

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

To dream that you see your toenails it shows that you have experienced a chronic stage in your life and you will shortly be overwhelmed with happiness.

While at the same time your deepest thoughts will be realized by others. If you dream of cutting your toenails, this shows that someone is likely to give you a command that will improve your lifestyle. You should probably follow it.

In your dream you may have

  • Seen your own toenails.
  • Had bleeding toenails.
  • Had rotten toenails.
  • Toenails falling.
  • Seen yellow toenails.
  • Been at a beauty shop to have work conducted on your toenails.
  • Painted toenails.
  • Seen someone with more than one set of toenails.
  • Pain in your own toenails.
  • Broken toenails.
  • Your toenails.
  • Growing toe nails.
  • Red toenails.
  • Long toenails.
  • Ugly toenails.
  • Short toenails.
  • Dirty toenails.
  • Beautiful toenails.
  • You cut your toenails.

Positive changes are afoot if

  • The toenails were perfect and healthy.
  • You felt happy about your own toenails in the dream.
  • Find your rhythm to make things right.
  • Be careful with what you do and think.
  • Wake up and stimulate your creativity.

Detailed dream interpretation

Dreaming about your toenails in general means that the phrase “scratching the surface” may have been into your head lately. Toenails may also act as symbols for your stability and creativity in life, but not really much of your beauty.

If you dream of cleaning your toe ails, this means you are facing a current urgency in which you think you are giving it all, but you still have not reached the crux of the matter. You may have been giving vague solutions to your circumstance by only opting for immediate, yet short-term comfort instead of a permanent and long-term understanding.

Toenails may also act as symbols for your stability and creativity in life, but not really much of your beauty. If you dream of your toenails, then you are facing a current urgency in which you think you are giving it all, but you still have not reached the crux of the matter. You may have been giving vague solutions to your circumstance by only opting for immediate, yet short-term comfort instead of a permanent and long-term understanding.

Nail Polish

Nail polish may come in different colors, but each collectively signifies that your current methods no matter what they are will stand out in your memory. If other people in your dream see your toenails polished, then you may have been very innovative lately, or you still have the idea that your co-workers will notice new ways from unorthodox methods.

To polish your toenails in your dreams suggests that your innate creativity is aiding your focus of doing your stuff. It also means that you are improving your in-born talents to the point of being at awe of it yourself. If the color you use is transparent, then it means a good thing because you are setting up a trend that others will follow. Polishing toenails with shiny colors means that you have incorporated different energies to make you stand out, and it can also mean that your creativity is waking up from its slumber.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of toenails

Surprised. Content. Amazed. Curious. Enjoying. The toenails were giving you pain. The toenails were ghastly, or not very nice. Someone had disgusting toenails. Concerns. Worried. Reminder. The surface. Recognition. Yourself. Continuing oppression. Old and strange. Masses of footprints. Secret nurse. Unconscious mind. Rectify. Particularly unpleasant experience. The feeling that somebody has lost their way in your dream. Anxiety. True. Somebody following you. Unexplained events. Bigfoot. Unexplained consequences.

By Florance Saul
May 20, 2013