Two women in a long dresses sitting in the foreground, stars clouds and the expanse of space in the background
May 21 – Jun 20
Something will happen today that will reinforce your confidence and self-worth. It will be so unexpected that you will even be surprised at your own quick response. You always knew that you had the capacity but never had the chance to show it until now. Be ready and on your toes today. Good colors are dark turquoise and blue. Good numbers are 19, 30 and 41.

Prevent any setbacks by practising good judgement. If you see a need to consult an astrologer, a cat’s eye gemstone may help to improve your memory. Indulging in a new hobby on a regular basis may help you get out of any financial difficulties.

(May 21st – June 20th) The Sign of the Gemini is the sign of the twins, of eagles in flight, two energies flying different directions, of responsiveness and attractiveness, as well as busy-ness.

This is the primary human symbol in the zodiac, as many of the other signs are representative of animals or symbols.

This sign is an intellectual, adaptive and communicative one which is ruled by the pursuit of different experiences in life especially if those experiences stimulate their mental faculties. Geminis are consistently curious about what is going on in the general social world; they like to know what the most common passing phase is and how they can get a taste of it. This is the sign of the actor, of the poet and the lawyer; those who stand tall within their performing abilities because they can think on their toes.

Duality is the most common trait associated with the Gemini because they are represented by the twins or two energies in one body. Sometimes the energies are not in sync and so some people feel that Gemini people tend to have a ‘good twin,’ and an ‘evil twin.’ Because they are being moved by more than one energy, they tend to be extremely happy with a balance which includes many jobs, many hobbies, and many lovers. If you were born under the sign of the Gemini then you can at points be restless if you are not on the go and you enjoy new ideas and fresh, fun times. Sometimes this means that you do not finish the tasks which you have begun because you are off to the next thing without even thinking about finishing the last.

Gemini’s need to talk, they need to know that you understand them, and they desire desperately to understand those around them. In a sense, this sometimes chatty energy can become extremely introspective when they are spending time taking something apart to gain understanding. One shouldn’t take offense if a Gemini has given them all of their attention only to leave them with no attention. You must simply work harder at keeping in touch with them and keep in contact.

Gemini’s are gifted with the art of persuasion because they have such quick intellectual abilities. They can be excellent sales people and are ideal for great conversations. If you were born under the sign of the Gemini you should be aware that sometimes you can be somewhat superficial because you never spend any time on one thing long enough to get deeply involved. If you find that you are unhappy as a result of this, then begin to find ways for you to learn to have deeper relationships. You are a versatile and witty person, but your temper can get the best of you occasionally because you don’t know how to work through a situation.

This would be an excellent time in your life to try to work on that. You are a mutable person whose elemental ruler is air. The planet Mercury is that of communication and runs your existence which is why communication is so important to you in your life. The hands, arms, shoulders and lungs are parts of the body ruled by Gemini. Take care to avoid injury and illnesses to the lungs such as bronchitis and other respiratory issues.

By Flo Saul
Mar 23, 2012