggles against poverty, cruelty, oppression and authority. You have the courage to fight against the order and create the new one. You are good in civil engineering or learning about geography. You have great love for your country, society and fellow citizens. You are never afraid to fight for justice and freedom of your society and your country.

As an eighteen, you are a hard core fighter. Other around you also benefit from this power of yours. Your fight is not only for your cause, but you are never afraid of fighting for a common cause. You are ready to go to any limits when fighting against oppression. You normally do not believe in cool headed fights. When you fight there may be blood all around, as you are a fierce fighter who stops only when your enemy is totally obliterated.

The career of armed forces is best suited for your temperament. You may also join the police or paramilitary forces. You have a love for fire arms, bombs and machine guns. You are a person who likes to obey rules and expects the same from your subordinates. You have a sharp intellect and remain very cool in crisis. When dealing with your enemies you plan very meticulously after weighing all pros and cons. You are very good in making secret plans against your enemies. If you are a politician, you will develop into a clever one. You act as a very good ambassador. Try to guard against betraying your emotions and falling into quarrels. If that happens, you will lose your precious energy in useless fights.

Numerology for nine makes you an expert chemist. You can be a good inventor. Your lucky days are the 5th, 14th, 23rd, 9th, 18th, 27th, 6th, 15th, and 24th. Your unlucky number is a two and your unlucky days are on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, and the 29th. Your lucky gem is coral. Other lucky gems are blood stone, red colored opal, and red tinged garnet.

Being born in June - what this means

The first half of June is ruled by Mercury (1st-20th). People born in June are ruled by Mercury and the sign of Gemini. Mercury is the king of thieves, of unreliable, volatile people and of those with two characters. They are extremely adaptable, intelligent, intellectual and excellent communicators. These people have indeed a double personality.

Being a child of Mercury it means that you are a smart individual that thinks really fast and dresses sharply. The mind of such an individual works really fast, and moves ahead in a discussion, having ideas before anyone else. So many ideas can give you a hard time in choosing the right one, and therefore you will try more of them until you reach the correct one. However you always have fun solving a problem and you prefer such a brain exercise as opposed to having the answer on a platter.

People born in June are first and foremost excellent communicators, and therefore the ideal jobs for them are in the media, radio, television, movie industry, or any other kind of job that implies public relations. They have a powerful mind that needs control and focus in order to avoid nervousness and impatience. Being that they are good communicators, these people can be efficient speakers. However their need for security will rather attract them to fields such as real estate, but also food industry, since they really enjoy good food.

Being ruled by Mercury, people born in June are excellent traders, have a big financial potential, but also huge amounts of spiritual and physical energy. Also these people hate dogmas and will never follow one. Those born in June are curious and are adepts of mental exploration, they are always questioning everything, and therefore they hate to be bored in any way. It could happen to get bored if they are not stimulated intellectually at their level. People born in June have a great sense of humour and love telling jokes.

June is the month of Gemini and Cancer. If you are born in the first half of the month, you are governed by Gemini, hence by Mercury, while if you are born in the second half of the month and you are governed by Cancer, hence by the Moon.

Gemini is sensitive, energetic, and talkative, loves changes, and is sociable but often indecisive. A Gemini is mobile, easily adapting, curious about many things, and an innate mediator. They are outgoing and always looking for the cheerful side of life. Goodness, diplomatic and mercantile talents and ease of expression allows them to successfully address many areas. Gemini can be blamed for everything but being boring. Active and creative, they look for the fascinating and the unusual.

If their interests are too powerful, natives of Gemini will be guided by the wind. A native of Gemini runs after hitting two birds with one stone, and their behaviour changes depending on mood. For this reason, they are indefinite and unstable, not always orderly and stable in life. The most common defects of the Gemini sign are nervousness, lack of concentration and infidelity, motivated by blood temperament. Gemini natives have sensitive nerves, arms, hands, as well as their entire locomotory system and respiratory organs.

June is classified as a summer month, which has four letters. To be born in June, the sixth month from the numerology perspective it means that your gemstone is the pearl and your flower is the rose. Your main qualities are beauty, power, happiness and love.

Summary of your characteristics.


  • Active.
  • Good with money.
  • Influential.


  • Manipulative.
  • Strange.
  • Tireless.