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January Background Birthday
18th January
Zodiac message


January 18th is the day of the childish image.

People born on January 18th will never part with their childish and playful self. They may be occasionally blamed that they are naive, but rarely will be criticized for being too calculated, greedy and opportunistic. People born on this day let things happen by themselves. They like to have fun, and are not too concerned with important issues. Indeed, they can suffer greatly when they are asked to comply with the requirements of the adult world. Therefore, the biggest challenge for people born on January 18th is to grow up and take the role of adults, while being able to preserve their childish side.

Usually, natives of January 18th will be some excellent parents. They naturally understand what their children like. However, they may have great trouble with their own parents, especially during adolescence and later in youth. Separation from childhood is often difficult, even tragic for the natives of January 18th. Their parents must be very sensitive to their need for transition. They should not put too heavy burdens on their shoulders and insist that they suddenly quit habits from childhood. Such claims will spark revolt and create problems in the family.

Native of January 18th like to have an easy life, but also need a large dose of action and adventure to be stimulated. When they are not able to partake of peak experiences in everyday life, they can withdraw into a fantasy world where everything is allowed and everything is possible. Because joys and interests are so internalized, they may, unfortunately give up increasingly more to the outside world, in extreme cases retreating into the realm of their childhood. Highly evolved natives of for January 18th are able to project their fantasies in the outside world, aspiring not only to peak experiences, but even in developing ideas, creating original products or unique concepts, and expand the art of living.

When love is involved, natives of January 18th tend to attract more practical, down to earth people who are able to feel a great satisfaction when they some memories from childhood are awakened. A successful relationship of this type inevitably gives a profound sense of security for the natives of January 18th and for their more realistic partner. Thus, the relationship is based largely on trust and mutual sharing.

Generally, the natives of January 18th can be happy if their regular jobs provide free time to be only theirs to enjoy it as they wish. However, it is best to be able to integrate their fanciful side in a creative and stimulating work environment. Without such an incentive, those born on this day may experience difficulties when they concentrate mainly on work assignments that repeat monotonously. They can sometimes be caught daydreaming.


  • You do not have to give up security.
  • Stay in touch with social realities.
  • Remember to pay your bills.
  • Beware of isolation.
  • Put your heart in relationships.

To have a birthday fall on January 18th it indicates that this year's affairs of the heart are likely to trouble you. There will be deep business dealings, but these will provide little fortune. A change of residence is also predicted.

Numerology: Ruled by Mars

You are known to be ruled by day number eighteen, if you are born on the 18th of the month. There are many great personalities, authors, as well as artists born on January 18th: Kevin Costner, Cary Grant, Matthew Webb, etc.

If your day falls on number eighteen, your ruling planet is Mars. Mars makes you a rebel, a fighter and a soldier. You shall be great as a technician, doctor, lawyer or chemist.

You shall never be afraid of a life full of dangers, as you can walk on a blood stained road even among snakes, but with the strength of your intelligence you can beat anything. You are a born fighter. You have extraordinary courage and resilience. You have great persistence and are full of courage. You are not afraid of a life full of struggles against poverty, cruelty, oppression and authority. You have the courage to fight against the order and create the new one. You are good in civil engineering or learning about geography. You have great love for your country, society and fellow citizens. You are never afraid to fight for justice and freedom of your society and your country.

As an eighteen, you are a hard core fighter. Other around you also benefit from this power of yours. Your fight is not only for your cause, but you are never afraid of fighting for a common cause. You are ready to go to any limits when fighting against oppression. You normally do not believe in cool headed fights. When you fight there may be blood all around, as you are a fierce fighter who stops only when your enemy is totally obliterated.

The career of armed forces is best suited for your temperament. You may also join the police or paramilitary forces. You have a love for fire arms, bombs and machine guns. You are a person who likes to obey rules and expects the same from your subordinates. You have a sharp intellect and remain very cool in crisis. When dealing with your enemies you plan very meticulously after weighing all pros and cons. You are very good in making secret plans against your enemies. If you are a politician, you will develop into a clever one. You act as a very good ambassador. Try to guard against betraying your emotions and falling into quarrels. If that happens, you will lose your precious energy in useless fights.

Numerology for nine makes you an expert chemist. You can be a good inventor. Your lucky days are the 5th, 14th, 23rd, 9th, 18th, 27th, 6th, 15th, and 24th. Your unlucky number is a two and your unlucky days are on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, and the 29th. Your lucky gem is coral. Other lucky gems are blood stone, red colored opal, and red tinged garnet.

Being born in January - what this means

The first part of January is ruled by Saturn (1st-19th). Your ruling planet, Saturn, the embodiment of caution and prudence is the ruling figure of the month of January. Underneath Saturn's influence, you never take any vital step without deep reflection and without being completely positive of the result. Saturn controls the month of January. If you are born under the auspices of Saturn you are motivated to succeed and have a powerful position in life. You are gifted with computers, logic and an excellent organizer of all sorts. You seek a lot of respect and you are after continuous accomplishments.

Being a child of Saturn it means you age backwards. That is you are born old and you grow young. This applies to your spirit, but also to the way you look. You are at your best at middle age. You are blessed with a good fortune, but you must work hard for it. You usually choose the hard way. As a child of Saturn, you have a price to pay, and you must do that in your youth. You are the last one while a child or a young adult, fact that made you shy and unconfident. However, these weaknesses turned into skills later on in life. They made you persevere and be strong which in turn bring you big accomplishments and self-fulfillment.

You, being born in the month of January will have a strong ambition, energy, perseverance and belligerence. As January is the first month, you are a born leader. You have a tendency to make larger efforts in achieving your desired goals. As you are born in January, you have the tendency to be rather sceptical, analytic, and rather suspicious. Your mental strength is large enough, philosophic and scientific in nature. You are a thinker and a social person. Your special qualities are intelligence and the ability to investigate.

You are forgiving in nature. Your love, duty and social living are perpetually distinctive. Some people may find you occasionally rather eccentric. As a person with a powerful mind and a steady trend towards independence, you should lead in everything you do, otherwise you will lose interest in the work. You hate restrictions of any kind and are a rebel against everything that has the character of binding, although, at times you are inclined to respect traditions and authority. In general, January is a positive month in which to be born, however you have to cultivate cheerfulness or you may have the tendency to fall in depression. In life, you will face lots of confusion. You also do not make lasting friendships, and you will have just a couple of old friends. At heart, you usually feel terribly lonely. You feel alone even in crowd. You are a loner. You usually support the less trusted cause, and you will go to any extent not to be defeated. As a result you will simply amass enemies.

When it involves faith, folks born in January tend to be fanatic follower of the religion, or, on contrary, their consciousness is directed to different extremes, even when they do not believe in something. Those born in January can be in best harmony with those people born underneath their own sign or the sign of Taurus and Virgo. You have the chance of marrying either a much younger or a much older person. The Moon has a strong influence on you, and it usually affects your mood, as well as your career path. You are organized, logic, patience, and you have a very special charm.

January is classified as the winter month, which has seven letters. To be born in January from a numerology perspective it means that people with a birthday on your day are focused on effort. There is nothing that will stop you once you set your mind on something. Your birthstone is the garnet. The garnet is a beautiful stone and has a large range of colors. Usually it is the red garnet is the one used for the January birthstone. Your flower is the snowdrop and it symbolizes affection, love, happiness, fidelity, imagination, and distinction. Your colors are black, dark red, and dark blue.

Summary of your characteristics


  • Imaginative.
  • Funny.
  • Individualistic.


  • Naive.
  • Careless.
  • Immature.