Who know's what is in store for you! Check out your birth date meaning.

December Birthday Meanings
10th December
Zodiac message


December 10th is the day of inner passion. Individuals born on December 10th tend to internalize their feelings and go through life hardly convinced of their value.

If they draw attention to themselves, it is likely this will strengthen their conviction or will serve their cause. Pride, ego, arrogance and selfishness sometimes seem to be unfamiliar concepts for these individuals whose desire is to be helpful to others. Others rarely understand the depth of emotion felt by the natives of the day, emotions which are a private aspect and hardly shared. Indeed, the only gift that those born on this day can do is to show themselves as they are, because this gesture indicates big trust.

Faith is important in the lives of people born on December 10th. Dedicated people, they worship at the altar of character, wisdom, morality, and respect only the finest features of human nature. Very often, however, they have the most interest for earthly topics because they recognize instinctively that beings rarely rise to the level of the highest ideals. December 10th natives show a special fascination especially for nature, either animal or plant life, or places untouched by the human foot. Deep from a philosophical point of view, those born on this day spend much time asking existential questions. They either put their faith in God, Nature, the Universe, or the laws of science or a guiding spirit behind all things, but they will generally put their faith in something. Such things are not for them mutually exclusive.

December 10th natives often give the impression of being in another world. They seem to live on a planet very far away from the pettiness and pains of everyday life. For this reason, it may be difficult to find their place in society and find a partner with whom to share their overflowing idealism. If they find such a person, this person will serve as a defense, protection and support.

Most often, it is a great chance for those interested when people born on December 10th assume a leadership position, because they will be receptive and understanding bosses that keep good relationships with their teammates and have a great ability to stay away from quarrels and avoid conflicts. Those born on this day are often good parents, caring and interested, as long as their partner will take an active role in sharing the responsibilities of parenthood. Unfortunately, it rarely happens that their sensitive nature can cope with what it is required to get power. Admittedly, individuals born on December 10th cannot handle stress and as such, the roles of great responsibility should be accepted only if they can be operated in cold blood and if, finally, they can provide the kind of comfortable life and privacy they need.


  • Try to resist the temptation to escape from this world.
  • Keep in touch with other people.
  • Trust in people, God or nature.
  • Do not fear rejection.
  • Fight to be heard if necessary.

Numerology: Ruled by the Sun

You are known to be ruled by day number ten, if you are born on the 10th of the month. There are many great leaders, administrators, as well as artists born on December 10th: Kuniva, James Armistead Lafayette, Ada Lovelace, etc.

The numerology reading means that if you are born on the 10th, you are ruled by the Sun. The traits that you demonstrate include being influential, commanding and controlling. This is all positive as they enhance your character. You are an honest, outspoken and bold person. To be born on the 10th of the months it means you are straight forward, hard working, diligent and normally successful in your field. You are proud and confident, and you love to live life with dignity. You are hard working and never like to follow others. You have the ability to shine in politics, medicine, teaching, astrology and field of fine arts. You normally have sufficient money, though you do not like to work for it. You dislike being involved in treachery, cheating or deceit.

Your downfall is that sometimes you become proud and arrogant, thus annoying people around you and generating enemies. You overemphasize your achievements, and you can face failures. The advice for you is to be careful not to earn a negative name. Because if you do this you may lose your position, thus diminishing your confidence and eventually you may end up following others.

Health-wise you may have problems with poor vision, hypertension and heart disease. The advice is that you should listen to others sometimes. To win in life you need to show qualities such as being honest, being sincere and straight forward. The good news is that success comes to you easily, but you may fall in the trap of being boastful. For people born on December 10th, the lucky days are the 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th. Decisions and actions taken on these dates will bring success. They are the perfect days to start a new business, start building a house, relocate to a new job or house, buy a vehicle, property or jewellery, etc. The unlucky days of the month are the 8th, 17th and the 26th. There is more chance of failure on these days. Action may lead to waste of money, efforts, and you may lose your reputation.

Ruby is your most suited gem. You can also wear a yellow sapphire and topaz. These improve your luck, health and will give success. These gems also promote the healthy growth of your young sons and daughters. Normally these are worn on the right hand ring finger.

Being born in December - what this means

The first part of December is ruled by Jupiter (1st-21st). People born in December are ruled by Jupiter and the sign of Sagittarius. They are born philosophers and teachers. The best professions for these people are in the fields of aeronautics, law, information technology, communications, radio, linguistics or religion. These people are passionate about travelling and this will take them to far away lands where they can learn lots of new things, then return and teach them to others. They are very organized and serious. These people love sports, but also animals.

Being a child of Jupiter it means you are prone to adventure. In your life everything seems to happen in an extraordinary manner. You are anxious for new opportunities all the time. Besides this good fortune, you also believe that everything has purpose. You dream of the impossible and never accept your limits. Everything extraordinary and unusual comes from children of Jupiter: amazing art, outstanding discoveries, out of this world achievements etc. This tendency to always look for the best of the best contributes to everybody’s life. Children of Jupiter are lucky.

People born in December must focus on education in order to achieve their goals. During youth, they are very concerned with making money, and therefore the most important thing for them is to learn to balance giving and receiving.

December is the month of Sagittarius and Capricorn. If you are born in the first half of the month, you are governed by Sagittarius, hence by Jupiter.

Natives of Sagittarius are friendly, passionate, tolerant, and love freedom and adventure. They can be extravagant and rude. A Sagittarius is guided by ideals, until he decides to retire in a secure social position. The native is kind, open, and optimistic. It may be, however, also extremely arrogant. His success is due both to intuition, as well as the availability of action and mobility. The native’s organizational talent is remarkable. He is steadfast in his fundamental principles, which are truth and justice. Sagittarius is an honest fighter who loves sports and nature, generous towards oneself and towards others.

A bad aspected sun indicates divergent feelings and an exaggerated self-conceit easy to damage, traits that lead to being moody, to exaggeration or self-deception. Sagittarius is inclined towards whim, waste, bluster and speculation. In regard to health, the hips and thighs are the Sagittarius’ weakness, so the native of this sign is prone to paralysis of the limbs, sport injuries, and sciatica.

December is classified as a winter month, which has eight letters. To be born in December, the twelfth and last month from the numerology perspective it means that your gemstone are the blue topaz and the turquoise. Your flowers are the narcissus, orchid and poinsettia. Your main qualities are courage, calmness, certainty, and success.

Summary of your characteristics


  • Calm inside
  • Grateful
  • Spiritual


  • Enigmatic
  • Lonely