The Celtic Cross

The most popular and well-known of all of the tarot spreads is the Celtic Cross 10 card spread. Get your free reading below.

Eight of Swords Tarot Card
Eight Of Cups Tarot Card
Page Of Swords Tarot Card
The seven of swords tarot card
5 Cups Tarot Card
The Sun Tarot Card
Five Of Wands Tarot Reading
Knight of swords
The Page of Pentacles Tarot Card
Wheel of Fortune

Card reading

Eight of Swords Tarot Card

The Eight of Swords

The Eight of Swords is commonly known as the card of victimization. You fear pain and restriction, yet that which you fear is exactly what is blocking you the most. You are going through a season where you do not trust anyone and you worse you are constantly doubting your own abilities. You are perpetuating this cycle by trying to battle more than one issue at a time and that is part of what is causing you debilitating indecision.
Eight Of Cups Tarot Card

The Eight of Cups

The Eight of Cups can be a very hard card to have in a reading. From the looks of the card itself, you can get the feeling of loss. A man walks through stagnated water and is leaving the cups behind him. The water around you right now is stagnant like that which the person in the card walks through.
Page Of Swords Tarot Card

The Page of Swords

You are starting over again after the desolation of the Ten of Swords caused you to hit rock bottom. You are making positive changes in your life at this time, and that can only ever bring great reward. It is understandable to have this kind of fear, but rest assured the Page of Swords will help guide you through this new existence. You are making positive changes in your life at this time, and that can only ever bring great reward.
The seven of swords tarot card

The Seven of Swords

The Seven of Swords is a card known to many for its different challenges. The importance of communicating yourself at this point, in your most honest way possible is that at this point in time you are traversing a potential trap of getting stuck into a lack mentality. Mental projects that you have applying efforts to be carried out into the physical world so that you can materialize your ideas into reality and so that you can see concrete results that you are proud of.
5 Cups Tarot Card

The Five of Cups

When the Five of Cups appears in your reading, you are going through a transit of emotional disappointment. The lesson from the Four of Cups is extended to this card, but it also includes an extra layer of regret and loss over a pleasure that you thought you would get a chance to experience.
The Sun Tarot Card

The Sun

The Sun is the most positive oracle in the deck. In the Rider Waite deck the symbolism of the card is easily interpreted as the sun shines over a new baby and aptly named “sun”flowers in the background. The infant, along with the flowers growing, indicates new life and in readings and often represents a new direction. Children being born, questions of prosperity are answered, abundance of wealth, and recovery from illness are all implied by this card. As the infant rides atop the white stallion, he carries a red banner. The deck is famous for using color as symbolism and red often symbolizes power, momentum, and triumph. This card represents the universe coming together and agreeing with your path and aiding forward movement into something greater.
Five Of Wands Tarot Reading

The Five of Wands

It can represent friendly rivalry or it can be a deeper conflict that is arising around you right now. When you see the Five of Wands in a reading, be ready for some friction or competition in your life. Often this card will represent a need to be diligent in your actions at this time and make sure to cover your backside. The combative nature of the Five of Wands indicates that there is strife in your physical world as well as your emotions.
Knight of swords

The Knight of Swords

If you have received the Knight of Swords in your reading, then there are many assertive energies that are encircling you at this time. This card tends to be symboli9c of the ‘Knight in Shining Armor,’ rushing in to save the ‘Damsel in Distress.’ This is because there is no one better to come in and rescue you after a time of trouble, then a Knight. He will defend you to the ends of the Earth if necessary.
The Page of Pentacles Tarot Card

The Page of Pentacles

The Suit of Pentacles is a suit that not only represents finances, abundance and money, but it is also a symbol of abundance, home and the nurturing of the Mother Earth. When the Page of Pentacles appears in your reading, you are developing a respect for learning and new ideas; you are a young scholar, typically introverted despite your best efforts to the contrary.
Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune card is one of the most symbolic cards in the deck because it integrates Egyptian, Greek, Hebrew, zodiacal, animalistic, and color symbolism all in one card. This symbolism is true for just about every deck, however the Rider Waite deck differs in it’s inclusion of the YHVH symbols in Hebrew, which is the unpronounceable name of God. It also includes red as a standard power color showing that the universe has the power to grant your wish.