Who know's what is in store for you! Check out your birth date meaning.

October Birthday Meaning
16th October
Zodiac message


October 16th is the day of essential judgment. Judgment is a central theme in the lives of those born on October 16th.

They are often put in a position to make decisions, either professionally or personally. Being able to weigh a situation and understand the essence of things seems to be a natural thing for them. They do not show the undue tendency to "judge" others, meaning they have no preconceived ideas and prejudices, do not require attachment to their personal morality and are not intolerant or closed down. On the contrary, those born today are generally quite free and available for all kinds of ideas and discussions. Judging things around them is rather an objective evaluation.

October 16th natives place a high value on common sense. They also have a very well developed imaginative side, through which they see life in surrealist terms. The interesting combination of realism and imagination is a distinct element of the day. For example, to mark the truth of a situation, natives of October 16th are able to make introspection, but when it comes to expressing their opinions, they are keen followers of using figures of speech, analogies and allegories.

Most people born on October 16th tend to live what they practice. Thus, their belief system is important and their basic axioms must be well defined. They can be very asymmetric when they meet someone who says one thing and does something else, or uses religion as armor for their moral weakness and poverty of spirit. Written or verbal expression and direct logic is the main career element of October 16th natives.

In their private lives, those born today may not act rationally, addressing rather odd behavior and even acting in an impulsive manner. Many born on October 16th are willing to support or condemn the social system in which they live. Because of this last point, they may seem ungrateful and disrespectful. In fact, they prefer to criticize the family, company, city, and so on, rather than let someone else do it. When asked to make a decision or to judge a particular situation personally, natives of October 16th are generally diplomats, even if their assessment is negative. They can share their opinions in public if required, but will not always show much enthusiasm.

Those born on October 16th often choose a star party or even to leave the playing field while taking a decision. They deeply hate to be boring or disturbing when considering a problem. They must learn to not press the buttons too easy, to avoid being reactionary, defensive or secretive. Their genius for defining critical and discrimination should not be reserved only to external objects or others, but from time to time to be directed at themselves.


  • Test yourself. Discover what really works and discard the rest. Define it.
  • Remember to leave people alone. Do not deny what they need in the name of reason.

Numerology: Ruled by Neptune

You are known to be ruled by day number sixteen, if you are born on the 16th of the month. There are many great personalities, authors, as well as artists born on October 16th: Eugene O'Neill, Oscar Wilde, David Zucker, etc.

If your day falls on a sixteenth, your ruling planet is Neptune. If you are born on 16th, then you are affected by the numerology of number seven. The power of your number makes you a great philosopher, laid back and religious type of person. You are not a person who may get anything by being lucky. Your reward will come through means of hard work and dedication. There may be some disappointments on the way, but persistence is a must.

Success is never easy to you. It is necessary that you keep working hard or may end up doing trivial jobs, and will have to live with unfulfilled desires and ambitions. But God almighty has gifted you with strong will power and high level of mental dexterity. You like to peak less and you are a good follower. You have to guard against your short temper or you may lose your love and friends. You tend to live alone and you are not very comfortable in materialistic pleasures. You have to be careful about your married life, and you have to invest time and money to keep interest of your spouse. You find your heart at ease when following altruistic ambitions. When you are working for others you have much better chance to succeed.

You love to live in a fantasy world and you like to delve in mystic thoughts and solitude. You may not speak much in public, but you are very comfortable among like minded people who will show you a remarkable streak of leadership, and you will easily influence them with your thoughts. You have to learn to keep up with your position even in face of opposition. You are always interested in the secrets of life after death. You may even be ready to talk to the dead through a medium. You love to research tarot, palmistry, astrology and meaning of finger prints. You have special liking for history. You like to critically analyze everything including your inner thoughts, family, society, and the world at a large. You like to delve deeply in solitude.

You have to guard against the tendency to exhibit strange and eccentric behavior. Many famous poets, musicians, writers, reformers and mathematicians, revolutionaries come under number seven. There is always a chance of you drifting away from homes and families. So to avoid this work to get along with others, or your life will go into solitude and sorrow. Your lucky numbers are 2 and 7. Your lucky days are the 2nd, 11th, 20th, and the 29th. In any month your unlucky days are 8th, 16th, 17th, and the 26th. There is a high chance of failure if you execute new projects on these unlucky days.

Your lucky gem is the cat’s eye. It shall give you courage and power to earn. It also improves your chances of succeed as an inventor. Other lucky gems include pearl, moon stone, opal, or tiger’s eye.

Being born in October - what this means

The first part of October is ruled by Venus (1st-22nd). People born in October are ruled by Venus and the sign of Libra. They are always in search for justice, peace and harmony. Their refined character and diplomacy will be the source of their success. Hesitance in decision making is their draw back.

Being a child of Venus it means that you are able to utilize your charm and persuasion skills in order to obtain whatever you want in life. Venus is the brightest planet in the sky and was named after the goddess of love and beauty. This makes you very preoccupied with your looks, you are always looking for a mirror to check on how you look, and you are interested in fashion and style. Your tastes are expensive and you love to be spoiled and appreciated. The main touchstone in your life is relationships and their flourishing. You love and appreciate people a lot.

People born in October are ruled by the sign of Libra, and therefore are always after obtaining balance from all points of view, either spiritual, emotional, financial etc. In search of balance, they like to have a stable home and prefer the company of competitive people interested in business. They are gentle people, and therefore a rough attitude from others hurts them deeply. These people are endowed with excellent psychological aptitudes and therefore they do best in stock market, food industry, interior design, and any type of art. They should try focusing on their primary needs while using their famous intuition and stamina.

The downfall of those born in October is the fact that they are incapable to challenge their lifestyle. They might turn to religion and become fanatics. As for a Libra, they should always look for balance. However, people born in October are also great teachers and philosophers, and sometimes they will travel as far as possible to find the truth. The best advice for these people is to avoid drugs or any such substances at all costs.

October is the month of Libra and Scorpio. If you are born in the first half of the month, you are governed by Libra, hence by Venus.

Libra is charming, sociable, good diplomat, accepts compromises and can be indecisive. Natives of Libra need others to be able to perform. His loving and harmonious character is controlled by reason. The native is hearty, innate diplomat, and masters the art of acting with others. For the native of Libra, maintaining balance and the idea of ​​"live and let others to live" are vital necessities. The native is versatile, has good taste and an artistic talent. A Libra loves colors, paintings, music and dance, and stands out because of his or her pleasant appearance.

If the Sun is badly aspected, the erotic refinement of the Libra native can lead to addiction. Ambition, moods, flattery, lust and vanity can harm the native of Libra, while the desire for luxury may cost him too much. The Libra's most sensitive parts of the body are their kidneys, bladder, urethra, skin and joints. Their health is prone to disease of these organs, such as kidney failure. The Libra native is an innate gourmet. For this reason, at maturity they may have the tendency to gain weight.

October is classified as a fall month, which has seven letters. To be born in October, the tenth month from the numerology perspective it means that your gemstones are the opal and the tourmaline. Your flowers are the marigolds. Your main qualities are excellence, satisfaction, cuteness, luck, grace, joy, comfort, and love.

Summary of your characteristics


  • Discriminatory.
  • Practical.
  • Correct.


  • Acid.
  • Defensive.
  • Difficult.