Who know's what is in store for you! Check out your birth date meaning.

January Background Birthday
11th January
Zodiac message


January 11th is the day of evaluation. The strength of the highly skilled and committed individuals born on January 11th is the ability to measure and evaluate appropriate people and life experiences.

January 11th natives are often proud of their objective method of approach. However, when their perceptions are dominated by their belief system, their objectivity may suffer. Natives who can put aside personal beliefs will have easier access to what they see around them.

A difficulty for the natives of January 11th is that they are highly moral and rigid, and condemn what does not fit their beliefs. This can have negative effects on family because their conviction inhibits the children generating guilt, destroying their confidence and ability to function as independent individuals. Parents born on January 11th must therefore avoid embark in inflated judgments because such a situation arouses antagonism and rebellion.

When it comes to evaluating texts, objects, methods, financial statements and systems of all kinds they are familiar with, people born on January 11th are indeed remarkable. In their field of expertise, they are often asked by others to express their opinions of experts, possibly in evaluating objects and investments, or the quality and authentication of documents. They display excellent analytical skills and are skilled judges in this respect, calmly separating the wheat from the chaff.

People born on this day can detect forgeries in an instant, and so are extremely valuable when their task is to remove waste and corruption. Indeed, natives of January 11th are hard to fool in any problem they approach.

Unfortunately, those born on this day can be really stubborn and unyielding. They are not open enough to discussions when they made a decision in a certain sense. They can talk with the same degree of confidence and a sense of infallibility when addressing issues about which they know very little or even nothing. They can make others go crazy, often repeating something over and over again with much momentum and remaining firmly on their ideas.

The urge of those born on January 11th is to develop greater flexibility. Because they already show pronounced human qualities of generosity, kindness and devotion, only their moralistic attitudes keeps them from being more open and more tolerant. Extremely rigid prejudices and opinions can hinder those born today. They struggle to understand life experiences, being followers of profound insights and a clear vision. Although persistence and patience will be required, natives of January 11th may be able to develop greater responsiveness by applying their assessment talents of their analytical skills.


  • Maintain flexibility and remain open to change.
  • Stop condemning others before giving them a chance.
  • Admit your mistakes and cherish more the things that are guaranteed.

Having a birthday falling on January 11th is an indication that over the next twelve months new business deals are going to present themselves. Trivial misunderstandings with the family are also likely to occur.

Numerology: Ruled by Neptune

You are known to be ruled by day number eleven, if you are born on the 11th of the month. There are many great political leaders, administrators, inventors, as well as artists born on January 11th: Joel Zwick, Konstantin Fehrenbach, Judith Exner, etc.

If your day falls on an eleven, your ruling planet is Neptune. If you are born on 11th, then you are affected by the numerology of number eleven. The power of your number makes you a great philosopher, laid back and religious type of person. You are not a person who may get anything by being lucky. Your reward will come through means of hard work and dedication. There may be some disappointments on the way, but persistence is a must.

Success is never easy to you. It is necessary that you keep working hard or may end up doing trivial jobs, and will have to live with unfulfilled desires and ambitions. But God almighty has gifted you with strong will power and high level of mental dexterity. You like to peak less and you are a good follower. You have to guard against your short temper or you may lose your love and friends. You tend to live alone and you are not very comfortable in materialistic pleasures. You have to be careful about your married life, and you have to invest time and money to keep the interest of your spouse. You find your heart at ease when following altruistic ambitions. When you are working for others you have much better chance to succeed.

You love to live in a fantasy world and you like to delve in mystic thoughts and solitude. You may not speak much in public, but you are very comfortable among like-minded people who will show you a remarkable streak of leadership, and you will easily influence them with your thoughts. You have to learn to keep up with your position even in face of opposition. You are always interested in the secrets of life after death. You may even be ready to talk to the dead through a medium. You love to research tarot, palmistry, astrology and meaning of finger prints. You have special liking for history. You like to critically analyze everything including your inner thoughts, family, society, and the world at a large. You like to delve deeply in solitude.

You have to guard against the tendency to exhibit strange and eccentric behavior. Many famous poets, musicians, writers, reformers and mathematicians, revolutionaries come under number eleven. There is always a chance of you drifting away from homes and families. So to avoid this work to get along with others, or your life will go into solitude and sorrow. Your lucky numbers are 2 and 7. Your lucky days are the 2nd, 11th, 20th, and the 29th. In any month your unlucky days are 8th, 16th, 17th, and the 26th. There is a high chance of failure if you execute new projects on these unlucky days.

Your lucky gem is the cat’s eye. It shall give you courage and power to earn. It also improves your chances of succeed as an inventor. Other lucky gems include pearl, moon stone, opal, or tiger’s eye.

Being born in January - what this means

The first part of January is ruled by Saturn (1st-19th). Your ruling planet, Saturn, the embodiment of caution and prudence is the ruling figure of the month of January. Underneath Saturn's influence, you never take any vital step without deep reflection and without being completely positive of the result. Saturn controls the month of January. If you are born under the auspices of Saturn you are motivated to succeed and have a powerful position in life. You are gifted with computers, logic and an excellent organizer of all sorts. You seek a lot of respect and you are after continuous accomplishments.

Being a child of Saturn it means you age backwards. That is you are born old and you grow young. This applies to your spirit, but also to the way you look. You are at your best at middle age. You are blessed with a good fortune, but you must work hard for it. You usually choose the hard way. As a child of Saturn, you have a price to pay, and you must do that in your youth. You are the last one while a child or a young adult, fact that made you shy and unconfident. However, these weaknesses turned into skills later on in life. They made you persevere and be strong which in turn bring you big accomplishments and self-fulfilment.

You, being born in the month of January will have a strong ambition, energy, perseverance and belligerence. As January is the first month, you are a born leader. You have a tendency to make larger efforts in achieving your desired goals. As you are born in January, you have the tendency to be rather sceptical, analytic, and rather suspicious. Your mental strength is large enough, philosophic and scientific in nature. You are a thinker and a social person. Your special qualities are intelligence and the ability to investigate.

You are forgiving in nature. Your love, duty and social living are perpetually distinctive. Some people may find you occasionally rather eccentric. As a person with a powerful mind and a steady trend towards independence, you should lead in everything you do, otherwise you will lose interest in the work. You hate restrictions of any kind and are a rebel against everything that has the character of binding, although, at times you are inclined to respect traditions and authority. In general, January is a positive month in which to be born, however you have to cultivate cheerfulness or you may have the tendency to fall in depression. In life, you will face lots of confusion. You also do not make lasting friendships, and you will have just a couple of old friends. At heart, you usually feel terribly lonely. You feel alone even in crowd. You are a loner. You usually support the less trusted cause, and you will go to any extent not to be defeated. As a result you will simply amass enemies.

When it involves faith, folks born in January tend to be a fanatic follower of the religion, or, on contrary, their consciousness is directed to different extremes, even when they do not believe in something. Those born in January can be in best harmony with those people born underneath their own sign or the sign of Taurus and Virgo. You have the chance of marrying either a much younger or a much older person. The Moon has a strong influence on you, and it usually affects your mood, as well as your career path. You are organized, logic, patience, and you have a very special charm.

January is classified as the winter month, which has seven letters. To be born in January from a numerology perspective it means that people with a birthday on your day are focused on effort. There is nothing that will stop you once you set your mind on something. Your birthstone is the garnet. The garnet is a beautiful stone and has a large range of colors. Usually it is the red garnet is the one used for the January birthstone. Your flower is the snowdrop and it symbolizes affection, love, happiness, fidelity, imagination, and distinction. Your colors are black, dark red, and dark blue.

Summary of your characteristics


  • Reliable
  • Capable
  • Determined


  • Moralizing
  • Rigid