Who know's what is in store for you! Check out your birth date meaning.

January Background Birthday
12th January
Zodiac message


January 12th is the day of the wild call. Those born on January 12th are inevitably attracted by the complete professional life.

The career and interests takes them over around the age of twenty years and therefore they are capable of great sacrifices, especially in personal matters and inner development. They may feel they sacrifice their life to others, but in reality they are attracted to excitement and adventures that might include others or not. Once they become obsessed with their calling, they follow it wherever it would lead them.

Because career occupies a central position in their lives, natives of January 12th must choose work carefully and avoid being diverted in their painful experiences for themselves or for others. In this respect, it is extremely important to maintain a strict set of ethical principles, in accordance with traditional human values. Both impulses of self-sacrifice as well as selfish impulses must be monitored closely in order to not risk losing control. Many of those born today are very likely to identify with a cause, often social or political in nature, for which they are able to give in much of their personal identity. On the other hand, some people born on January 12th can be fully absorbed by themselves when their own personality and image is crucial to the success of their business plans. For example, they can sell a product or promote a service they provide on their own, such as public relations, advertising, drama and other activities of this kind.

January 12th natives are often active, even very agitated. They must be careful not to give the impression that they are arrogant, because usually it stirs up other people. In some cases, they will have more success with a more modest and greater sensitivity to the needs of others. However, natives of January 12th are often taken away from their own ideas and will not pay attention to warnings and advises. When they are involved in an action at a loss, they will be available to provide support instead of trying to change the course of things. Indeed, if their projects will be carried out successfully, they will face all difficulties and obstacles that appear their way.

January 12th natives are generally most attracted to unusual activities. For this reason, the natives who obtain success will come to be considered talented and unusual, and a little weird. The usual rewards of a stable life seem to not be destined to them. But if they meet the right person, often a more conservative and apparently normal individual (but endowed with calmness and moderation), those born on this day can find lasting happiness.


  • Be more careful with your personal life.
  • Maintain a strong ethical code.
  • Remember to listen to the others.
  • Beware of arrogance and condescension.
  • Stop looking for perfection from a professional point of view.
  • Your work is just one part of life.

Those born on January 12th are generally considered unlucky for some reason. Being born on this day it indicates that the favorable occupations are a policeman, fishmonger, teacher or manager. For the forthcoming year good vibrations are predicted. You will also have a minor conflict with somebody but it will resolve itself in time.

Numerology: Ruled by Jupiter

You are known to be ruled by day number twelve, if you are born on the 12th of the month. There are many great authors, leaders, scientists, as well as artists born on January 12th: Christiane Amanpour, Jack London, Charles Perrault, etc.

Your numerology results show that Jupiter is the ruling planet. Jupiter is the guru of angels and the god of heavens. Under the influence of Jupiter, people born on January 12th have strong faith in selflessness, knowledge, wisdom, sacrifice and service. You belong to a category of people who have made great sacrifices, were famous leaders and patriots. But if for any reason the strength of your day got weakened in life, you may settle for a small job as clerk or accountant in an organization.

You are normally intelligent, diligent, hard working, and honest in your endeavors. You obey the commands of others, and you are disciplined and obedient. You expect similar traits from your subordinates. You are tough from outside, but soft inside. You believe in actions’ reasonability, and you are guided by your conscience. You do not mind helping others, even if you do not get anything in return. You are orthodox in your world views, are religious in outlooks, but stubborn enough not to change life in line with changing social beliefs. You are ready to help others, but do not like to ask for help from others.

You may appear proud in your outlook, but in reality you are not. You are generally a person of great nature. You value self respect more than material gains and thus, do not look for favors from others. You like to be involved in altruistic works. If active in politics or leadership, you are capable of attaining a high position. Whatever comes to you in life is only through the path of hard work, as you do not get success easily. You can grow in life slowly, you are a contended soul and happy to follow the path of hard work to get your success.

You easily appreciate the selfless service of others. As a loyal servant, you are always ready to lay down your life for your country. You are also ready to pass through any type of hardship if it is for the common good. You believe in obeying and respecting your elders. You are a pillar of strength, if in clerical or administrative positions you may be serving influential officers, organizations or ministers. You normally want to avoid anything that may bring you a bad name. You believe in self respect and are ready to help anybody with good intent.

If for some reason you are weakened, you may become lazy and fond of addictive pastimes such as gambling. Also, if the power of the number three is too much, then you can become autocratic. In such a situation you can become sensual, borrow money from others and fail to repay.

Your lucky days are the 3rd, 12th, and 2nd. The activities completed on these days have very high chance of success. Numerology rules that your unlucky days are 6th, 15th, and 24th, in all the months. Avoid performing important actions on these days. You may waste time, money, and efforts.

Amethyst is your most favorable gem. It helps in clarifying your decisions. You can wear yellow sapphire with a golden tint. Amethyst if of a violet hue will give you peace of mind and will prevent accidents and damage.

Being born in January - what this means

The first part of January is ruled by Saturn (1st-19th). Your ruling planet, Saturn, the embodiment of caution and prudence is the ruling figure of the month of January. Underneath Saturn's influence, you never take any vital step without deep reflection and without being completely positive of the result. Saturn controls the month of January. If you are born under the auspices of Saturn you are motivated to succeed and have a powerful position in life. You are gifted with computers, logic and an excellent organizer of all sorts. You seek a lot of respect and you are after continuous accomplishments.

Being a child of Saturn it means you age backwards. That is you are born old and you grow young. This applies to your spirit, but also to the way you look. You are at your best at middle age. You are blessed with a good fortune, but you must work hard for it. You usually choose the hard way. As a child of Saturn, you have a price to pay, and you must do that in your youth. You are the last one while a child or a young adult, fact that made you shy and unconfident. However, these weaknesses turned into skills later on in life. They made you persevere and be strong which in turn bring you big accomplishments and self-fulfillment.

You, being born in the month of January will have a strong ambition, energy, perseverance and belligerence. As January is the first month, you are a born leader. You have a tendency to make larger efforts in achieving your desired goals. As you are born in January, you have the tendency to be rather sceptical, analytic, and rather suspicious. Your mental strength is large enough, philosophic and scientific in nature. You are a thinker and a social person. Your special qualities are intelligence and the ability to investigate.

You are forgiving in nature. Your love, duty and social living are perpetually distinctive. Some people may find you occasionally rather eccentric. As a person with a powerful mind and a steady trend towards independence, you should lead in everything you do, otherwise you will lose interest in the work. You hate restrictions of any kind and are a rebel against everything that has the character of binding, although, at times you are inclined to respect traditions and authority. In general, January is a positive month in which to be born, however you have to cultivate cheerfulness or you may have the tendency to fall in depression. In life, you will face lots of confusion. You also do not make lasting friendships, and you will have just a couple of old friends. At heart, you usually feel terribly lonely. You feel alone even in crowd. You are a loner. You usually support the less trusted cause, and you will go to any extent not to be defeated. As a result you will simply amass enemies.

When it involves faith, folks born in January tend to be fanatic follower of the religion, or, on contrary, their consciousness is directed to different extremes, even when they do not believe in something. Those born in January can be in best harmony with those people born underneath their own sign or the sign of Taurus and Virgo. You have the chance of marrying either a much younger or a much older person. The Moon has a strong influence on you, and it usually affects your mood, as well as your career path. You are organized, logic, patience, and you have a very special charm.

January is classified as the winter month, which has seven letters. To be born in January from a numerology perspective it means that people with a birthday on your day are focused on effort. There is nothing that will stop you once you set your mind on something. Your birthstone is the garnet. The garnet is a beautiful stone and has a large range of colors. Usually it is the red garnet is the one used for the January birthstone. Your flower is the snowdrop and it symbolizes affection, love, happiness, fidelity, imagination, and distinction. Your colors are black, dark red, and dark blue.

Summary of your characteristics


  • Professional.
  • Encouraging.
  • Involved.


  • Altruistic.
  • Preoccupied.
  • Careless.