Three Card

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Nine of Swords Tarot Card
Ace Of Wands Tarot Card
The world tarot card

Card reading

The Nine of Swords


The Nine Of Words Tarot Card Meaning

When the Nine of Swords becomes present in your reading there is an experience in your life that you are going to need to analyze very carefully.

Focus on your priorities and keep moving. This card is representative of ill tidings coming your way. Sometimes life throws us curveballs that exist for the purpose of giving us the experience of working through the problems that they create and this is the case for you at this time. Often this card is depicting some kind of loss that has thrown you completely off of your normal routine.

The image that is depicted in the Rider-Waite deck shows a woman waking up in the dead of night in despair. Her head is in her hands and there are nine heavy swords hanging over her head. This is symbolic of loss, suffering and sometimes misery or oppression. This card could be symbolic of a loss of a loved one either in an end in a relationship or a death. When you have gotten this card in your reading you will need to take a step back emotionally and take a look at your situations as they currently are.

If you are experiencing this level of loss and you are right in the middle of grieving this could be hard to do. But this card tells you that it is important for you to keep focused on your end goal primarily because for one thing it will help with your grief and for another you will find that even though this is a difficult time, much growth will come as a result of you having the strength to keep on moving. You will definitely need to prioritize because you will not be able to take on very much right now, so what you do take on needs to be gentle and easy for you to handle. When you prioritize then you are giving the pain something positive to transform into, and often times pain and suffering can be excellent motivations. You need a distraction that will help you get through your grief. Immerse yourself totally and trust that you know what you need to do to succeed. At this point, the higher mind can take the wheel, and you should allow it to. Healing is found when one connects to their higher source energy.

Right now the combination that can be found in Knowledge and in Wisdom should be treated as interrelated. You cannot carry out a responsibility without the knowledge necessary to do so and you can’t be truly informed or knowledgeable on anything without the assistance of responsibility. There is a copasetic relationship here that cannot be denied. At this point in the Suit of Swords, you must take the responsibility inherent in the Knowledge that is at your fingertips so that you might get through this devastating time unscathed.

The time to fine-tune your personal philosophy and set goals for this lifetime is now. Even though it may be difficult to do so, there is nothing healthier for you at this time then to focus on improving yourself in life. Take the time now to consider how you are putting yourself down and being counterproductive, what is causing you suffering at this time? What is causing you to be depressed?

The Nine of Swords in Love

This is just a time in your life that you have to learn to figure out what you need to do. You have been so devastated by a loss in the past, or with a mistake that you have made that you cannot possibly fathom how you can ever be free to pursue something right and good ever again. Therefore you are stunted and you continue to attract those that are not good for you, they take advantage, they cheat and lie and betray you. This is a cycle that is feeding on itself because you have not healed from the grief of this big loss in your past. If you unravel the pain from your past, then you will be able to experience true happiness in the future.

The 9 swords in love can mean that someone has suddenly come to a realization in love and that they are suffering greatly in their love life. This card can mean the subconscious mind is working over-time and that they are worried about getting too carried away with someone. Another interpretation is that someone likes playing games, they like the chase and the early part of relationships. Even the on/off of how relationships pan out. If the situation is comfortable then one of the partners might get too bored. It could mean the end of a relationship as one or both parties are not in the real frame of mind. The 9 of swords in love can also indicate a breakup, or someone likes sexual or psychological pain. They use control and abuse to get what they need and want in life.

These are some keywords for the 9 of swords in love.

  • Enjoy sexually by pain or gets turned on by this.
  • Uses control and abuse in life.
  • Does not want the relationship to go anywhere.
  • Hurt by another so likes humiliation of love interests.
  • Likes playing games to hurt you and provides abuse.

The Nine Of Swords As Feelings

This card as an answer to feelings “how does he or she feel about me” can mean that there was real love pain for the person in the past and that this is keeping them awake in life. It can suggest they feel anxious about love but they like inflicting pain and playing games. 

It can also suggest you are not even in the mind of this person because they have so much going on in life. It can mean that the feelings they have for you are stressful and they are worried. Also, a sense of fear to some degree, maybe they are scared to have any relationship with anyone due to being hurt.  It could mean this person has deep feelings even, but cannot do anything because they are not ready for a real relationship, or that they don’t see any happiness around spending time with you only stress.

The Nine of Swords in Health

The Nine of Swords in health describes a time of depression. You have experienced grief, and then grief grabbed a hold of you and is sucking you dry slowly. Instead of taking the time that is necessary to grieve and then move on, you have instead become addicted to the doldrums sadness that came from that loss. You are reliving it on a regular basis. The first item of business for you is to recognize that you are perpetuating a cycle, and then once you have done that then you must begin to take action that is going to get you out of the house, to try to pursue new activities. Clean your house, do a house cleansing using salt and sage. Sage will clear out the negative energies and the salt will absorb it. You need to cleanse yourself and all that is around you so that you may begin anew.

The Nine of Swords in Work and Wealth

In work and wealth the Nine of Swords is recognizing that you have experienced a loss in your work situation or are you are in the process of working through one that you fear is on its way. Your business is going to be affected directly by the fear that is all around you right now. This is a passing phase, but if you wish to be prepared for this time of your life, then you should make sure that sign off on all of your paperwork, leaving nothing to chance. You need to have all of your bases covered in this instance as right now a lot can go wrong very easily.

Nine of Swords Advice 

Pulling this card in the advice position indicates that you are moving from a difficult time in life. This is a positive card to have in the advice position. It can indicate that you will be under pressure and you may feel uneasy about making decisions. In order to move forward, it is important for you to overcome the uneasiness that you will be feeling. 

Nine of Swords Outcome

The overall feeling of this card in the outcome position can mean that the longer-term result of the situation may not be as you hoped. It can mean feeling stressed and obsessing over something or someone. In love as an outcome, it can mean you are feeling anxiety. This card is also about projecting your hopes and dreams on other people. It could mean that you are still wanting something back from the past, such as a relationship or job. The 9 of swords in an outcome position could also be a warning of possible depression and that you are feeling unloved by someone. This card is drawn in love matters when there is someone toxic that is taking too much from you. 

The Nine Of Swords in the Reversed Position

The Fool Reversed

Reversed Meaning - Nine Of Swords

The 9 of swords reversed in a spread can mean that problems that you are experiencing are real and since you can’t directly attack them you are taking out your anger and resentment on yourself and others. You are being stubborn, incapable of flexibility as well as overly fixed in your beliefs. Be patient and believe in yourself at this time, for you have won. Trust that good news is on its way and take care not to rush anything.

Remember not to be too hard on yourself. The 9 of swords indicate that there is dedication in life and that you have inner cruelty. The nine shows an alleviation of the pressure. It can suggest that a sense of hope may return. More importantly, that healing is underway. I often feel the 9 of swords reversed is like a sun rising and that the sub-conscious can recover after a difficult time. Everyone must face the fear of rejection and overcoming problems and the stakes are high when this card is drawn. The 9 of swords indicate the turmoil, unworthiness, and guilt are to go into the foreground to never return.  

Nine Of Swords Reversed Love

Swords are associated with communication and drawing the 9 of swords for love in the reversed position can indicate that there is real hope for this relationship but there is also the danger of delusion. The card can also imply though some "temporary fling" you may find love, this card upright also means depression so the relationship might not bring happiness. Reversed the 9 of swords in love can suggest feeling happier in your love life - but it will only be temporary.

If there is a relationship that you are questioning it can indicate things are going to be concluded, even hidden secrets revealed. The card can also mean that you have suffered stress in relationships and they are not safe and secure. The suffering of love can not mean that things are over so don't worry if you have just started out on this love path. Sometimes grief from past relationships can sometimes haunt us and this could be why this card arose.

Nine of swords Reversed As Feelings

As feelings drawing the 9 of swords can mean that the person’s past is coming in the way of how they feel about future partners. It can suggest that they are worried about being hurt so they would rather not embark on love at all. The 9 of swords reversed in love can also a declaration that something is going to happen, either a declaration of love (which is rejected) or moving onto a new relationship.

Upright Nine of Swords Meanings in Keywords

  • Overcoming sadness
  • Finding happiness
  • Recovery
  • Trusting again
  • Gaining insight
  • Growing strong
  • Feeling reborn

Reversed Nine of Swords Meanings in Keywords

  • Reliving the past
  • Overthinking
  • Mental issues
  • Forced smiling
  • Rejecting help
  • Being alone
  • Rejecting people

The Ace of Wands


The Ace is the core or primal representation of that energy.

If you are seeing the Ace of Wands in your reading then there is a good chance that you are experiencing a lot of momentum, passion, and power around one or all aspects of your life at this time. The Ace card brings positive energies with it including exuberance, energy, and motivation to get started on a project. Basically, it represents the seed of the fiery, passionate, energies in your life. These energies are typically favorable ones but unharnessed can be a bit much to handle.

    The Wand is full of power and directs the energy where to go. Being that you are likely dealing with fiery energy in your life right now, it is a good time to start making plans for the future that require action or motivation on your part. With the surge of fire behind you take action and charge forth, completing aspects of your life that you have left unattended until now. Focus your energies on growth and renewal or being influential. Do not waste this energy as it does not come around all that often. It’s like a surge of energy being blasted into your life and can leave you feeling glorious or almost as if you can take on the world.

    The Ace of Wands can also represent renewed creativity or innovation. Think outside the box for solutions or ideas that are not the norm. This is a great time to push yourself forward or challenge physical limits. Mentally speaking, your psyche is overcharged with optimism and eagerness. Think about ways in which you are stunted by routine and switch them up. Create opportunities for renewal and success by exercising your mind and body.

    If you are finding that right now you are lacking motivation, you need to activate this power. Sometimes the Ace cards will show up to remind you what is needed in your life right now. With the wands card, it can indicate a need for passion, rejuvenation, motivation, and confidence. Consider areas of your life that you have felt that there is a lack and spend more time cultivating change. With the energy of the Ace of Wands card at your disposal right now, you can literally do anything!

    The Ace of Wands in Love

    The Ace of Wands in a love reading gives a sexy or sensual feel to your love life. It can represent a focus on primal urges, sexuality, and dominance. Even though all of these aspects can have negative sides to them, usually the ace represents that you have the energy to burn right now. It shows a true spark either in your current relationship or one that is going to be coming to you soon.

    When asking the cards about someone specific in love the wands card will often represent a person with auburn, red, or medium colored hair. This person will be dynamic, active, and radiate confidence. The card also represents the beginnings of a romance that is very physical but sometimes lacking on more substantial levels. It is likely that the attraction in a new relationship will be based on appearances rather than things in common. When you find a relationship while the Ace of Wands is favoring you, be prepared that this may not be your true love but still a fun relationship while it lasts.

    It can indicate a whirlwind relationship or one that is sexually charged. Try not to get too caught up in the details but rather allow yourself to be swept away with passion and abandon. This is a time to be experimental and try new things. Consider taking charge in a relationship right now or letting that special someone know that you are interested in them. Expect fireworks.

    The Ace of Wands in Work and Wealth

    The Ace of Wands in wealth is like planting a wildfire in the summer. Now is the time to take action and invest, look for a job, or make a large purchase. Anything done financially or regarding work right now is likely to have a lot of energy behind it motivating that aspect to growing exponentially. Creativity is also in abundance and if you focus your attention on finding new ways to, for example, market a product (or yourself for that matter) at work, you will find that your ideas are not only received well but that they will pan out for you. This is a great time to be networking and making connections in the workplace. Confidence is key for you to get noticed but be sure that you are not coming off as pompous. People are drawn to your power and potential at this time. Do not let it go to waste.

    The Ace of Wands Yes Or No

    The Ace of Wands upright is a Yes! Without a doubt. All Aces in tarot readings are generally positive. I always find that this tarot card can show up when things are just out of control. Think of it like feelings coming to the surface and it seems the answer will be a no - but it's not! Upright this is a passionate card and shows things will become , but reversed can indicate a no. If you asked the question yes/no and pulled an ace - then it would definitely be a yes.

    The Ace of Wands Past

    Drawing the Ace of Wands in a past position can indicate the need to move on in life. You may have encountered positive change. It can signify that you previously created something completely new. The Ace of Wands in the past is about control, passion, and happiness. An ace in the past can indicate that a new passionate adventure or love affair has started or the window of opportunity has opened. Think of this ace as a seed of possibility that has occurred in the past.

    The Ace of Wands Present 

    Drawing the Ace of Wands in the present position can indicate there is currently enthusiasm that has just been planted in life. It could be a love affair, passion, or even just a surge of optimism. This card indicates an opportunity for you to take now and make sure you do not miss it!

    The Ace of Wands Future and Outcome

    The Ace of Wands in the future position can indicate an anachronistic event. The ace is a positive card and full of passion and energy. It means that you need to take the stand and look forward to new possibilities that will excite you. This can mean you will have potential and that you can be creative alongside this. The card is drawing you to have personal power and go out there and succeed.

    The Ace of Wands Feelings

    The Ace of Wands is all about love and happiness and is a positive card to draw for “how someone feels about you.” This card shows real enthusiasm for others and passion too. The ace is like a seed in a relationship. This card can mean that you have caught someone’s eye and you are both attracted to another.

    The Ace of Wands in Health

    With the Ace of Wands in your health reading, you are blessed indeed. This card is one of vitality, strength, and healing. The energy of the Ace of Wands burns away illness and disease and gives you added energy. It is a great time to focus on fitness and anything to do with being more motivated for healthy changes. Try implementing a health plan, new diet, or quitting bad habits like smoking. Any positive or healthy plan that you put forth at this time is going to have great rewards and benefit for you.

    The Ace of Wands Advice

    When you get the ace of wands in an advice reading it can mean a serious “call to action.” The call to action requires that you first make a decision then it is time to commit yourself. The Ace here urges one to go ahead with new possibilities and opportunities. There is also a focus on personal growth. Drawing the Ace of Wands in the advice position can mean you need to command attention and respect. It is important to listen to people around you and realize there is a “call” to action in going forward. all the shots going forward. The advice here is to have authority, make sure you sway others to your way of thinking. Maybe you need to think about taking a different approach to something new. Being a pioneer for example.

    The Ace of Wands Love Reconciliation

    This is a great card to draw for love reconciliation. The card can represent being flexible about opening up to a new type of relationship with the man or woman. As this is a “yes” and “love” card it can mean that you will face a new chapter with this person and are likely to get back together, as long as you are both flexible.

    The Ace of Wands Love Friendship

    The Ace of Wands gives one a super enthusiastic “yes!” and this means that you may have tried to initiate a friendship. There is something about the approaches and attention of others and this is a positive sign for being close to someone. Try to resist the temptation to tell all your friends about your life, instead ask friendly-type questions. If you have been thinking of starting a friendship with someone this is a great card to draw.

    Reversed ace of wands

    The Ace Of Wands Reversed

    Because the Ace of Wands is a card about excess power, indulgence, and has a sexual tone, when it is in the reversed position it can often indicate these aspects in your life are present but out of balance. Whereas when the Ace of Wands is upright the power is directed and has focus, in the reversed position the power pours out and can affect multiple areas of your life. Often it will indicate being out of control or a lack of balance in a relationship. You may feel that you are caught in a power struggle and feel a lot of resistance around you. Creativity is present but again, not focused. In times where the Ace of Wands reversed it is time to reign yourself in and center yourself. Allow your focus in work or finances to settle and avoid stretching yourself too thin.

    The Ace of Wands Reversed - Love and Romance

    The Ace of Wands reversed for questions on love and romance can indicate that you are having too much of a good thing. For feelings, the Ace of Wands reversed can mean that an opportunity is fizzling out.  Generally, it means that someone (in the relationship) has already decided on the course of action they wish to follow. As the upright signifies love, romance, and happiness in the reversed position the ace of wands can suggest something is being blocked, such as impotence or flat libido. It can simply mean that the “passion” in a relationship has diminished in time.

    This can also signify that you need to turn your sexual energy inside yourself and work on yourself and internal constraints. If you have drawn this card based on somebody’s feelings for you, it can indicate that they are losing interest or perhaps suffering from some type of acute depression. The most important element of this card is if we reverse the Ace of Wands, we can still see the roots of the tree so there is still hope that in love someone may not let you down. At times I’ve drawn this card when self-growth is needed in a relationship. Very occasionally the ace of wands reversed can represent starting something new. And in this case a new relationship,  but there are going to be struggles , and the opportunity may not manifest itself. Alternatively, this card can appear when you are frustrated about a love affair. Perhaps you simply lack the energy to get the love that you need or feel deflation.

    The Ace of Wands Reversed - Family and Home

    In the family and home spread the Ace of Wands reversed can indicate feeling powerless. It can mean someone has let you down and is best to review and consider your plans or goals for the future. The good news is that in the reverse position the route appears in the sky, therefore there may be some new expectations. In the reverse position, it can also represent an unproductive relationship or trouble with somebody who is rather cruel.

    The Ace of Wands Reversed - Work and Finances

    In terms of career, the Ace of Wands reversed emphasizes the need for inner strength and power. This is to overcome rejection or mixed up goals. If you’ve applied for a new position at work it can mean that you are going to be “turned down” this may be for a reason. It can also mean that if you achieve success in gaining a new position (either through work or finances) then it is not the right time. In regards to money, the ace of wands reversed shows that you need to “plant your ideas” in the spiritual world. How can you ever achieve something if you don’t know where you’re going in terms of yes or no this is a “no” card. But it emphasizes the need for strength and power to turn it into a positive result.

    The Ace of Wands Reversed - Health and Wellness

    In health and wellness spreads the Ace of Wands reversed indicates that you need to look more into the magical perspective of others. Obviously, the ace represents a new start. Pulling this card indicates that you need your inner strength and power in order to remain healthy. Generally speaking, the Ace of Wands can represent a new change on the horizon,  This is somehow being blocked and is not manifesting.  It can mean that you are feeling frustrated and misplaced.

    The Ace of Wands Reversed - Personal Spirituality

    You might resist change and be reluctant to take on certain elements of life when the Ace of Wands reversed appears. It can indicate that your creative energies are blocked. Alternatively, somebody may be letting you down.  I do feel this is a time for “setting goals” but on an energetic field - you are feeling weary of reluctant to take on spiritual self-growth. The placement of any Ace reversed in your spread points to emphasize like a command you need to look at your spiritual goals.

    The Ace of Wands Card Keywords Upright

    • Positivity
    • Braveness
    • New start
    • Self-development
    • Intuition
    • Romance
    • Inspiration
    • Vitality
    • Good health
    • Wave of creativity

    The Ace of Wands Tarot Card Reversed Card Keywords

    • Lack of motivation
    • Disturbing event
    • Feeling sick
    • Self-doubt
    • Stagnation
    • Feeling Stuck
    • Slow progress

    The World


    The World Tarot Card Meaning

    The World is your oyster when you see this card in your reading.

    Like with the Wheel of Fortune card, it is indicative that there is luck on your side and that the universe is looking at you favorably. However, when the World is present it says that things are definitely looking up and that what you want is at your fingertips, you simply have to reach out and take what you want. When you see this card in a reading it is a reminder that all things are possible and that there are endless forces at work that you can’t see.

    This card is a very personal card. It is often compared to the Wheel of Fortune card because it carries similar weight and meaning. The main difference between the cards is that the World reflects the present and now. Even in a past or future position in a reading the card carries positive energies that affect your present standing. The luck from the Wheel of fortune card pays off and becomes true reward. The reward from the World card is similar to the feeling of winning or being triumphant. Thy symbolism on the card in the Rider-Waite deck is largely based on completion or reaching the end. The World is the last card in the major arcana of the tarot and at the point in which the story would normally start over. It can symbolize a prosperous end to an aspect in your life and new beginnings coming forth soon.

    Now is a time to allow yourself to shine, relish in what you have accomplished, and perhaps even brag a little bit. There are aspects in your life that one would consider worthy accomplishments and it’s okay to take a little bit of time to celebrate them. Also, understand that with the ending of one journey that it is simply the beginning of another. Strive for greatness in a task that you are working to complete right now and be assured that the hard work you are putting in will pay off.

    The World in Love

    When a person in love finds the World card in their relationship reading they can know for certain that they are on the right track. Usually, you will see this card come up when one stage of the relationship has ended and things are ready to take a more serious turn. In a future position in a reading, it is very promising and shows the potential for growth and a deeper level in their relationship. Consider taking a step forward on your own in the relationship at this time. Whether it is moving in with your partner, making a purchase together, or if you have been thinking about having children now is an excellent time. The World also is a good sign of fertility in general. For women looking to get pregnant, it shows that the timing is also right.

    This card talks about bounty, completion, and satisfaction. For those seeking love or feeling on the lonely side, it is a favorable sign that you are internally and emotionally ready to move ahead into something new. Consider how you have been coping with the past regarding love and you will likely find that a weight has recently been lifted or that you are feeling more ready to proceed to find something new

    The World in Health

    Regarding health, the World is a card of healing or defeating illness. Have you been feeling sick lately or worried about someone around you? The World bodes well for recovery and is often seen once the illness has passed. In some cases, it will also be a good indicator of mental or spiritual health as well. It shows that you have found completeness or a sense of happiness or peace that you have been much needing.

    Specifically, concerning surgery or a trip to the hospital, this is a favorable card. Especially common, the World will present during times of intense worry in order to reassure you that you will be alright. At this point, everything has already been set in motion and you have done everything you can. Allow for help and assistance to increase health and let the professionals do their job.

    The World in Work and Wealth

    The World card brings news of wealth to the financial department and is sometimes accompanied by winning or finding a decent amount of money. It is not a good time to take risks… rather you should allow time right now for hard work to pay off. The work you have already put into place will find a reward for you. If you have been looking for a job you have likely already applied or interviewed for the job that you are going to get.

    Reversed World

    Reversed World in a reading

    Like many reversed major arcana cards in the tarot, the World card carries an opposite meaning when in the reversed position. This card placed upside down indicates stagnation, lack of success, and disappointment. Consider what you have been putting a lot of energy into and seeing no rewards from. Focus your energies on healthy outlets and make sure that you are doing all you can to ensure positive outcomes. Avoid high-risk behavior or making drastic changes. You will likely know what area this card is referring to as the efforts you are putting out are stronger in one area of your life than all the others. Rather than indicating that everything is wrong in your life, the reversed World card is calling you attention to one aspect. The World is one of those cards that tend to be positive, no matter whether upright or reversed.

    While upright it shows everything that you need or want at your fingertips and is positive for the future, the reversed World still states that you have opportunities around you, you’re moving forward and that positive situations are coming. However, changes may be slower than expected or not as great as initially anticipated. You may need to work harder to get the results you want. There may one more unexpected hurdle ahead of you. Don’t give up. You may feel like the weight of the world is resting on your shoulders, but the end is near. Keep moving forward, trusting in the original plan but being mindful of any changes that you can make to improve your chances of an outcome.

    Associated Keywords: The World in reverse position: Reminder for self-reliance, Perseverance, Determination, Lackluster rewards, Feeling frustrated, Extreme stress, Fleeting success, Life lessons, Anticlimactic results, Narrow mindedness

    World Reversed Love and Romance

    For love, the World in any form indicates growth and symbolizes positive changes in the department of love. Romance is in the air but you want to be sure that you are making time for it. If you’re looking for love, chances are that you are about to find a potential partner without looking. There is someone for you out in the world and the reversed position of this card is a good sign that that person is close. You likely know your next potential lover but are not close friends. Keep an eye out for a special someone flirting with you and remember that love sometimes comes from where it is least expected. For those with an established relationship, the World card reversed shows slow but positive changes. It is a reminder that you may need to make more time for your partner or that you should let the little things go.

    World Reversed Family and Home

    When we see the World reversed, it often reflects on a person who is not seeing the whole picture. If a vacation or travel is in the works, be wary about your plans. There is a warning for you in this card saying that your travels may not go as planned. It’s not a horrible omen indicating danger, however, it can show travel delays and minor difficulties that may leave you feeling frustrated, especially if your travel plans are strict. Be flexible and you should come out okay. This is the same lesson for family interactions. Troubles at home are likely being caused by some narrow-minded beliefs, pickiness or critical thinking. Remember that your home and family are the foundations for your world. Encourage growth, seek opportunities for interpersonal connection and allow for others in your family to do their own thing. Consider ways that you may be judgmental or unfair regarding people who live in your home or that you consider family.

    World Reversed Work and Finances

    A good sign for new work and promotions, you’re going to get what you have worked for but unless you really polish your efforts at this time, you may not be as pleased with the results. Lack of flexibility or inability to go with the flow can restrict success. Consider your views about your work environment, people that you work with that may rub you up the wrong way and these feelings can be hindering your efforts to advance your position or finances. Take time to network and to think outside the box. Additionally, be mindful of your own attitude. Narrow-mindedness is a common association with the World reversed and chances are that you are not being fair in your assessment of others. On a larger business scale, the World reversed indicates business and government setbacks, symbolizing a hostile world or business environment wrought with friction, sometimes caused by a point of corruption within the ranks.

    World Reversed Health and Wellness

    In a reading regarding earthy topics of health, wealth or wellness, the World reversed shows a rigid or traditional world view that is stubborn in sticking to traditions. With the World reversed, you may want to check your health. Physically or mentally, you are likely feeling fatigued. Stressors in your life may have recently turned your life upside down, but realize that there is a lot of positive going on around you right now. The World reversed reminds you to take stock in small positive changes and to not to be too hard on yourself.

    World Reversed Personal Spirituality

    Consider the repeating patterns in your spirituality. These can be seen clearly when you focus on emotions that you feel on the regular. Your emotions are a good indicator of your overall spiritual wellness. With the World reversed in your reading, chances are you are feeling angst or lacking inspiration. Think about broadening your world sense, take from religions or cultures around the world or travel to see the world in a new way. If you have been actively working to manifest through spellwork, prayer or other means, the World reversed reminds you to be vigilant in your faith and to be mindful of negative thought patterns that may be thwarting your efforts. Incorporate awareness and mindfulness techniques into your practices, such as affirmations or positive mantras, to reinforce any desires that you may have been aiming for on a spiritual or magical basis.

    The World Tarot Card Keywords Upright

    • A new order
    • Victory and success
    • Obsession
    • Someone thinks the world of you
    • Good health and strength
    • The world is your oyster

    The World Tarot Card Reversed Card Keywords

    • Depression
    • Excessive demands from others
    • Opportunity to start again